Matrix Reloaded

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
In light of Reloaded being released on DVD and VHS...I made this thread.

I don't know about you guys...but the Matrix series is becoming my favorite movie series of all time. The Matrix was my favorite movie up until Reloaded came out. So many of my friends said the plot sucked, and that the movie was a let down...but I totally disagree.

The plot got much deeper and we learned much more of the real world and the matrix itself. In the Matrix, we didn't know anything of Zion, we didn't know about the different programs running in the matrix, we didn't know too much outside Morpheus' ship. Now we were introduced to Zion, with which came many new characters. We now know of the different ships and their captains as well.

Characters develop further as well. Agent Smith returns and plays a huge role once again. We now learn that Agent Smith has turned into a virus since his defection from the AI's side. He can make copies of himself by inserting his data into other programs attached to the matrix. He's become even more of a badass than in the first.

I don't wanna go into more detail in case there are people out there who haven't seen it and still want to...but Reloaded is more plot-heavy than some people like. I suppose it would be too much plot if you're just seeing it for the action.

Reloaded leaves you hanging with many questions. One of mine is, "What happened to Tank? How did he die?" I hope they explain that in Revolutions...which I might add is only 22 days away counting today...
If anyone's interested, there's an awesome trailer for it on

I give it an "A"

What are your thoughts on the movie? Or even your thoughts on the series so far?
I didn't mind the second, personally though I thought they complicated it way too much. It felt like a sequel that didn't need to be made. Also now that Neo's the one it just makes it so... boring. The first one was much more intense with the rebels running from the agents or always having a hard time with them, now Neo basically goes in and beats the bad guys up and that's it. And that superman thing was just annoying :/ I still liked it, just not nearly as much as the first.
The first movie was brilliant, the second unfortunately was a big let down for me. I'm hoping the third can redeem the series.

Quite frankly, thanks to the poor second movie I can quite happily say that in my opinion, the LOTR series leaves it for dead.
I like Reloaded, but I feel it sets a too slow pace in the beginning... It doesnt get interesting until the second half of the movie. It isnt as intriguing as the Matrix was...
The first was very complete in itself storywise, and that coupled with the great action sequences made it a very very good, complete movie.

The second however, seems to need the third movie to make it's entire point. It gets extremely deep, and gives you a lot to ponder (which is good), but leaves you hanging, as it should.

Don't get me wrong, the second movie is awesome. Bar none better action-wise than the first. That fight scene with the 100 (or whatever) agent Smith's is absolutely brilliant. However, the first at this point is probably the better film in my opinion, all in all.
The Freeway chase has to be by far one of the coolest action scenes of all time, plus with the Matrix films allowing unrealistic things to be part of the norm you see action you won't see in other movies.

What I hate are people who got confused by the whole Architect chit chat and called the film crap as a result. It's not the films fault these people cannot grasp the full English Language or research the transcript afterwards to relieve any confusion.
I totally agree, the action in Reloaded kicked ass :D
Reloaded was the worst, unneeded sequel Ive ever seen.

The Matrix rocked though.
Absolutely love this movie. Though not *as* good as The Matrix, it is still brilliant in its own right. Hell, anything to do with the Matrix IMO is just cool (Animatrix, ETM). Picked the DVD up first day.
Picked up the DVD yesterday too...still haven't watched the whole thing though.
And I was kinda under the impression that the Wachowski brothers always wanted to make more than one Matrix movie, so its not really like they just thought up this one afterwards and said "What the hell. Lets make another!"
But if I'm wrong they sure managed to pull it off really well all things considered.
I thought Reloaded was awesome. I don't see why so many people hated it, maybe they hyped it up too much.
what NO BODY here has relized yet (except the thread starter) is that reload and revelutions are 1 movie cut in half.... that's why it's slow to get into, that's why u don't understand sum stuff yet, anbd that's why u all think the 2nd one sucked.
my rant is over, thank you. :cheese:
Reloaded used far too much stuff we'd already seen in the first film. Bullet-time has alrady been used to death, yet reloaded is packed full of it. The kung fu scenes were identical to the ones in the Matrix (what was the point in the fight just before Neo meets the oracle?) and IMO the chase scene from T3 was better than the one in reloaded. The only really interesting bit came at the end with the whole "is it a matrix within a matrix?" thing.
I loved it, nice action and a nice story.
And i sorta have a thing for Monica Bellucci ;)

Only thing is when i watched it at home on dvd the CGI looked a whole lot more fake than when i watched it in the cinema. Odd.

And for the people who thought it sucked; thehunter1320 mentioned it already.

"reload and revelutions are 1 movie cut in half.... that's why it's slow to get into, that's why u don't understand sum stuff yet, anbd that's why u all think the 2nd one sucked."

It really shows in the movie i think.
Well, I think there are people that have posted other than the thread starter that realize that the second and third movie are basically just one long movie. But the brothers had the matrix planned as a trilogy all along. I remember hearing on the radio on the first weekend of it's release that they planned on making two more if the studio would allow them to. While I love many things having to do with the matrix, i'm not a fanboy. I realized this when I rented enter the matrix and after the third level took it back and exchanged it for a different rental. But I LOVED the animatrix. If you don't care for anime then you probably won't like it, but they got some of the best anime directors/studios to work on these short stories for tham and they are each amazing (there are nine). Now, I thought that reloaded was a kick ass film. The metaphysics in it went much deeper (in my opinion) than in the first film. And while some said that the action sequnces were too long, I think they were perfect in length. I very rarley go see action movies (which is why i waited a month to go see the matrix) in the theaters because the plots usually suck so bad that they make me want to wretch my popcorn back up on to the already sticky floor, but the action in reloaded was again, state-of-the-art. And then (as D33 mentioned before) the scene with the architect was actually the hightlight of the film for me. I went to watch the movie a second time just for that scene. I've heard people say so many different things about the movies plot, such as it has none, or it was too plot heavy, or it was there but didn't make any sense. I think this is proof of the brothers genious. Some poeple just get the movie on the level that zion is in trouble and all the characters just represent regular people (minus neo) in some weird sci-fi/action story. And then others get it on the next level, the metaphysical/religous level. and once you've seen it on the second level, you'll never watch the movie the same. When I first saw the matrix, I thought that what i was picking up on might have been accidentally dropped in by the brothers. But after doing some reading I realized that the script alone was amazing and could have been published as a book and I'm positive that it would have become a hit with the thinker crowd, much like issac asimov's work. I read an interview with the brothers where they were asked if the religous and philosophical refrences that seemed to be so heavily dropped throughout the movies were intentional, and they simply replied that yes, they are ALL intentional. After reading this I was even more intrigued by the story. That's when I found the philosophy section of their website. if you type in I see that they have put a link to it right on the front of their site :) . If you're interested in seeing just how deep the matrix is, then I recommend this site. It has 12 essays of considerable length there for you to consume. If you consider yourself a fan of the matrix, or think that the plot is sub-par then I really do think you should read these essays.
Oh man, if you want people to read your post, please use paragraphs.
Somehow I think I'll wait till all three are released on DVD - then buy the inevitable Box set
Originally posted by Junkenstein
Oh man, if you want people to read your post, please use paragraphs.

Sorry, I usually don't break my posts into paragraphs.

I figured that there are so few people here who even use correct english that no one was going to bust my balls for that.

Actually you're the first person to even say anything about it.

If other people have a problem with it, then I can star using paragraph form all of the time in my posts.

Thanks for the suggestion!
Thought Reloaded was a bit crap :/

No longer does it feel tense and dangerous when entering the matrix.

The agents (very cool bad guys :) ) don't feel like a threat anymore.

Neo has become more boring than ever - who cares if he dies??

Introducing rogue programs and other complications just ruins the simple dynamic of the first movie (the reason it was so great)

Oh and all of the zion stuff was complete tripe.

The fighting was good :)

The story is now so open ended that it's possible to come up with a 1000 plausible endings. This isn't clever writing imo - it's lazy.

Is a shame, the original was a classic (just pretend it's a stand alone movie and Reloaded never happened :) )