
[cough]in stolen build[/cough]
in the build when you swich to it your weapon picture stays the same(so there is no model), so if they had manipulator equiped then swich to physgun then it would stay as the manipulator model but using the physgun.
OnboardError said:
Gabe said i awhile back that the Manipulator after you get it in the game you get powerups and upgrades through the game for it making it even better... It should be a fun toy.

If thats true then i reckon, it'll be the physgun thingy that'll be the upgrade. :p
Hmm i was just wondering: If i were to sit on a table and then pick up the table, would i be able to transport myself over like a gap or even just fly around, like they do in that game Psi ops?
I reckon this could be possible, since Gordon has a set mass ingame and he can pick other ppl up.
It will undoubtly be in the final game - but it won't be part of the game so to speak. You won't even earn it or find it - the only way to access it will be through cheats.
I wonder if the manipulator has infinte ammo (or whatever)? If it does I have an idea for an infinite energy source...

Kinda cool if you could have say a chair and then but some tie(weld) some pipes to it and attach the manipulator to it, set it to attract the chair and you have a flying object!
Rebel X said:
Hmm i was just wondering: If i were to sit on a table and then pick up the table, would i be able to transport myself over like a gap or even just fly around, like they do in that game Psi ops?
I reckon this could be possible, since Gordon has a set mass ingame and he can pick other ppl up.

Er... if you're talking about what I think you are, then you're forgetting that the manipulator will be equally attracted to the table, according to Newton's third law of motion. Think of the manipulator and table as being attracted to each other, rather than just the table being attracted to the manipulator. If you stood on a table and tried to pick it up, you wouldn't be able to lift off the ground. :p
Jimlad said:
Er... if you're talking about what I think you are, then you're forgetting that the manipulator will be equally attracted to the table, according to Newton's third law of motion. Think of the manipulator and table as being attracted to each other, rather than just the table being attracted to the manipulator. If you stood on a table and tried to pick it up, you wouldn't be able to lift off the ground. :p

I think the mechanics behind the manipulator is that it makes stuff weightless, so you would be able to pick yourself up. But there would be no way to move unless you already have a momentum.
PvtRyan said:
I think the mechanics behind the manipulator is that it makes stuff weightless, so you would be able to pick yourself up. But there would be no way to move unless you already have a momentum.
I'm guessing that by tilting your self forward and the crosshair backwards you should be able to gain momentum because of your weight shifting, but then again you have no weight for this to work.
Hmm but it might be possible anyways, we'll just have to wait and see. :D
I like where hunter seeker is going, because in the vidoes when gordon picks up something with the maniuplator it moves with him, so if it just tries to pickup the chair and dosent calculate the objects welded to it then when you jump on the pipe welded to it and start walking then the chair will move forward dragging the pipes with it.
PvtRyan said:
I think the mechanics behind the manipulator is that it makes stuff weightless, so you would be able to pick yourself up. But there would be no way to move unless you already have a momentum.

That's most likely true; but if things are made weightless by the manipulator, why did Valve say there was a weight limit? Just a thought...
Secondary fire: Pick/Down
Primary fire: Shoot.

But probably you can to Sett controls on 1-2 -- Pick-Shoot
if a manipulator is used on you and u are lifted up do u think u are still able to shoot and look around? That way u can fire down upon the guy using it on you. Or you can hold someone who is holding someone who is holding someone.. like a huge set of stairs
gunstarhero said:
if a manipulator is used on you and u are lifted up do u think u are still able to shoot and look around? That way u can fire down upon the guy using it on you. Or you can hold someone who is holding someone who is holding someone.. like a huge set of stairs

players dont get picked up by the manipulator.
if it is available online well i assume it is. But WoW everyone with a manipultar! haha A MP HEAVEN gone crazy!

instead of bullets it will be Chairs, tables......dead players
if there was a manipulater in mp then i guess the coolest thing to do would be to pick up a dead body and use it as a shield...hehehe
Who is delete my post?
And why?
I wrote 'bout HL2 Relase Date, on PC-Zone.
just re-post it and see what happens
I know what will happen, same Super Moderator will delete my post.
I post link with the picture of relase date, NOT the PICTURE, just LINK.
On picture was wrote: Issue 142: Jun 2004. And picture of HL2.
I said, Half-Life 2 will realy relase on Summer.
And after that, somebody delete my post.
David said:
I know what will happen, same Super Moderator will delete my post.
I post link with the picture of relase date, NOT the PICTURE, just LINK.
On picture was wrote: Issue 142: Jun 2004. And picture of HL2.
I said, Half-Life 2 will realy relase on Summer.
And after that, somebody delete my post.

:dozey: A link is as good as a picture. Use some common sense and stop flaming the mods for doing their job.
David said:
I know what will happen, same Super Moderator will delete my post.
I post link with the picture of relase date, NOT the PICTURE, just LINK.
On picture was wrote: Issue 142: Jun 2004. And picture of HL2.
I said, Half-Life 2 will realy relase on Summer.
And after that, somebody delete my post.

Even if scans were allowed, what does that have to do with the topic of the thread?
well incase anyone got confused the topic is about manipulators and there effects whether it be with NPCs using them or in MP, not about why a link to a pictures dispaying a unoffical release date was deleted.

Anyway I think it would be amazing if someone could pick up a explosive tank and aim it at a target then have a second person knock off the valve. Instant fun.
Why unofficaly relase date?VALVe was say: "Relase date is on Summer 2004."
So, Jun 2004 is Summer.

You want answers 'bout Manipulator? Fine, here's.
Read and Cry:

Yes, Manipulator is sett for Multiplayer and Singleplayer.

You want to find out something new?
Just ask ME.
that isn't a date! it is a season they are shooting for and i never saw your picture i was just going on what was described how that had anything to do with manipulators i dont' know
The manipulator sounds a lot of fun but i hope it doesn't become the only thing people use in mp. It would be cool for opportune moments ie you are out of ammo and spot a rock or barrel to nail your foe with, but i want to see fun wth guns too.
Every people in HL2 Multiplayer could use Manipulator.
My brother and me was shooting the barrel betwen us.
It's been fantastic.
And after that, i kill him with the bowl of water.HeadShot u vugla.
You. We're not sure what the heck you're talking about.

If it's beta info, expect trouble from the mods.
someone just look at the pictures.. so he will stop pushing it down everyone's mouth
No, Rick E. was give me information...
Well ofcourse you can use Manipulator, like other people over LAN.

What is: Trouble with mods?
Some fruit?
well if u ever set out to confuse me.. you how now completed your objective. I am like a lost red headed step child
David said:
What is: Trouble with mods?
Some fruit?

Yeah, they're bananas.

Ack, I kill me...

No, Rick E. was give me information...
Well ofcourse you can use Manipulator, like other people over LAN.

1. Rick Ellis gave you the info? Post it in the Info From VALVe thread, then.

2. What the heck is this picture you keep going on about?
gunstarhero said:
someone just look at the pictures.. so he will stop pushing it down everyone's mouth


Sorry, but that was soo goood
:cheers: be a friends
David said:

Sorry, but that was soo goood
:cheers: be a friends

well.. i have to say i enjoyed your pic. I take back MOST everything i said that was bad about you ;)
During this post I shall use subliminal messaging.

Well to me it sounds like our friend here has been playing a bit of theBAN HIMold leaked code. I'dHE'S PLAYED THE BETAlike to this this email from Rick. AndHE'SNOT VERY GOOD AT LYINGwhy did you show that picture of PCZone? WhatWHY SUCH AN UNORIGINAL FORUM NAMEhas that got to do with anything?