Mass Effect coming to the PC!

Did you find KOTOR to be dumbed down? Other than the interface being unsuited to the pc (it was originally a console game which was ported after all), it was an excellent game.
Did you find KOTOR to be dumbed down? Other than the interface being unsuited to the pc (it was originally a console game which was ported after all), it was an excellent game.

honestly i haven't played much of KOTOR so i couldn't really be the judge for it.

look, i really hope i'm wrong and that Mass effect will actually be awsome, but i'm not giving it much hope for now.

we shall see....
Have a look at this months Edge if you get a chance, there's an excellent 6 page special on Mass Effect.

'Bioware is pushing itself harderthan ever beforein its strongest areas - flexible stories and high-impact character development - while also trying to accommodate simlarly flexible squad-based shooter combat'