Max Payne 2 (yes another thread) shortest game ever?

This was maybe the best game i ever played so far..just like a movie..
It's not too long, not too short, and every little part in it made crap in it.

the end -credits song finished it perfectly :D

"max payne's journey trough the night will continue.."
thanks alot Xenome for spoiling yet another part of MP2... I really should stop visiting these forums :D . Although it pleases me to hear there will be a sequel , not much of a spoiler.
As much as I enjoy Max Payne it's hard to ignore the clumsy movement.

If there was analgoue movement, better AI and more 'game' - then Max Payne 2 would be a classic. As it stands it's just pretty good.
The AI was awesome, the story was awesome, the physics are awesome, Max payne 2 is awesome.

Yeah only problem was the lipsynching. Sometimes he moved his lips before he even started talking, or moved them after the words had been said.
Just beat it, loved it. But this really could have just been an expansion pack or Max Payne 1.5 really. Sure the physics engine is new and the models were improved and such, but it felt exactly like MP1 (not sayin thats bad, cuz MP1 is in my top 5 all time). I just think they could held off another year or so and cooked up some really revolutionary changes.
The only bad thing I can really say about the game is, as has been stated, quite possibly the shortest game ever, took 6 hours to beat on the first time. Anyways, if I were rating MP1 and MP2 based on when they came out and the impact they made, I'd say MP1 is a 9.4 and MP2 is an 8.7.

Offtopic: MP2 got pretty funny easter eggs. At the police station when that hocker comes in to report a crime, if u listen to what she says for a while its satire about computer games making people go violent..she says like "My boyfriend learned to aim really good with that controller!" its pretty funny :]

And when those thugs are playing the piano in the mansion...LMAO
Wow, that is short. $50 is way too much to ask for this game in my opinion, but the slow-mo ragdoll physics really are fun to play with.

I think it will be a popular modder. I know I'll try to make a mod for it (especially since Hl2 release is so nebulous).
Originally posted by manny_c44
Wow, that is short. $50 is way too much to ask for this game in my opinion, but the slow-mo ragdoll physics really are fun to play with.

I think it will be a popular modder. I know I'll try to make a mod for it (especially since Hl2 release is so nebulous).

Thats one of the reasons i bought it. I beat the game today it was so freakin short but the mods and level editor should pick it back up.
I'm on the last chapter now...but I think I'm going to take a break. My eyes feel like they're bleeding.

Anyway, is their official word on the release of the SDK? I hope its soon.
Originally posted by manny_c44
I'm on the last chapter now...but I think I'm going to take a break. My eyes feel like they're bleeding.

Anyway, is their official word on the release of the SDK? I hope its soon.
Yea ive heard its going to be sometime next week! And yea that ending sucked ****ing ass didnt it?? Story was nice though, its a good game cant wait til modding tools come out then you can get your bucks worth.
Yeah, the story was great, but extremely dissapointing ending..
Max Payne 2 is just straight ownage. Those ragdolls, the environments, TOO MUCH FUN. Even though it was short, weren't you just ****in drawn into that story!?? Killer game with a killer story. Worth the money and the time.
The story sucked, how it took 500 pages Ill never understand, it was the most basic betrayal story Ive ever witnessed.
After playing games like Grim Fandango (who's main character is in my avatar) I expect nothing from game plots, because nothing can even come close to touching Grim.

So going in with 0 expectations helps, so MP2's story wasn't that bad. I liked how they tried to put a spin on the game with a love interest, and it was handled better than in most games, but i was still lacking. azz0r is right about the simplicity, it was a pretty straight-forward betrayal storyline.

Thankfully they cut back on the metaphors a bit (still not enough though).
Thanks to OCybrManO I was able to finally beat the game.


The amount of easter eggs I have seen was quite possibly the most I have ever heard of or seen in a video game. Constantly hinting at past events from the first. I also like how they implamented the TVs as a indirect way of telling the story. I hated having to protect people. Probably the most unerving part is the whole protect vinni thing.
The physics are very good. put it is kinda strange to see a man fly across the hall just becuase you got a head shot on him and kept firing.

/me shuts up now.
Originally posted by azz0r
The story sucked, how it took 500 pages Ill never understand, it was the most basic betrayal story Ive ever witnessed.
Max Payne 2 had perhaps the most deep and intelligent story of any game I have ever played (except maybe Max Payne and Half-Life)... and the game oozes with style.

I have never seen any video game pull off a film noir theme so well or have such an Aristotelian catharsis upon completion of the game.

If you think it was shallow, you probably missed quite a few details or didn't catch some of the hidden meanings.

So, it's shorter than the original.
I think it was just right.

Every time I go back and play Max Payne 1 or 2... I think "Why didn't they get Remedy to make Enter the Matrix?"
I mean, I like Shiny... but Enter the Matrix sucked ass.

If you're done with SP play Dead Man Walking, make a thread to post your times, and see who can last the longest.

I can't wait to see what Remedy does next... hopefully something with a multiplayer component.

Originally posted by Mitoboy
Thanks to OCybrManO I was able to finally beat the game.


The amount of easter eggs I have seen was quite possibly the most I have ever heard of or seen in a video game. Constantly hinting at past events from the first. I also like how they implamented the TVs as a indirect way of telling the story. I hated having to protect people. Probably the most unerving part is the whole protect vinni thing.
The physics are very good. put it is kinda strange to see a man fly across the hall just becuase you got a head shot on him and kept firing.

/me shuts up now.

I agree the TV shows are pretty cool. I loved the fun-house design and how it tied in in his hallucinations. I didn't like any of the levels/protecting things with Mona. But I thought the protect Vinnie thing was pretty easy. And I loved the huge costume. And how he was a collector, that was hilarious.
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
thanks for ur comments :)

friends that own BF told me it gets repeative fast.. also.. about that team killing thing in Halo, i was told its very much evident in BF as well.. pple crashing planes into team mates, even tanks etc.. so i guess that sorta cancels itself out huh?

i need more opinions/comments on Halo.. how it is for pc for U!!!
was it ported okay? or do u agree with AmishSlayer's opinion that Halo for pc just isn't as good..?

one last thing: isn't there another FPS gaming coming out at the end of October? can't quite remeber the name..

BF42 used to have tons of assholes who would just shoot you down if you got into a plane before them, but now many servers are cracking down on them hardcore. It's just about finding good servers. It'll happen every so often...but not much any more.

Yeah...I dunno about Halo PC. I have been playing Xbox Halo for so long, I can't get used to just feels weird to me. If you haven't played it before though it'll be good. I was disappointed with graphics though as I said before. Things just don't look as nice. I'll just have to look forward to Halo 2. Now that game is gonna kick every game's ass except for HL2....there it'll be close (not considering any mods for HL2).
How do you pass the last level ?? with Vlad being on the top of the container ?? half of the damn floor is gone and the ****er is still in the air.
SPOILERS......... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You shoot out the orange support cylinders a couple times to slide each of them out. It will eventually fall onto Vlad's little platform, at which point you pump him full of lead.

Excellent game, just nothing short of amazing, everything about the game is so perfect, just too ****in bad its sooooo short, this has to be the shortest game ever but nevertheless amazing and gets more amazing the more I play it, I finished it now, but Im gonna play it on the next difficulty setting and explore more and get a diffrent ending.
I would buy this game like I previously planned, but for 6-7 hours of gameplay Im not willing to dish out 40 some dollars.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
I would buy this game like I previously planned, but for 6-7 hours of gameplay Im not willing to dish out 40 some dollars.

Thats exactly how I feel.
In reply to original author: You haven't played Elite Force have you? 4 hours. ;)
Originally posted by nsxownzme
Well, after you beat it did it unlock anything? Weapons? Modes?

If you beat "dead man walking difficulty", Mona Sax doesnt die, she stays alive and the rest is VERY interesting :) (so I heard).
FOR ****ING ****S SAKE GOD DAMNIT !!! :flame:

Thanks alot you basterd Hallucinogen for not adding ANY SINGLE HINT OF *spoiler* OVER THE FREAKING SHIT TEXT YOU SON OF A BITCH!

:flame: :flame:
Hope you inconvinient bastards who dont put *spoiler*-text above the damn spoiling text are happy of spoiling almost the whole MP2 storyline for people who haven't got the game yet in Europe....
CrazyHarij - stop being an asshole no-one cares that your pretending to be pissed off, kthxbye.
Ask the thousands of MP2-fans that haven't got the game yet and see if they care.
Yeah, he should've put spoilers at the top. Someone should mod the post.
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
Hope you inconvinient bastards who dont put *spoiler*-text above the damn spoiling text are happy of spoiling almost the whole MP2 storyline for people who haven't got the game yet in Europe....

Did you know that on the last level you supposed to kill Vlad ?? well you are.
And this game has few diffrent endings, there are also few secret areas, and the "cleaners" are Vlads gang :LOL:

Spolier :LOL:
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Did you know that on the last level you supposed to kill Vlad ?? well you are.
And this game has few diffrent endings, there are also few secret areas, and the "cleaners" are Vlads gang :LOL:

Spolier :LOL:

that was a dumbass move.
How come I deserved it? So you mean getting stuff spoiled is a great thing? Nope , not for me. Fortunately I didn't read your last spoiler since I was reading the page from the bottom :D

Anyhow I think you ,Sir, are a major asshole.