maximum map size in EVERY dimension



if all dimensions where even and it was deep and wide and long how deep could you make the water, how high could you make the sky?, how long and how wide would the map be able to get with all the dimensions maxed??

basically whats the largest CUBE you could make lol
""""I think"""" it's 1600x1600x1600 or something like that
what you're talking about specifically is view/draw distance, not maximum map size like your title implies. half-life 1 had a maximum draw distance of 1024 units before you started getting weird clipping effects in the distance. since half-life 2 has large city scenes, i'd imagine it's been jacked up quite a bit. but until someone asks gabe, i don't think anybody here really knows.
16384 x 16384 x 16384 to be precicley. BTW. this has been mentioned in so many threads. try to look it up next time before you open a similar topic oki :)
why would it be a cube? the view distance would be the same in every direction, or are you guys talking about something completely different?
i dont know about all these draw distances, but hes the maximum map size anyway, taken from valve-erc faq


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What gives you the impression we're talking about draw distance?

We ARE talking about map dimensions.
Originally posted by switch
i dont know about all these draw distances, but hes the maximum map size anyway, taken from valve-erc faq

WOW thats all I needed THANKS!!!!
Slightly off-topic but still kind of on-topic, anyone know how many full-size HL2 maps it would take to make London England?
Amazing how big the maps will be in HL2,now mods like DoD will be totally different,probably include vehicles speechless
Originally posted by stigmata
Slightly off-topic but still kind of on-topic, anyone know how many full-size HL2 maps it would take to make London England?
Well they said it would take a few min to cross a map in a vehicle, so I guess every map is aroudn 5 miles by 5 miles long?
If you've ever made full-cube maps in original halflife and looked around at the distances. Imagine that with a plain full map for HL2. That would be ****ing HUGE!
if you scaled everything down in the map you could practically fit all of london on one map :cheese: (almost kinda maybe)
Originally posted by alb1221
if you scaled everything down in the map you could practically fit all of london on one map :cheese: (almost kinda maybe)

It would probably take all the computers in london networked together, each compiling a peice of such a grand sized map non-stop for several days for it to completly compile.
Originally posted by SnowBall
Well they said it would take a few min to cross a map in a vehicle, so I guess every map is aroudn 5 miles by 5 miles long?

Actualy, since every unit in HL2 is equal to an inch in real life, Half-Life 2 maps are a little more than 1/2 a mile wide.

In case you want to see the math:
16384+/- means 32768 units in total from left to right.
So 32768 divided by 12 inches to a foot, divided by 3 feet
to a yard, gives us 910.22 yards. Theres 1760 yards to 1 mile.
So HL2 maps are a little more than half a mile.

You can change the scaling to make even larger maps.

Due to compiling times, the odds are most early custom maps will not take advantage of the complete area given to us unless the mappers don't mind waiting days for their creations to compile, or atleast until PC's get even faster. (A full map in HL1 with average detail takes 4-5 hours+ on my 2ghz 512ram pc) Also, for those here who are mappers, remember to not make a map as big as possible just because you can now, but to make a map only as big as it needs to be for good gameplay. Else the notion of your map being the largest will only become a gimick map.
big map sizes aren't for multiplayer (anyone who plays cs would know that big maps aren't necessarily good) but probably for custom made single player missions/expansions :cheers: now that's unique, extended single-player play
Here's a simple question: and don't try to confuse me with yards and feets and toes (learn to count like civilized people lol)... can we expect HL2 maps to be bigger than BF1942 maps?
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Here's a simple question: and don't try to confuse me with yards and feets and toes (learn to count like civilized people lol)... can we expect HL2 maps to be bigger than BF1942 maps?

"You can change the scaling to make even larger maps."
It can be done. But the chances of anyone commiting to it is up to the mod community. Personaly, bigger maps than BF1942 is not a concern of mine. Better maps are more important.
BF1942 maps are limited by the amount of memory on the computer making the map, or so Barake( Desert Combat Dev) says. I go to school with him and have already asked him. Memory size is what matters, or so he says. He's claimed to have made a map so large, with another Dev, that it took 3 hours to cross from one side to the other on foot.(comp they used had 3 gigs of ram) Of course, Barake is a bit of a crackhead........

If you don't believe me, email him and ask him. Mention my name, Daniel Nong. he'll probably end up calling you a n00b, and end up calling me a jewish n00b....
Thanks for the reply. And I absolutely agree with you: quality over quantity, always.

Edit: antraxx that's hilarious. No I don't want to email him lol :D
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
BF1942 maps are limited by the amount of memory on the computer making the map, or so Barake( Desert Combat Dev) says. I go to school with him and have already asked him. Memory size is what matters, or so he says. He's claimed to have made a map so large, with another Dev, that it took 3 hours to cross from one side to the other on foot.(comp they used had 3 gigs of ram) Of course, Barake is a bit of a crackhead........

For HL mappers, if you don't have enough ram, the compile tools simply switch to using the harddrive as virtual memory. So there is no RAM restrictions for us. Note: Using the hard drive increases compile completion time by like 200%.

Edit: Oh yeah, theres also compiler flags that change how RAD performs it's radiosity calculations so that it uses more CPU processing to make up for having low RAM resources.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Thanks for the reply. And I absolutely agree with you: quality over quantity, always.

Roger that!

Quality > Quantity
i think it would be kewl to make HUE sniping arena mapps, where you can stalk your enemies and crap, and have full ghilie suits, and high power rifles, and take out ur enemies at like miles away...hee hee
CS could look a lot better it it had larger maps so there is room to fade them into the distance instead of the very ugly sky box that is in it now.
skybox isn't physically a box in the map ;p Even if you made a CS map the size of a HL2 map, the sky would look the same.
Originally posted by rollthedise
i think it would be kewl to make HUE sniping arena mapps, where you can stalk your enemies and crap, and have full ghilie suits, and high power rifles, and take out ur enemies at like miles away...hee hee
Yeah kinda like that movie with Dolf Lundgren when he was a sniper.. that was a cool movie, too bad I can't remember the title of it :-\
Well didn't Valve state that the HL2 supports maps as big as BF1942.

Anyway, imagine a DoD map: Operation Overlord/ Normandie.
At least I wish for the Dod team to take full advantage of the maps size when creating that specific map. *drool*
If i remember correct. You can shrink the "world" in the map by 32 times, and it will still work. Although going further will **** up the netcode and physics simulation.

So if one unit = 1 inch without scaling, which then is 1,5 miles if i remember correct you can make a map of the size of aproximately 50x50x50 miles, if we round up, although it's probably true if we calculate it precisely.
Originally posted by Dax
Well didn't Valve state that the HL2 supports maps as big as BF1942.

Anyway, imagine a DoD map: Operation Overlord/ Normandie.
At least I wish for the Dod team to take full advantage of the maps size when creating that specific map. *drool*
No, they said one can make BF eqvivalent maps, but would have to scale down a bit. Just like BF scales, hehe, its still only a size illusion (a very good one of course) that it has big maps.
Although I'm kinda disappointed of the size of the maps in HL2 and the lack of dynamic loading for seamless level transitions, its important to point out that size doesn't really mean anything. But it does give the mapper more freedom if he/she needs it.

Size doenst matter! :O !
Originally posted by Slash
Although I'm kinda disappointed of the size of the maps in HL2 and the lack of dynamic loading for seamless level transitions, its important to point out that size doesn't really mean anything. But it does give the mapper more freedom if he/she needs it.

Size doenst matter! :O !
Dont think dynamic loading would work very good with the amount of detail HL2 has :)
Would be pretty sweet if it had such a thing though... Morrowinds map was what, 20km across? I think HL2's loading is good enough to give an illusion of a large world, just as HL was... Now, if it works good in MP, it would rock!
The thing is, the only MOD I see really profiting from HL2 tech is DoD.

Think about it from CS' point of view. Larger mapsizes are useless in CS, it would simply lenghten the rounds. Vehicles are pointless too. Physics would make the game prettier, but they would not be any use.

Now, DoD with tanks, planes and APCs, MG-42 nests and sniper towers that could be blown up with physics, huge map sizes so that people must work together to make it to the front... it would be amazing.
Originally posted by Fenrir
The thing is, the only MOD I see really profiting from HL2 tech is DoD.

Think about it from CS' point of view. Larger mapsizes are useless in CS, it would simply lenghten the rounds. Vehicles are pointless too. Physics would make the game prettier, but they would not be any use.

Now, DoD with tanks, planes and APCs, MG-42 nests and sniper towers that could be blown up with physics, huge map sizes so that people must work together to make it to the front... it would be amazing.

Natural Selection might work well with larger maps and team sizes. With the new engine, outdoor areas would be feasible, and that would add even more to the mod's 'Alien' theme.
CS wont profit from vehicles?

Swat teams with Assault vehicles, Terrors having to get a convoy of trucks to a safe haven. Plenty of options.