Mass Effect coming to the PC!


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
PC Gamer UK has revealed that BioWare's Mass Effect will make its way to the PC a few months after its Xbox 360 release.

Now for only Gears of War to come to the PC as well (which I'm sure it will eventually).
Yep, so basically there's no real reason to buy a 360 if you have a half decent PC. Source would be nice though.
awesome!!! the last hold out xbox360 game that might have made me buy a 360 comes to the pc! huzzah!!!
Who didn't see this coming?
Brick didn't see this coming.
Nice for PC gamers, I'll probably end up getting it for the 360 at release though, even though I have a new high-end PC, I don't see the reason to wait several months when I have the chance to get it right there and then : )
cool, I have high end pc, upgrading to DX10 soon, this is very good news to me.
Neat. Now which should i get it for..Probably Pc.
Gorgon, that means you're upgrading to Vista right? I'm considering upgrading to DX10 in 2k7, I'm just worried about the latest Vista info that has been coming out, apparently you can only (re?)install Vista two times, not more.. And I'm one of those persons that reformat my computer regulary to get rid of all the useless shit I have on it, so this is a great worry to me if they don't change it.
yes m8 I am getting vista, and as long as you don't change the motherboard, you can format the HD as many times as you like.

Microsoft made Vista to register its serial number against the motherboard manufacture ID, so in case you upgrade your motherboard, you need a new copy of vista (NO need to worry if you don't upgrade the Mobo ) :)
Sweet ... can't wait to play it.

Now I don't think there's a single game for 360 that I would actually purchase even if I owned the console.
Heh, nice. So now Mass Effect, BioShock, AND Assassin's Creed are going to the PC. Couple that with Crysis, Quake Wars, and GTA IV, eventually.

Who the heck needs next-gen consoles?!

(Remembers Mario Galaxy and Zelda...oh right...)
oy, can't the xbox 360 get anything exclusive? I hate to be a fan boy, but after buying one I kind of want to see some more exclusive shit come out on it.
Yeah, it seems as though it still isn't confirmed. Would be strange for a magazine to go out on a limb like that though ... I mean you'd think they would have at least heard it from someone inside the company.

They probably are doing preliminary work on the PC version, but I doubt they'll announce anything until well after it launches on 360. This is one of the 360's only big ticket exclusives, and for me it's the only one that I care about at all. If people were on the fence and then this game got announced for PC, it could very well be the deciding factor behind whether or not they get a 360 at all.

Besides, if there ever was a Bioware game that was unlikely to come out on PC's it was Jade Empire due to its' nature, but it still made it. Mass Effect sounds like a perfect PC style game.

Can someone explain why Bioware only develops titles for X-BOX/PC? I don't think Microsoft owns them and they aren't even publishing the PC version of Jade Empire I don't think, so what gives? Is it like Sony/Insomniac where they have an exclusive deal worked out? It was especially weird for a huge brand like Star Wars to only be released on one console, especially a console that didn't have the largest market share.
This is why I didn't buy a 360. Much like the original Xbox, all the good games are coming out for PC as well. Except, unlike the original, they're not taking their good time with it :p
Woot! Posts 2 & 4 sum up my main thoughts on this, that is if it's true :E
I'm not gonna shell out 1000 dollars just to play it on PC. I still plan to get it for the 360.
Why are there so many people that have to draw a precise line between console gamers and PC gamers? Am I the only person that bought a 360 because I like the fact I could just turn it on and play a game in 30 seconds? Or because I can play multiplayer games in my front room with my mates and some bears? Or because the Media Centre capability makes watching my TV shows infinitely better because I don’t have to squint at my 19inch monitor on the other side of my room and I can actually relax with my flatmate on a nice big sofa…

All for £250, the same price as my graphics card in my kick ass rig.

I have a decent PC because I like first person shooters infinitely better on the PC (keyboard and mouse for the win). But some games just play better on consoles. Racing games and most 3rd person shooters just feel better to me, and you cant get Amped for the PC. Ghost Recon is another example of a game thats console version is 100 times better than the PC. Admittedly though, it’s a different game and might have played better on the PC if they just left alone.

I’m undecided whether I’ll get Mass Effect on the PC or 360 but because I don’t think there’s any MP element and it looks quite in depth, I might just get it for the PC so I can shut the curtains and close the door for a couple hours a week and really get into it without annoying my flat mate :) By the looks of things I don’t think the 360 controller will adversely affect the gun play.

However, one thing’s for sure. They’ll release a demo for the 360 WELL before the PC, and I’ll be able to download it (hassle free) without paying for subscription to a website or wait in a huge queue.
Well said.

I plan on picking it up for the 360 for the reasons you just mentioned. I found KOTOR to be a more immersive and movie like experience on the Xbox (big tv and no subtitles and it's like being in a SW movie :)) and also prefer 3rd person games with a pad.
I’m undecided whether I’ll get Mass Effect on the PC or 360 but because I don’t think there’s any MP element and it looks quite in depth, I might just get it for the PC so I can shut the curtains and close the door for a couple hours a week and really get into it without annoying my flat mate :) By the looks of things I don’t think the 360 controller will adversely affect the gun play.

that pretty much sums up my reasons as to why I prefer a computer over a console xbox has served me well when a friend of mine comes over to play but I absoltely never touch it otherwise ..I just cant see myself getting the next gen consoles when I barely ever use it'd be a $500 paper weight that's occasionally used for games

bottom line is that it all comes down to personal choice

However, one thing’s for sure. They’ll release a demo for the 360 WELL before the PC, and I’ll be able to download it (hassle free) without paying for subscription to a website or wait in a huge queue.

but you'll play it on pc
bottom line is that it all comes down to personal choice
If only everyone was as clever and understanding of other peoples choices as you appear to be CptStern, I have both a high-end PC(From today onwards heh) and a 360, and I surf alot of multiplatform forums, and it's really sad how people come from the 360 board to the PC board to flame, and vice versa, why can't people just let people enjoy whatever the **** platform they want to?:|
it's even done in professional circles ..I listen to quite a few gaming podcasts and even the best of them shows signs of fanboyism ..not too mention out right disdain/bias towards pcs ..gamespot is just horrible in their coverage/fanboysim ..yet they all play WoW and loved Company of heroes
it's even done in professional circles ..I listen to quite a few gaming podcasts and even the best of them shows signs of fanboyism ..not too mention out right disdain/bias towards pcs ..gamespot is just horrible in their coverage/fanboysim ..yet they all play WoW and loved Company of heroes

Hehe, did you ever hear the Black developers interview? It was amazing! When asked what he though about releasing a PC version he said something along the lines of "PC's are dead and for geeks - were only making Black for consoles because it will play so much better"

What a load of bull :)

Black on the PC might have acctualy been good, apposoed to the pain in the ass it was to play on the console :)

P.S. Yeah, I probably will buy it on the PC - I just think I would annoy my flat mate by playing it 24 hours a day on the weekend ;)
here's confirmation

It's going to be interesting to see how this pans out. It would make sense to release Mass Effect on the pc, but perhpas Bioware have some kind of deal with MS? The most positive thing i've read, other than the Gameplay pic, was in the thread linked above - 'there is a possibility that someday in the future we might make a PC version of Mass Effect.'

Other than that Bioware continue to deny it's being developed for the pc at all, let alone a release soon after the 360 version:
By the time Mass Effect comes out they'll be cheap as chips anyways. Plug it straight into your monitor and you're away.
ya ..I just cant see myself spending $600 on a console that I'll barely use ..Wii first, the other two if and when I actually want one ..sometime down the road when they hit the <300 mark I'll reconsider
blah...i totaly lost hope for modern games. i was freaking out when i heard oblivion is coming out. after i got it i played it for 2-3 days and gradually gave up. i spen't more time walking that thinking where to walk.

i'm pretty sure Mass Effect will end up in the same bin.

just the mention of it being on a console ruins my day. face it consoles tend to make games dumber. or more correct...the market makes them dumb.

tell me the truth, what was the last game that got you immersed really deep?

maybe it's just me growing up, but i don't want to!.. ;(

anyway, back on topic. i think the game will be for the most part boring.

p.s.: i remember when Unreal2: the awakening came out i got immersed so deep that in the end i almost cried. for those who made it you know what i'm talking about....Aida & co.
but this is not even my favourite game...hmm...*goes back to thinking*
p.s.: i remember when Unreal2: the awakening came out i got immersed so deep that in the end i almost cried. for those who made it you know what i'm talking about....Aida & co.
but this is not even my favourite game...hmm...*goes back to thinking*
Yeah, I felt so incredibly bad for him :(
This is Bioware we're talking about. I doubt Mass Effect will be anything less than superb.

Unreal 2 bored me to tears with its mediocrity.
This is Bioware we're talking about. I doubt Mass Effect will be anything less than superb.

Unreal 2 bored me to tears with its mediocrity.

It was bethesda we talked about.
Look, why would they bother with complexity if the majority of gamers are simpletons. They'll get their money anyway, why bother?

Face it, we are entering the era of stupidity, or reentering againg...err...something alteast.

U2 i think it was underrated.
It was bethesda we talked about.

You were suggesting Mass Effect would go the way of Oblivion, which I disagree with.

I've been following Mass Effect for a while now - reading interviews, previews, checking the official forums, watching vids etc. It looks like Bioware are really going to town this time, and are investing a good deal of time and money into Mass Effect. It could turn out to be their best work and doesn't look like it's being 'dumbed down' at all.
LOL, wow even comparing the utter trite that Unreal 2 is to any BioWare game past or future is quite hilarious. If anything, console games have gotten better and more complex. You know where original game ideas are? Consoles.
There are original game ideas on the PC too I can promise you that, just not commercial ones, but indie endavours(Spelling?), freeware etc.:)
You were suggesting Mass Effect would go the way of Oblivion, which I disagree with.

I've been following Mass Effect for a while now - reading interviews, previews, checking the official forums, watching vids etc. It looks like Bioware are really going to town this time, and are investing a good deal of time and money into Mass Effect. It could turn out to be their best work and doesn't look like it's being 'dumbed down' at all.

So did everybody think of oblivion. I think that if it is going to be their potentialy best work i'm sure they wanted everybody to experience it. therfore it needs to be dumbed down because most gamers do not want to be frustrated. they even said that it will be sort of a cinematic experience. that's cool but i'm afraid it will be to everyday action movie.

i remember when i played trough HL2 all the physics riddles were so ****ing easy. i do not blame them...why would they not want money.

LOL, wow even comparing the utter trite that Unreal 2 is to any BioWare game past or future is quite hilarious. If anything, console games have gotten better and more complex. You know where original game ideas are? Consoles.

I'm not exactly comparing it, but U2 had its moments.

I will be delighted if you show me these advances in console games. I'm sure they are but there's need to be some proof.