Marines? Army?

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hasan said:
Didrock, you know that when Iraqis fight, they don't care if they die, but you do, you care if you die. That's the difference.

ok? So Mr-Fusion is wrong right? They are NOT guys just like us.. we care if we live or die they dont.. that means they will fight a DIRTY war.
KidRock said:
ok? So Mr-Fusion is wrong right? They are NOT guys just like us.. we care if we live or die they dont.. that means they will fight a DIRTY war.

They are certainly not like you, they are humans.
Navy == desk/computer job *yawn*

I recommend the air force! Too bad I could never go AF, 6'5'' is past restrictions, no blood to the noodle in zippy planes ;(

But who am i kidding, i wouldn't sign up anyway.

Edit: I sense an American vs. Iraqi debate brewing :sleep:
hassan stop man the topic is about this kid joining the marines or army.
hasan said:
They are certainly not like you, they are humans.

Ah I never knew beheading REPORTERS and JOURNALIST make people human. A dead Iraqi is a good iraqi

back on topic: I would say join the Rangers.. training is easy and you see lots of combat.
Depends on what you're wanting most.

For Quality-

Air Force
Army/Navy (Depends on for what you get stationed for each)
Marines/Navy (Navy as in ships here, depending on where and on what you're stationed again)

For purpose
Marines - Invasion
Army - Occupation
Navy - Mechanized repair, air support (repairing mechanized units/other things) Occasional waterway patrols.
Air Force - Same as Navy

Also depends on what you want to do for your specific job/special skill.
KidRock said:
Ah I never knew beheading REPORTERS and JOURNALIST make people human. A dead Iraqi is a good iraqi

back on topic: I would say join the Rangers.. training is easy and you see lots of combat.

Shut up you f u c k i n g stupid American.
From what I've heard, this thread wants to join the army because they have kevlar, and kills Iraqis.

War don't help anyone, Bush made a mistake by sending troops down there. I'm in the Swedish special forces, for mountain rangers. Or lapplandsjägare as it'd be called here. It is hard to get into the Special Forces, but it's a fun job. We don't have to do anything except international exercises anymore.

Before that, I was a pilot in the air-force for JAS Gripen, the same thing applies here.
SlagOps said:
im working on my running at the moment I just started running and can run a mile in 10 minutes I think, but ive only ran twice- im really going to work on that here once I can clear me a schedule.

lol 10 minute mile sucks dude, i can walk faster than that... seriously... i am a sophmore in high school and i run a 4:58 mile, can i be navy seal? :)

moppe said:
Shut up you f u c k i n g stupid American.
From what I've heard, this thread wants to join the army because they have kevlar, and kills Iraqis.

1. I seriously hope you get at least a temp ban.

2. Marines do not train Navy Seals. (This is in regard to a comment on the first page)

Mr-Fusion said:
Well, have fun killing Arabs. That's essentially what you'll be doing.

You'll be killing guys JUST like you. Guys who believe in a cause and are fighting for it.

The cycle of idiocy never ends.

Last time I checked the U.S. never killed tens of thousands of civilians because they had a differant religion than us. Also, last time I checked, most people who fight for something, fight for it because it's a cause they believe in. Dumb ass. Just because you don't see the beauty, or requirement of war in the present state of the human race, doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Am I saying that everyone should start a war and kill eachother? Hell no. Do I think killing other people is right? No. Do I think killing other people is right if they do wrong? Definitely. But that's my opinion, NOT YOURS, so back off of us Americans. You got beef?Why don't you buy a plane ticket, fly over here, and kill a bunch of Americans? Or, you can just sit there, on an internet forum, constantly bashing another country when you yourself won't do SHIT about it. Don't talk shit unless you're shoveling it.
Top Secret said:
1. I seriously hope you get at least a temp ban.

Because I said that he is stupid saying that a dead Iraqi is a good Iraqi. Hey, some American killed other people in America, therefore a dead American is a good American.
moppe said:
Because I said that he is stupid saying that a dead Iraqi is a good Iraqi. Hey, some American killed other people in America, therefore a dead American is a good American.

In some cases, yeah. Ever heard of Charles Manson? If I was allowed to execute him right now, legally, I would, without a pause, kill him. I'd put a .45 ACP right through his skull.

As for why I stated you should have a temp ban, you know, it's quite discouraging when I click on a thread about Marines or Army? It seems like a good thread. One of my fellow Americans wishes to join our armed forces. Hey, that's really brave I thought. The more people joining our armed forces, the less likely the draft will be put it, meaning people who don't want to go, don't have to. I'm cruising through the pages, and out of no-where I read "f u c k i n g stupid american" which, to tell the truth, is just plain childish. Yeah, he did say a dead iraqi is a good iraqi. But you know what? We just happen to be at war with some of Iraq, and emotions are strong. It happens. You think when the U.S. was fighting its war of independence, we were all like "Oh, the Brits have come to fight us, jolly good. We'll have tea and krumpits." No. We wanted to kill every last Brit, even though it was King Goerge's (I believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong) fault that we weren't listened to in our pleas to Britain. It wasn't the average bloke in Englands fault, but we still wanted to kill him. I'm sorry if History repeats itself, but that gives you no right to be an ass.
waedoe said:
marines man, they have 13 weeks of basic, specialized training, kevlar, and enough ammo to kill those bastard terrorists. Any way im enlisting in the marines next year, ive done research into both sides, if you want to live and plan on getting deployed into combat (on ground obviously) then go with marines cause they, once again are way more specialized and highly trained. They train navy seals, rangers, i would say delta but delta got disbanded, they are the elite force of america right now. just my 2 cents. Choose carefully its your life not theirs.

How can USA have the best army in the world with only 13 weeks training? Gotta be a horrible education. Seems like USA just have a crash course to get more soldiers faster!
Top Secret said:
Last time I checked the U.S. never killed tens of thousands of civilians because they had a differant religion than us.

Yep, we've never killed tens of thousands of innocents civilians. The US hasn't ever done anything like that. Killing innocents haphazardly is a tactic the evil terrorists use to try and scare people, so that those scared people will listen to them and meet their demands. Oh wait, well the US has done it before actually. Twice. Dropping nuclear bombs on two cities in Japan, remember? They were called Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Of course, we didn't have the same motives as these evil terrorists, right? Oh wait...we were trying to scare the government of Japan into withdrawing from a war against us by displaying force that would drive terror into their hearts and cause them to retreat. So no, I guess we've never killed any civilians for religious purpose (at least I can't think of any incidents off the top of my head), buy we sure did kill tens of thousands of innocents to scare the Japanese government into retreat. Terrorism anyone?

Top Secret said:
Also, last time I checked, most people who fight for something, fight for it because it's a cause they believe in. Dumb ass. Just because you don't see the beauty, or requirement of war in the present state of the human race, doesn't mean the rest of us don't.

The beauty of war? The requirement of war? What in the hell are you smoking? War is never a beautiful thing unless it's being looked upon by the eyes of a lunatic. It most certainly was not a necessary thing this time around.

Top Secret said:
Am I saying that everyone should start a war and kill eachother? Hell no. Do I think killing other people is right? No. Do I think killing other people is right if they do wrong? Definitely. But that's my opinion, NOT YOURS, so back off of us Americans.

Guess we Americans are overdue for some punishment then eh? Since you believe killing other people is right if they do wrong then. We are guilty of terrorism just like those Iraqi insurgents, and just like Al Qaeda. We've put them to shame in the terrorism department come to think of it. Those guys wish they could have annihilated two whole cities full of innocents with a couple of nukes. We've actually gone ahead and done it. The US isn't some bastion of morality. It's a nation full of hypocrites.

Top Secret said:
As for why I stated you should have a temp ban, you know, it's quite discouraging when I click on a thread about Marines or Army? It seems like a good thread. One of my fellow Americans wishes to join our armed forces. Hey, that's really brave I thought. The more people joining our armed forces, the less likely the draft will be put it, meaning people who don't want to go, don't have to. I'm cruising through the pages, and out of no-where I read "f u c k i n g stupid american" which, to tell the truth, is just plain childish.

You are an ass. Out of nowhere? Out of nowhere? The man was replying to some asshole who thought "The only good Iraqi was a dead iraqi". For Christs sake, the response seemed out of left field to you? As far as I'm concerned the reply KidRock deserved should have been much harsher than that. The only one needing a ban around here is that ass.

Top Secret said:
Yeah, he did say a dead iraqi is a good iraqi. But you know what? We just happen to be at war with some of Iraq, and emotions are strong. It happens.

Excuse me? We are supposed to be great liberators, and now you're excusing the statement saying we should be killing those we claim to be helping by basically saying "Emotions are high. It happens." You hypocrtical sack of shit. You criticize moppe for his righteous outrage and excuse a "fellow American" of his blatant, sickening statement with that?! Pathetic. F U C K I N G pathetic.

Top Secret said:
You think when the U.S. was fighting its war of independence, we were all like "Oh, the Brits have come to fight us, jolly good. We'll have tea and krumpits." No. We wanted to kill every last Brit, even though it was King Goerge's (I believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong) fault that we weren't listened to in our pleas to Britain. It wasn't the average bloke in Englands fault, but we still wanted to kill him. I'm sorry if History repeats itself, but that gives you no right to be an ass.

So you know nothing about American history huh? The revolutionary war wasn't exactly a cut and dried, black and white fight. The evidence from the time period shows the mentality to be noting like what you're describing. I don't have the time to give a history lesson. You are a shameful and pathetic excuse for an American. The only asshole here is you.
Ok, here is a long list of numbers, just for you.

1. If you actually read my post, I said for religious reasons. We happened to be fighting a war with Japan, a very bloody one, Mr. Historian. If we hadn't dropped the bomb, it's estimated that at least 2 million Japanese civilains would have died if we had invaded the main islands.

2. Yeah, I happen to think war is beautiful. It's poetic, ever hear of Shakespear? Notice how people seem to kill eachother in those plays? In the name of love? Money? What have you. Yeah, those are plays, and this is real life. I know that. The pricipal is the same. I don't know about you, but I'd rather die on the field of battle saving the man next to me than in a ****ing auto accident.

3. I sir, am no hypocrite. If I am, show me where, and I will apologize.

4. I did not start this flame war, my only intent is to say not everyone's opinion is the same, and you don't have to go on a crusade because yours differs from someone elses. The man wants to go fight terrorism. You sir, are the ass.

5. Last time I checked, people don't shoot at eachother with smiling faces. Yeah, I called moppe an ass. He also called someone "f u c k i n g stupid" because of their opinion, ass hat. No, I don't defend my "fellow american". Moppe can call the guy an ass if he wants, I really don't care. I honestly don't. To tell the truth, I think the whole Iraqi comment was an asshole like statement. But Moppe was a god damned asshole about it. Example: I think that statement about killing Iraqis was quite assholeish. NOT You and your country is f u c k i n g stupid.

6. Show me this evidence of yours, if you don't want to give me a history lesson, then don't bother fighting me. Britian refused to let us represent ourselfs, which lead to the revolutionary war, which technically,wasn't a revolutionary war. I took AP US and World History, and passed the AP test for both of them. I think I know enough about history to warrant an opinion.

"You are a shameful and pathetic excuse for an American. The only asshole here is you."

Now, this got me mad. I don't care for your opinion at all, but I'd join the armed forces and die defending it. You call me a pathetic excuse for an American? I say I'll slit your ****ing throat if you touch me. I've got a job, I pay taxes, I'm not racist, I go to school, I vote, and I also plan on going to college after the Military pays for it. My hobbies include History, PC games, Airsoft, and old cars. I don't hate middle easter people. (My neighbor is a cool middle eastern dude, crazy dude walks 2 miles to work every morning)

You take back what you said about me being a pathetic excuse for an American, because I am every bit as good of one as you are, you asshole.

I do believe this is my last post in this thread.

Slag: Go marines. If you want special forces, go army. If you want REALLY special forces, go Navy.
Top Secret said:
You take back what you said about me being a pathetic excuse for an American, because I am every bit as good of one as you are, you asshole.

I won't be taking back shit. **** off.
moppe said:
f u c k i n g stupid American.
1. Don't try to skirt the swear filter, no matter how much someone deserves it.

2. Excerpt from Closed, Deleted And Banned:
Closed Deleted And Banned: Icarus' Blog said:
I know there have been threads and posts by Americans saying pretty bad things about other countries, but why answer back insulting America? I can tell you right now those people aren't representative of America as a whole. But every time I see a user from America say something bad about another country, instead of ignoring it(which I wouldn't) or showing that person how and why they are wrong, it's often responded to with an equally derogatory comment about Americans. I'm not sure what I what I did to deserve that. I didn't insult your country, and I don't appreciate you holding me accountable for what some uniformed dickhead said about your country, but I assure you they weren't speaking for all Americans. Just as I don't expect it done to me, I don't do it to others, just because one person insults America, I don't hate your country for it, I pity that persons ignorance. Have you met every American? Have you met MOST Americans? No, you haven't. So don't go around say "Americans suck" Or "Most Americans are dumb". Cause we aren't. Those "Talking to Americans" shows, have never met me, or met most of the people I interact with on a daily basis. So if you have a bad experience with Americans, or in America, I'm sorry for that, but please don't take it out on me, because I didn't do that to you, and if I could meet the people that did, I'd be quite pissed off at them for being such a poor example of what an American should be.
Closed Deleted And Banned: Icarus' Blog said:
Just remember, when you insult America as a whole, or Americans as a whole, that is still a form of prejudice, it's the same as racism or any other form of prejudice. And prejudice doesn't have a place in intelligent conversation or discussion.

I'll give it to you that Kid Rock said some VERY ignorant things, but regardless, I don't appreciate you using 'american' like it's an insult.

Kid Rock.
I'm ashamed to share this country with you. I'm literally disgusted with you.

This is to all of you; Kid Rock, Top Secret, moppe, and qckbeam
I'm not anti-war, and I'm not pro-war, I believe war should be the last resort, and I also believe people should support their troops.

You can't have it with either extreme. You can't go killing everyone you disagree with, but you can't say war should never happen either. War should only happen when the loss by not choosing war is greater than the the loss if you do choose war.
Declaration of Independence said:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
I do believe that was the most intelligent post I've seen in this whole thread.
Top Secret said:
Just because you don't see the beauty, or requirement of war in the present state of the human race
Beauty of war?

Do I think killing other people is right? No. Do I think killing other people is right if they do wrong? Definitely.
What did the 10,000+ Iraqi civillians who've died done wrong? What is there crime? What is the crime of the resistance fighters in Iraq? They're simply fighting for something THEY believe in. The subjectivity of right and wrong in this situation is what disturbs me. Saddam and Iraq was not a danger to the world, the middle-east and certainly no danger to the U.S. If you use the "helping an oppressed people" clause, there are many other countries living under similar oppressive laws and regimes. But because there's no monetary or power related benefit what's the reason to invade?

Example of oppression and injustices
BAUCHI, Nigeria (Reuters) -- Islamic courts in Nigeria sentenced two women to death by stoning for having sex out of wedlock, but two men whom they said they slept with were acquitted for lack of evidence, authorities said Tuesday.

One part of me says us righteous westeners should invade and put a stop to foreign courts allowing such barbaric acts of punishment. Another part tells me (the part that is more convincing to me these days) that it's their culture and we have absolutely no right to tell THEM how to live their lives and govern their people.
KidRock said:
Ah I never knew beheading REPORTERS and JOURNALIST make people human. A dead Iraqi is a good iraqi

This is exactly the kind of thinking that gives the US a bad name in my opinion, as demonstrated in this thread.

Can you truly not understand the difference between terrorists and an entire nation of people?

By your way of thinking, since Timothy McVeigh was American all Americans deserve to die. I don't know about you, but I prefer not to be judged on the actions of a few extremists.
Woops, I'm sorry. Lack of intelligence by some other members has caused me to post again:

Mr-Fusion said:
What did the 10,000+ Iraqi civillians who've died done wrong? What is there crime? What is the crime of the resistance fighters in Iraq? They're simply fighting for something THEY believe in. The subjectivity of right and wrong in this situation is what disturbs me. Saddam and Iraq was not a danger to the world, the middle-east and certainly no danger to the U.S. If you use the "helping an oppressed people" clause, there are many other countries living under similar oppressive laws and regimes. But because there's no monetary or power related benefit what's the reason to invade?

Well now, if you had read my post, I stated VERY clearly that I do NOT think it is right to kill. I DO think it is right to kill IF they have done wrong. These dead civilians did nothing wrong. You should take a programming class, has a lot to do with IF's and OR's, etc etc. :)

Therefor, you can acquire from my post that I agree that killing 10,000 Iraqi civilians is completely wrong. Where have I stated otherwise? Thank you.

I won't be taking back shit. **** off.

Well, that's quite rude. It's ok though. I've got to admit though, you're one of the most childish posters I have ever seen. Now, where's that history lesson, hmm? Oh, come on. Tell me all about how the U.S. Militia used their Kentucky rifles to take out the British. Or about all the riders along with Paul Revere that told the tail of one if by land, two if by sea? Oh, yeah. There were three riders, most people forget that one... That's a good place to start. :)


I love the British, I really do. I just keep bringing up the War of Independence for the sake of an example. English kicks ass. I mean arse. :cheers:

Neutrino said:
This is exactly the kind of thinking that gives the US a bad name in my opinion, as demonstrated in this thread.

Can you truly not understand the difference between terrorists and an entire nation of people?

By your way of thinking, since Timothy McVeigh was American all Americans deserve to die. I don't know about you, but I prefer not to be judged on the actions of a few extremists.

Good post. Like those bastards that blew up the train station in Moscow a few months ago. I don't know why, but people seem to have a hard time understanding that not everyone in Moscow is packing C4 and an AK-47. I hate it when we're judged by our extremists. :(
Well this has gone on long enough.

This thread is incredibly off topic and there is a massive difference in opinion. It's not one of those things that everyone will agree on so I recommend you take it to PMs or agree to disagree.

Either way, this thread is no longer about whether the starter should go into the army or marines so it's closed.
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