Mapping tutorial in progress


Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Im making beginners tutorial for HL2 mapping... What you think about this "beta"... should I continue making it or forget the whole thing?

Todo-list already has:
-More images
-XHTML corrected
-better english :)
-loads of stuff
-dividing into multiple pages

So, what you think?
It's decent... I dunno why you are writing this though, where are you gonna post it?
It will be gone in less than a week if he's planning on leaving it as a thread here...
Im making something similar but in flash and is more for familiarization.

Eventually I'll be adding short movies explaining how to do things.
john3571000 said:
it can be put on the front page

I highly doubt that... no offence or anything, but is not a mapping site.
Go to one of the more famed tut. sites and post it there where they can sticky it on the tutorial page.
Tutorials hehe.

Learning by yourself is far more satisfying.
Much more satisfying, but almost every starting mapper can't even conduct a forum/Google search, let alone figure out how to use such a hard program as Hammer.
If my tutorial someday gets finished i'll put in in my homepages... Then send link to that stickied tutorial thread in this forum...