Map dissapeared in Hammer..



So, I was mapping in hamer, with no problem, not making anything bizzare or what-not. Anyways, I go to compile and it gives me an error at the end.... suchandsuch.bsp not found.

I thought "wtf" and closed Hammer and reopened it, and loaded my map.... only to find there was nothing in it. It was completely empty, just as if I clicked file > new.

Anyone have any ideas here? The only file I saved my map under was that one, and whenever I open it it's completely empty. I even have an old .bsp from before I got that error, so I know it was working before.

If anyone is wondering, what it ACTUALLY said was "4 Solids were removed due to errors" (those solids being just plain old func_rotatings, not triggers or relays or anything weird), then the entire map was gone upon loading.
check the visgroups to make sure you didn't have everything 'switched off'. the compiler tools will only compile what's visible in hammer at the time you start the compile
I got the same problem today, but my map didnt dissapear but it sais that it cant find the file.. really wierd.. workt last night.. and for me it sais that 3 solids where removed due to errors.

"The command failed. windows reported the error:
Cant find the file"
because you made a displacement a func_detail, which you shouldn't, and it's unnecessary since displacements don't block VIS anyway
I'd open up my map in notepad and check for odd entities and suchlike....

But that can be a tad boring if you don't know what you are doing....
If the file could not be found, then the file was not generated, because of an error earlier in compilation.

Now, as for Hammer not opening the map, that tends to be very bad. If you can't open the backup file (mymap.vmx) to retrieve some data, and you can't edit out bad stuff with Notepad++, you may well have lost your work.
UltraProAnti said:
check the visgroups to make sure you didn't have everything 'switched off'. the compiler tools will only compile what's visible in hammer at the time you start the compile

What the hell... they WERE turned off. That was bizzare.. I never even touched the visgroups before :p


Oh yeah, and any idea why a func_rotating would say there was an error and dissapear itself? The textures were a metal wall (which worked fine elsewhere) and a halflife/black... could that be it?