Mapping tools

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Hi i just started using Hammer after more than two years using unrealed. I really want to map for the next half life game so i want to get some practice in on the first editor. But does anyone know when Valve are going to release the new editor, or who they will release it to. Will it only be to mod makers or anyone who is interested. Cheers anyway.
Rumor has it they will release the SDK in August, and it will be available to everyone who downloads it.

The software developing kit will package all the tools to get modding, including the new Hammer.
I really hope hammer is still easy, i havent been using hammer in ages :(
I really hope hammer is still easy, i havent been using hammer in ages

From the looks of the screens we've seen it looks like they made a special effort to keep the user interface the same as the old(current) editor.
I could be very wrong, but I dont expect it to be a very steep learning curve at all.

The Punisher
Of the pictures I think it's quite the same altough with more advanced funtions. I really hope I don't have to do all that scripting within the game, that was so boring!

Anyway, you can learn hammer in just a few hours (the basics) and you will get good at it in notime. I'm really interested in that "Create Keyframe" button in the screenshots. I really hope HL2 uses UnrealEDs special keyframe system for making moving objects within the game.
But even if we get the SDK before the game is out, does that mean we would be able to compile the levels?? Because with HL1 you needed to have the cd in to play your levels? Are they just gonna tease us even move by letting us make levels but not play them?
Originally posted by FAWN
Rumor has it they will release the SDK in August, and it will be available to everyone who downloads it.

The software developing kit will package all the tools to get modding, including the new Hammer.

it's not known for sure if hammer will be included in the SDK, there is a good chance it Won't be. but hammer will ship with the game for sure.
I really doubt that hammer will be included in the SDK. It wasn't included in the HL1 SDK, plus it wouldn't be worth creating levels if you can't play them. I don't think Valve want to release a game engine before HL2 ships as they wont be a demo or anything. If they did release an engine to play maps there would be a big demand in maps online form people who want to play the game early.
Releasing the new Hammer editor early would be useful because it would give people time to get used to the new features, new entities etc. as well as getting a headstart on actually making some levels, ready for the game to be released.
Originally posted by Epsi
Releasing the new Hammer editor early would be useful because it would give people time to get used to the new features, new entities etc. as well as getting a headstart on actually making some levels, ready for the game to be released.

Having the Editor without the game or SDK is a complete waste o time. You'd have nothing to utilize.
I think allot of people are going to spend allot of time with the shipped game before they start downloading custom maps anyway.