Marines? Army?

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Sep 2, 2004
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I need some help bad, I'm ready to sign up, but I don't know where I want to go. I like the Marines, you know I could go there then switch to different cores with our going through boot again, or go straight into the army. Any ideas? Any one got any views on any of the services? :sniper:
:|..................................... Go Army. Dont ask why. I dont know. :)
I thought about AirForce Ground Control.. But im not sure.
airforce and navy eat and sleep a lot better(better food and stuff) then the army and marines. But if you really wanna have an experience join the marines.
marines man, they have 13 weeks of basic, specialized training, kevlar, and enough ammo to kill those bastard terrorists. Any way im enlisting in the marines next year, ive done research into both sides, if you want to live and plan on getting deployed into combat (on ground obviously) then go with marines cause they, once again are way more specialized and highly trained. They train navy seals, rangers, i would say delta but delta got disbanded, they are the elite force of america right now. just my 2 cents. Choose carefully its your life not theirs.
waedoe said:
marines man, they have 13 weeks of basic, specialized training, kevlar, and enough ammo to kill those bastard terrorists. Any way im enlisting in the marines next year, ive done research into both sides, if you want to live and plan on getting deployed into combat (on ground obviously) then go with marines cause they, once again are way more specialized and highly trained. They train navy seals, rangers, i would say delta but delta got disbanded, they are the elite force of america right now. just my 2 cents. Choose carefully its your life not theirs.

Do you realize how hard it is to get into special forces?
im going for SF my self, been my dream since I poped out of the whom with a m16 and a cigar.
SlagOps said:
im going for SF my self, been my dream since I poped out of the whom with a m16 and a cigar.

You better be in damn good shape.. how fast can you run a mile?
im working on my running at the moment I just started running and can run a mile in 10 minutes I think, but ive only ran twice- im really going to work on that here once I can clear me a schedule.
You better be in top Physical AND Mental shape to even have a chance of making it into any of the Military forces elite groups.

I would work on doing more than a mile run before you start worrying about times. My entire time in the Marine Corps I only ran less than 3 miles 1 time, and that was the Initial PFT during the first week of bootcamp and was a Mile and a half.
SlagOps said:
im working on my running at the moment I just started running and can run a mile in 10 minutes I think, but ive only ran twice- im really going to work on that here once I can clear me a schedule.

When do you want to join the marines? becuase if you can only run a mile in 10 minutes then your gonna have to work hard as hell to bring that time down and get in better shape. also mental strength is very important.

SF are the green berets.. you sure you wanna do that? I am pretty sure Army Ranger training is a LITTLE easier and they are really good.
outpost233 said:
It's true! I got mine!
How ya likin' it, eh? :naughty:

On topic: I hear that the Berets are not a good thing to join, whatever they are and whatever that means. :| I really have no knowledge of the subject.
yea, I plan on going this summer. I get up at 4:30 everymorning, I usually do heavy weight, im going to start running and doing endurance stuff instead. I want to do one of the special forces, I would like to try some you know see how it goes for me, if its easy for me then I want to keep pushing my self, example Seals, Delta, Ground Control, Greenberret.
SlagOps said:
yea, I plan on going this summer. I get up at 4:30 everymorning, I usually do heavy weight, im going to start running and doing endurance stuff instead. I want to do one of the special forces, I would like to try some you know see how it goes for me, if its easy for me then I want to keep pushing my self, example Seals, Delta, Ground Control, Greenberret.
Greenberet, thats it, I think. Someone told me that it was very bad for those guys over in Iraq and to never ever join them.

Air force if you've got the brains. Massive amounts of technical stuff.
One of my good friends went Navy... he seemed pretty confident that that was the best choice...

So ah say Navy! :D
I've been thinking about joining up...but I don't want to go to Iraq so **** it. I can run a 7:20 mile.
I want to be on the ground, in line of fire or stalking, i dont anything to do with computers.
Erestheux said:
How ya likin' it, eh? :naughty:

On topic: I hear that the Berets are not a good thing to join, whatever they are and whatever that means. :| I really have no knowledge of the subject.
It's workin' like a charm :naughty:

I've heard that the Navy is the best to join.
hasan said:
Don't join the army. period.

I wanna kill bastard marines.

Yeah sorry to tell you 1 marine dies for every 500 camel lovers that get shot out there in iraq.

SlagOps said:
thats what I want to do tho, is be in combat

Its not like rambo dude..if you get shot you die.. the worst thing you can do is think you are invincible.

edit: i was also in desert storm..anyone else?
I dont think im rambo, I know I could get shot, just what I want to do. You know what makes me mad? Is when I hear people telling people "War isnt like counter-strike kid you will die" ... "You know ou could die right?" ... . "You wont be able to make it". Its what I want to do, but yet people think oh he just thinks he can be a soldier cause of a game. But I ask then why have I wanted to do this before I even had a game system?
So how many of you think someone who can do so much without feeling, as in killing. You think that makes them crazy?
SlagOps said:
So how many of you think someone who can do so much without feeling, as in killing. You think that makes them crazy?

Not at all..another missconception about the SF is that they are all insane when they get older becuase of the "things they have seen"...its not like that. What you do you are doing for your country and you KNOW its the right thing to do for your country..and if you dont know that then well you wouldnt be in the Special Forces in the first place.

^ if that makes sense.
Well, have fun killing Arabs. That's essentially what you'll be doing.

You'll be killing guys JUST like you. Guys who believe in a cause and are fighting for it.

The cycle of idiocy never ends.
haha I remember the old saying.. "dont die for your country.. make the other poor guy die for his"
Mr-Fusion said:
Yeah it'll be great!

In Iraq you can kill anyone you want! You can liek drop bombs on wedding parties whenever you feel like it!

Then you can just blow up people walking down the street!

It's a murderers dream!! Plus because you're American you're immune to prosecution for war crimes!! It's great!


People make mistakes. I guess when the iraqies be-head people that isnt a murder either?
im going Marine Reserves, plan to be an officer as soon as i finish school.
Marines special forces are recon marines, hardcore guys. i myself plan to fly but theres still plenty of time for me to decide.
Didrock, you know that when Iraqis fight, they don't care if they die, but you do, you care if you die. That's the difference.
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