
Element Alpha

Oct 5, 2003
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Here's a cool vid I found, I wanted to share it with you guys. It's about the media (who could have guessed with such a title).

This is what the description says:
Everything is pulled out of context. Question everything you see. Most don't see the line between what's real and what's fabricated anymore.

Do you?

Hope you like it. If you do, rate, share and subscribe please.

As it stands today, our collective memory is fabricated by what we see in the media. With their power, the media have determined what we see and don't see and have shaped a huge part of our memory. Actual events are torn out of their context and are framed into something new: narration, cut, paste, music, colors, all aimed at certain demographics like a commercial promoting its brand. How is this representative of the actual reality? How can we still see the difference between this fabricated 'hyperreality' and what is real?

In my movie 'massmanipulation' I tried to illustrate this by letting the viewer catch himself in the act of forgetting. Forgetting that in between the cartoony colors and cool imagery, there are real people, real issues.

If you would like to know more about this subject, I invite you to look it up yourself: google is your friend, so they say. If you want to know more, start by googling some of the tags attached to this video. I'll let you pick which ones yourself.

Lost credibility when the scene with the same music as Requiem For Dream started.
You realize that using recognizable sound and images is exactly the point of this video, right?:upstare:
The point is to show you how much you assume while watching. Watch it again, you'll see what I mean (hopefully).

edit: I just realized the irony: the point of the vid is probably to show how easily you fall in the trap like our friend au-heppa here. nice :)
Last 8 seconds were interesting and should be really thought about before people act racist/sexist.
You realize that using recognizable sound and images is exactly the point of this video, right?:upstare:
The point is to show you how much you assume while watching. Watch it again, you'll see what I mean (hopefully).

No, it was still rubbish. It's not that I don't agree with it. It just doesn't have anything new to say.
I thought the video was pretty good. My thoughts:

Yes, we all are fundamentally the same in the world. We just tend to focus what's wrong with other people instead of seeing how we are the same. The rest of the world is a lot farther along then we tend to believe and it's a shame that most people can't see that.