Matrix based mod...

Apr 2, 2005
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Hello everybody,

I'll know I'll get some attention with such title, even people ready to flame or more the idea but well.. here it is

I didn't do much research to see if the idea was used yet, but I'm sure people here can help me to know.
So far everytime I seen a matrix based mod, it was all about "bullet time", "fast moves" and so on.
I would like to take it from another angle.

Imagine a mix of strategy and FPS genre.

2 Teams from which an Operator is selected at start (vote or so).
The operator will play the "strategy" part of the game. He'll have access to screens, maps, infos, and so on that other
players don't have. He can of course communicate with teammates but also dispatch or recall his heroes/agents.
Let's say 2 objective to fill... he dispatch units, manage to see where is the best point to attack, communicate,.. and bring them back after the mission is complete. The winning team is the one which fill the 2 objectives. Operator is changed by vote after every game.

The main idea is that, there's room for improvement of course. How to manage weapons, ammo, agents,...

Just wanted to throw the idea here and see if somebody would be interested enough to play this... and more important help to make it.. :rolling:

Sounds like a Matrix-y Natural Selection, sort of.

But yeah, I like the idea.
I think that The Specialists is enough to slake most people's thirsts for Matrix-esque combat. I think a Matrix-based RTS would be sex, though.
The Specialists have the moves, Smod has the bullet time, Natural Selection has the objectives and Moonquake made all the maps before for CS: Source.

If you can tie it all together in one mod then go for it. I must say Matrix stuff has got old now and that you wouldn't be able to use the name under copyright protection. Not sure if it would be liked by people.

Anyway, its your idea/mod, what skills do you have to make it?
Yup in fact I would more focus on the "strategy" part.. Matrix effects are nice but well, it would be "the specialist" as you said. I would really like to take more advantage of that operator option.

About skills, I'm able to provide models and maps.. can try to animate. Organic modeling is ok also. You can check my homepage for sample.. not really all mod based but well..

Sample page of mod stuff I did for another -now dead- mod

As usual, if a coder is interested the project can be possible.. :cheers:

Sounds like a mix of Empires & The Specialists...

Might be interesting though - Matrix stuff always should be...
Yup if I got for it, I just plan to use some reference from Matrix.. but no more.. not even the name of course.

I guess that having Smith agents without the name smith or so isn't a problem.. Same for Neo&co.

I don't know.. I think it may be a nice concept.. it opens the door to a lot of possibilities ingame for objectives/weapons/teamplay.
Matrix-RTS = no

The whole point of the movies was bullet time fighting put to techno
Movies were much more than bullet-time but it's not the point here.

It's "based" on the Matrix simply because it uses the "operator" system. For fun we can still use some effects of the movie or special characters.
its so old now, god i was watching pirates of the carribean the other day and there was a bullet time scene and i groaned, then a few days later we went and saw superman and there was another. its been over done to hell.
if this was 3 years ago everyone would have jumped for it but bullettime is just annoying now
its so old now, god i was watching pirates of the carribean the other day and there was a bullet time scene and i groaned, then a few days later we went and saw superman and there was another. its been over done to hell.
if this was 3 years ago everyone would have jumped for it but bullettime is just annoying now

The occassional bullet-time is not overdoing it. In the Matrix series, when it was done several times a movie, it was overdone.
Of course it wasn't overdone in the matrix films, what i mean is i dont want another 'matrix mod'
I like the sound of the operator idea but i misread his first post it sounded like he wanted another bullet time this that and the other same again mod
I completely agree with you.. but as you realised, it's not about bullet time or so. In fact it has very few to do with matrix exepted the idea of the operator. I thought that the reference to the Matrix could help people understand what I meant with 'operator'. The all point of the mod is there..
How about integrating the bullet time into the operator's setting. Like by completing objectives or beating agents, a bar fills that allows the operator to turn on bullet-time for a period of time?
I actually really like the sound of this. I can't help but think of the scene in the first film where the agents brick up the wall, and the operator has to whip through layouts and plans to find a way out.

As long as the operators interface is intuitive enough to be able to move through quickly, then it could be a fantastic mod. Just make sure there is enough for the operator to do so he dosen't get bored.
I'd like to see it as a single player game. Not multiplayer.
Or at the most, Coop.
Like whenever an agent changes something and the deja-vu occurs, it could just be like a screen flicker and moves the matrix people back a few paces. Could be stuff like blocking off doors to rooms with the telephone in and stuff.
very good idea.
Yep the key is to make the operator interface quite easy to use and efficient enough to be funny to play. But I think that with features we talked about it's a position most will want to try.. :p

The point is.. any coder interested?