Max Payne 2 (yes another thread) shortest game ever?

Originally posted by CrazyHarij
How come I deserved it? So you mean getting stuff spoiled is a great thing? Nope , not for me. Fortunately I didn't read your last spoiler since I was reading the page from the bottom :D

Anyhow I think you ,Sir, are a major asshole.

Did you know that on the last level you supposed to kill Vlad ?? well you are.
And this game has few diffrent endings, there are also few secret areas, and the "cleaners" are Vlads gang
n1 Hallucinogen :/

Think why u posted that spoiler ( why the fook would anyone do that?) and then then think about the asshole comment again ... it seems valid now.
Originally posted by Warbie
n1 Hallucinogen :/

Think why u posted that spoiler ( why the fook would anyone do that?) and then then think about the asshole comment again ... it seems valid now.

I just did it to piss him off, because he called me an asshole for no reason.
Its not like I ment to post a spolier on purpose :dozey:
Hope you're very glad , Hallucinogen. And I did call you an asshole for a reason. Maybe you can guess what the reason was?

Nowadays it seems like there is no worth of buying the game because of all the ****s that have spoiled almost the entire storyline..
It was an accident, I didnt mean to spoil it for anyone, but the name calling was unaccesary, so I just posted more spoliers to piss you off.
If you would have asked nicely, I would of edited it.
1.Thank you for the mature behaviour and explanation in the post above. I guess you could understand that people who get events in the upcoming favourite game spoiled for them gets kinda upset(if not very angry), and MP2 is such a short game based very much on the story like a movie, and everytime I accidently catch a glimpse of a spoiling text it feels like a dagger in my heart (oh well, almost).

2.You successed in pissing me off , congrats ;)

3.Please, everyone that have completed MP2 , there are actually people of the species Homo Sapiens in Europe that haven't got the game released yet, and I'm waiting for it with great , although less and less for every new thing spoiled, anticipation.

4. These are the things that I've got to know thanks to other people who don't care of putting spoilers above the text;



1.Apparently you're supposed to kill a guy named Vlad ,who (I believe) is a friend of yours, in the end.

2.Mona Sax dies at the end , but not if you complete the game in the mode Dead Man walking (this made me particularly sad/angry at whoever posted the spoiler)

3.The good ol' favourite Baseballbat Boy is a model featuring the game. (would be fun having this as a surprise)

Else than this there are just stuff about interactivity such as you get to watch some TV programs that I've got to know. There are some other stuff that I don't remember now actually (Wohoo! I managed to forget it!)

*SPOILER CAUTION ENDING*****************

What I'd like to know from all you bigshots who have completed the game is ; Are these events that have been spoiled to me a huge part of the game ? Are there still large stuff/storyline events in the game that are worth seeing? Is it still worth buying the game?
CrazyHarij just relax, nothing can take away the fun from this amazing game.
I just accidentaly told u little bit ahead of the story.

Yes buy the game, its worth it, AND there is still TONS of shit you dont know about, like secret areas ;)
I'm going to get many many hours out of it when I get it. (Best Buy is sold out and is waiting for a new shipment to arrive).

When I get it, I'm going to spend a lot of time in each room smashing and shooting things up.

Just like I do with Max Payne 1. I use my lead pipe and baseball bat to hit and smash everything in sight. Then I use my various guns to shoot things-(like walls, doors, etc. I love to see the bullet holes and all the scuff marks).

I also hit the dead bodies on the ground that I just shot dead, to see if I can make them bleed more.

I spend a lot of time looking over every single detail in each room. :E
Originally posted by CrazyHarij

What I'd like to know from all you bigshots who have completed the game is ; Are these events that have been spoiled to me a huge part of the game ? Are there still large stuff/storyline events in the game that are worth seeing? Is it still worth buying the game?

what you described is basically the whole game, unfortuantely. Or the plot, anyway.
I was able to beat the game in one and a half days.

No cheats. No walkthroughs.

Extremely short.

Great game. But seemed more like an expansion pack than anything else.

(It took me eight days to beat Max Payne part 1).