Map Naming (de, dm, cs, etc.)

Sgt. Redneck

Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
I know what cs (Counter Strike) and DM (Deathmatch) mean, but what does DE stand for? If you know any others, please post them and their meanings.
cs is for hostage recuse maps.

de is for bomb-based maps.

fy is for shitty maps involving no talent.

That's all I know aside from the obvious tdm and ctf :p
Haha. I take it you are not an iceworld fan. What does fy really abbreviate?
Everyone has a different opinion. Fight Yard, Friendly Yeti, F-ing uglY, no one really knows. I say it's Latin for "shitty maps that require no talent."
I thought de stood for defusion. And fy is fight yard. I wouldn't be suprised if the first "first yard" map was "fightyard.bsp"

Things tend to start that way.
Lol. No offense or anything, but CS isn't really any brain game to begin with. You COULD put a lot of thought into it, using good squad tactics, constantly developing new strategies to pwn on each level, etc, but hardly anyone other than a few of the clans do. Mostly it's either n00bs running around shooting everything they see and 'vets' who pick one thing to do on each map and do it again and again and again and again. IE snipe, since CS is such a sniper friendly map. I never see hostages actually getting rescued, and it seems like at least half the time one team just kills the other instead of even bothering with planting/defusing the bomb. There's not much 'strategy' in it, which is why it's a good game to just sit down and relax with. FY is just a more honest way of going about it (yay, lets just shoot shit!!!)

Lol, just a little random ramble. No reason to kill on the time honored frag fest.
You've been playing in pubs my friend... never even seen the real CS..
Hey hey hey! There's good FY maps around, ... or well there were. I believe CS 1.6's fy_pool_day was excellent.
FY maps don't involve any talent, that's right. But, it involves fun. And that's what counts.
OH someone redid pool day for Source and it is called fy so I have to agree with Dead-Inside, Pool Day rocks, and because it is fy, I conclude all fy maps do NOT suck.
fy - fight yard (it is.)
cs - counter strike
de - detination
as - (from the old 1.6) assasination
aim - aiming map (not sniping)
awp - duh
dm - deathmatch
tdm - team deathmatch
ctf - capture the flag.

Counter strike may have been 'n00bs' running around on public servers, but that was just people having fun on a game. GAME. you no what a game is right? a fun thing? also, you have obviosly never LANed or been in a clan... ah the good times developing stratagies for each map, saying at the start of a roud, 'ok guys, theyve been sniping us from behind so everyone stock up on nades and we'll pull a plan c on them'...
public servers are for people to get better at the game not go around pawning!

ooh, and before you critisize any map types, geez, lighten up, its your own choice, dont play if you dont want too! personally, my sniping skills would be nowhere if it wasnt for all the awp and aim maps I played.
omg...what about SURF! making one right now...all i gotta do is compile it and im done....Surf_Egypt
yeah.. it only EVER worked in clan games or torneys cause on public servers noone plays as a team.

ahh SURF maps! the only REAL way you could tellif you where 1337 or not. I spent about 5 hours on my first surf map by myself, trying desperatly to get into that ####### pool of water! its impossible!

then I did it and realized the next day that noone cared. :(

but yeah! a surf map would be soo cool! Im thinking of making one where the T's surf towards the CT's with shotguns veerrry fast. the CT's only have scouts, so the outcome is based entirly on their sniping skills - can they pick the T's off before they land, or will the T's jump off the slope and lande next to them with a shotty in hand? :D

one thing Im gonna find fun is putting a glass window inbetween them. so the T's cant get through and hit against it and fall to their doom. but the window will always be brocken because otherwise how can the CT's shoot them? and also the T's can react quickly and pull out their shotguns JUST fast enought to shooth the glass before they hit it!
so... what's the .. for VIP maps?

(why has nobody in this thread got an upside down avatar... where's the spirit? :D)