Map Release - The Battlefield



Map Name: The Battlefield
Download here:
I will post pictures and not links so you don't have to click (56k beware).









It looks like that but oh so much fun. This is my first map btw. I am moving onto another map with the fun stuff I have learned here.

If you want to make a map standout, give it a theme or some sort of purpose.

Don't just make a big room with cool textures, slap a bunch of weapons and some place to camp, then call it good.

I can appreciate your attempt to make a map, I can't even hardly play the game yet with any skill. ;)
It's just a bunch of random stuff. Work on a more themed map.

PS: All of the ammo bins probably aren't such a great idea.
Sorry, but that's not the best map... Even if it had a theme, you are going to have to up the geometry complexity a bit...

I am working on a map myself :)

If I had to describe your map in one word, it would be Fenric's idea: Uninspired.

Any why call it a battlefield!? I mean, if you call that a battlefield, wouldn't any place you fight in be called one?

We already have enough of these... Anyone could make one..

I am looking forward to your next map though :O Hope you improve.
Although it is "bland", it does look fun. Nice first try. Good luck on your second one.
Add it some nice textures, make a sky ( :lol: ), and some better geometry and move the explosive barrels a little. It's just a ... bad map :\

But really much better of what I can do. :p
Meh, the map with that same name, is better imo.
But, I give you points for it being a first.
-5 for liking Fu Manchu.
Compare these maps to your map:




You see? They ar much better. I think that it's a nice first map, but not a nice playable map. :\ Keep working till you reach perfection. :D
Come on, it's his FIRST map. Altough I do agree with most comments, cut the guy some slack. At least it's not a grey cube with fullbright.
watch a nice movie before u making a map that helps!
get inspired by the movie and so on it really helps
i think it looks great and fun to play. I tryed to make a map and its too hard for me.
There is nothing to use to your advantage it seems.....and with all that ammo, you'll die quickly :LOL:

The best part of maps is when you have a fort that you can hold and defend, and for people to attack :smoking:
Looks like a bad HL map.

1. Hollowed out cube with stuff in it
2. Way too many weapons
3. Makes no sense whatsoever..

Sorry. Btw: I'm working on my first map, so feel free to tear into that.

Anyway, work more, and better things will come :)
I wouldn't even know where to start in making a map :\

Good first effort. Don't take the criticism to heart as everyone has to start somewhere including the blatantly more experienced guys who made the more professional maps shown. :)
I can't be impressed by the pictures of those maps... When talking DM, the pretty textures and detailed brushwork make no difference in gameplay. (Ofcourse it should be decent.

Like in that first one, there is an explosive barrel in a very cramped area. Bad. If someone chucks it he will kill himself.

But they do look very pretty :) They would make good SP maps...
The tile textures that you have undearneath that walkway makes it fugly.
The Dark Elf said:
Uninspired and dull. Sorry.

its also very crapply thought out, you need to take into acount how Deathmatch is played and not just stick all the weapons in one area. It would not at all work and play well at all. I would rather have a crowbar fight in a box since it would be more balanced.
Like in that first one, there is an explosive barrel in a very cramped area. Bad. If someone chucks it he will kill himself.

And his 50 barrels wont do the same? :p

And sorry, but that argument against the first screenshot is null because that barrel isnt in the beta build anymore, and i never saw many people kill themselves with it. But anyways its not there any longer. :)

And, I do have to say, for a first map it isnt as bad as some people are claiming. Just keep at it and dont give up.
I think it's a great map, I think the guys who hate it just want detail and nothing but detail.
Altanore said:
I think it's a great map, I think the guys who hate it just want detail and nothing but detail.
What the heck...

I believe I said that fancy brushwork doesn't make a map...

And I believe other people said that the map lacked any gameplay mechanics...

No-one said anything about detail..

That map is a clone of what EVERY other noobie mapper makes. A hollowed box with a bunch of weapons and props.

Why don't you try playing it if you don't believe us.