map_edit: I hate you!



I'm having a problem with map_edit and can't seem to remedy it. Every time I go to use map_edit and try to use wc_create ingame I get this error:

Aborting map_edit
WC/Engine map versions different...
Dropped Skankdragon from server (Server shutting down

I've tried pretty much everything. I leave hammer open, don't touch it after it compiles. Then I go into half life 2: deathmatch to edit the nodes, and when I type wc_create, it drops me from the server with the error above.

I thought it was something to do with entities, but I've ruled that out as I've deleted all the entities in the level except for the starts and the nodes. Then it still doesn't work. I'm not quite sure what exactly I'm doing wrong here... I am quite puzzled.

have you tried this in hl2 singleplayer? Maybe the problem is that you are running hl2dm and it doesn't support wc_create?
I don't mean to revive an old post like this one, but does anyone know why it won't let me use map_edit. I've tried it in half life 2, following the instructions to compile and not change anything then run the game, but I still get the error I got above.

I've looked for this long and still haven't found an answer.