many 9/11 conspiracys debunked.

Hitler did it.

Stalin tried to stop him, but he was too late.
It all makes sense now!!!

/slaps forehead in amazement
I dont believe in the conspiracies, but some of these "debunking" videos are rather vauge, in the video where they supposedly unfold the truth about the makers of Loose Change, they criticise them for not have a college education...OH NO THEY DIDNT HAVE COLLEGE EDUCATION THEY MUST BE WRONG OMG THEY ARE SO UN-INTELLIGENT :|
I dont believe in the conspiracies, but some of these "debunking" videos are rather vauge, in the video where they supposedly unfold the truth about the makers of Loose Change, they criticise them for not have a college education...OH NO THEY DIDNT HAVE COLLEGE EDUCATION THEY MUST BE WRONG OMG THEY ARE SO UN-INTELLIGENT :|

Their thinking if probably more along the lines of "These experts who were trained and went to college in their fields probably carry a lot more weight in this argument than the bunch of guys who have none of that education."