Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

Erik is looking at my memory dump. Sounds like I might have to redownload the source models gcf though, which could take awhile.
Hey, from someone who is already playing, hope you guys get it worked out soon.
Apos said:
Erik is looking at my memory dump. Sounds like I might have to redownload the source models gcf though, which could take awhile.

AAR, tell him that deletin Half Life 2 Game Content and redownloading doesn't work
nagual678 said:
AAR, tell him that deletin Half Life 2 Game Content and redownloading doesn't work

Does anyone know if redownloading EVERYTHING (including steam itself after uninstalling them all and deleting folder, and removing registry files) will help. I have the referenced memory error, and I am currently redownloading ALL OF HALFLIFE2!!!

If no one has done this yet, I will let you know how it works for me in 232 minutes ;(
Ok, I could have something guys...

I moved the Steam directory to a new drive and launched it from there.
When I loaded up HL2, the VALVe intro DIDN'T play and went straight to the menu.
When I went new game, instead of loading a single pip on the bar and crashing... It loaded up roughly 50% then stopped and went back to the menu.
I then tried a new game again and it crashed to the desktop straight away.

What I am going to do is backup the GCF files and uninstall steam and reinstall it to my 2nd HD.
Then I will see if I get the same crap.

Will report back soon.
nagual678 said:
AAR, tell him that deletin Half Life 2 Game Content and redownloading doesn't work

i am starting to think it is a simple matter that gigs of compressed info transferred then decompessed will often give errors...
Rolan said:
Ok, I could have something guys...

I moved the Steam directory to a new drive and launched it from there.
When I loaded up HL2, the VALVe intro DIDN'T play and went straight to the menu.
When I went new game, instead of loading a single pip on the bar and crashing... It loaded up roughly 50% then stopped and went back to the menu.
I then tried a new game again and it crashed to the desktop straight away.

What I am going to do is backup the GCF files and uninstall steam and reinstall it to my 2nd HD.
Then I will see if I get the same crap.

Will report back soon.

I get the same thing if you type in -dev into the advanced launch options.
Hazar said:
I get the same thing if you type in -dev into the advanced launch options.
apparently, -dev will make load only the menu when you start up HL2, THEN when you start a new game it loads everything and crashes.

in regular (no -dev mode), there are files that load when you start up HL2 itself, then when you start up a new game it crashes.

try and see for yourself, i dont think it's pertinent - seems to be only a matter of when certain things are loaded
Ok, Uninstall and reinstall went off without a hitch.
Phase 1 complete.
Looking in the SteamApps folder and all there is, is the platform.gcf
So now I will close Steam and copy over all but the platform.gcf from my backup.
Then I will load Steam back up and load HL2 and see what happens.

Did the same thing as above...
Copy and Pasting the Console entry
execing valve.rc
couldn't exec userconfig.cfg
Config file cfg/config.cfg is read-only!!
Wrote cfg/config.cfg
execing chapter1.cfg
Spawn Server d1_trainstation_01
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
models/props_combine/combine_light002a.vvd has wrong id number (0 should be 1448297545)
Model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl can't be loaded!

Host_Error: CMapLoadHelper::Init, map models/props_c17/chair_kleiner03a.mdl has wrong identifier
Hopefully this might shed some light on the subject.
Rolan said:
Hopefully this might shed some light on the subject.

it seems that the models it crashes on on loading are "random", for my part i fail on "player_model".
I think it's simple. Valve borked it. Full stop.

Now let's see if they can fix it.
I read that someone said HL;S not being downloaded could be the problem.

So I thought to start downloading it but it seems to think that I already have it.
Going to try HL:S and see if it works.
Gonna take me a looong while to redownload with the network as pressured as it currently is.
Ok apparently I only have 75% after all... Needs like 2 hours to download the rest.

Screw that...

Back to fixing HL2.
Well, if they borked anything, it looks more and more like it's just some people's gcf files (most people can play fine, even most Steam downloads). When did everyone here first start pre-loading their content?
I preloaded usually a day or so after as I had to wait for my ISP to mirror the content.
Apos said:
Well, if they borked anything, it looks more and more like it's just some people's gcf files (most people can play fine, even most Steam downloads). When did everyone here first start pre-loading their content?

rebrowse the thread, looks like it's not a matter of corrupted/what else preloads. a guy preloaded everything two days ago and it doesn't work
I got the "couldn't read memory" error on far cry, what I tried was to clock the memory down a bit, and then it worked perfectly. I didn't notice any perfomance issues so I kept it that way. If you don't want to lower the clock of your ram then it might work to raise the latency on the ram chips.

Please excuse my filthy english, english is my second language.
Ermmm, wtf

Just tried loading it up via a desktop icon and got this in the console;
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
Warning: freed a locked resource
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-4041_-2051_41.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-10688_-12864_-1403.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-10432_-13632_-1403.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-10432_-14656_-1403.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-7077_-6016_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-7077_-6016_119.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6459_-6016_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6459_-6016_119.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6576_-6016_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6704_-6016_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6959_-6016_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6832_-6016_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6959_-6016_119.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6576_-6016_119.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6832_-6016_119.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6704_-6016_119.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6439_-6016_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-7097_-6016_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6768_-6097_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-6768_-5931_26.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-14576_-13880_-1212.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-4223_-301_-7.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-4033_28_0.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-3587_-430_1.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-3311_-292_48.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-4077_-2865_-23.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-4216_-520_-23.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-4632_-2048_25.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-3516_-517_-7.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-3630_-512_-7.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-4004_-526_-23.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-2928_-288_-31.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-2752_-288_-31.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-2908_-504_-31.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-3786_-513_-7.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-3714_-371_-13.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/maps/d1_trainstation_01/c-3483_-274_-5.vtf": can't be found on disk

There is more of that spam ;o
perhps its not a time dependant issue, but perhaps rather something that borked some people's gcfs when they downloaded. Dunno.
Apos said:
perhps its not a time dependant issue, but perhaps rather something that borked some people's gcfs when they downloaded. Dunno.
i'd be surprised, because if i remember well when HL2 was unlocking there was written that it was checking the preload files.
at one stage the GCF files were renamed, I have proof as I backed them up; I beleive at this point in time there may be been some changes
Hi, same problem here, P4 2.4 512mb ram, GF4 4600 128mb 61.77

I'm re-downloading only half-lif2 content, i let u know if it works
Poking through the registry, I came across a section where it has offline = 0
Maybe if I make that 1, it won't try and connect HL2 to steam and maybe that will make it look through the GCF?

Long shot but I will give it a try.
Odin-ita said:
Hi, same problem here, P4 2.4 512mb ram, GF4 4600 128mb 61.77

I'm re-downloading only half-lif2 content, i let u know if it works
it does not.
why people don't check threads before doing/saying anything ?

Rolan said:
Poking through the registry, I came across a section where it has offline = 0
Maybe if I make that 1, it won't try and connect HL2 to steam and maybe that will make it look through the GCF?

Long shot but I will give it a try.

try JUST redownloading the source models gcf (simply close steam, rename the file so you have a backup, and then restart steam)
Apos said:
try JUST redownloading the source models gcf (simply close steam, rename the file so you have a backup, and then restart steam)
that's what i'm doing right now, i have 5% left, i'll tell if something changes
Hey Rolan, if you've tried redownloading the source models gcf, tell Erik Johnson that you did it and it didn't work.
OMG same problem !!!!!!!

WinXP \ P4 2.6 \ 512 ddr \ GF4 Ti 4800

Whats wrong ?!?
I have redownloaded:

source engine files
hl2 content

still not working.... when I got the engine files, i stopped getting the memory errors... it just crashes to desktop now
My sweet FA reference was regarding to my Regedit attempts :)

FA = **** All

nagual678 is checking the models gcf
I do not know if this helps, but HL2Fallout has a lot of people with various memory errors/graphics corruption who have fixed it by completely downloading HL:S -- apparently if that is not at 100%, some steam installs do not work -- even though they should be separate products. I am trying this now (60 min left -- damnit), and if that does not work, I will re-download ALL HL2/steam files -- long download!