May 2005 Forum awards!

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Here Tr0n. If this avatar doesn't give you uber respect, I don't know what will.


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Ennui said:
Did we say we hate you? Imitation is, after all, the most sincere form of flattery.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the avatar thing, infact I am flattered... In a wierd way.

The main reason I am thinking of quitting is because I spend too much time for other things, and I don't want to be depended on doing something I don't find the time or too busy to do.

EDIT: I didn't say I was definetly quitting, 15357.
Danimal said:
It has absolutely nothing to do with the avatar thing, infact I am flattered... In a wierd way.

The main reason I am thinking of quitting is because I spend too much time for other things, and I don't want to be depended on doing something I don't find the time or too busy to do.

good bye.

W00t! the Banimal is quitting! :|

Edit: damn it..... :P
Best member -- kupoartist/kirovman/Mechagodzilla/DeusEx Machinia
Best Mod -- Danimal
worst member -- some poor newbies
worst mod -- this commie
Coolest member/mod -- kupoartist/kirovman/Mechagodzilla
Most intelligent member/mod -- kirovman/DeusEx Machinia
Most friendly member/mod -- kupoartist
Best member/mod's Avatar -- me/Ray_man/Samon/and some guys...
Worst member/mod's Avatar -- DeusExMachinia
Worst signature - Samon
Best member: 15357
Best Mod:well,all of em
worst member :tron(sorry!)
worst mod :none
Whinest member/mod:tron(sorry again)
Most annoying member/mod:tron(sorry for the last time!)
Coolest member/mod:15357
Most intelligent member/mod:15357
Most friendly member/mod:15357
Best member/mod's Avatar:danimal(and all those who copied his avatar)
Worst member/mod's Avatar:tron(really really sorry!)
Best potential Mod:danimal!

sorry if i reapeat most of em!!
kelvini said:
Best member: 15357
Best Mod:well,all of em
worst member :tron(sorry!)
worst mod :none
Whinest member/mod:tron(sorry again)
Most annoying member/mod:tron(sorry for the last time!)
Coolest member/mod:15357
Most intelligent member/mod:15357
Most friendly member/mod:15357
Best member/mod's Avatar:danimal(and all those who copied his avatar)
Worst member/mod's Avatar:tron(really really sorry!)
Best potential Mod:danimal!

sorry if i reapeat most of em!!

why tahnk you. :E
Must be hard to see what you're typing with your lips stuck to 15357's ass.
Polaris said:
Best member -- kupoartist/kirovman/Mechagodzilla/DeusEx Machinia
Best Mod -- Danimal
worst member -- some poor newbies
worst mod -- this commie
Coolest member/mod -- kupoartist/kirovman/Mechagodzilla
Most intelligent member/mod -- kirovman/DeusEx Machinia
Most friendly member/mod -- kupoartist
Best member/mod's Avatar -- me/Ray_man/Samon/and some guys...
Worst member/mod's Avatar -- DeusExMachinia
Worst signature - Samon

Best member -- Ugh, IDK.... Comrade badger?
Best Mod -- Also the forementioned
worst member -- Battlefrank or foebane
worst mod -- Danimal? I dont neccisarily hate any of the mods or think they are badd but danimal banned me so I guess I'll pick him.
Coolest member/mod -- Creamator666/AClerok212
Most intelligent member/mod -- kirovman/AngryLawyer/Cpt.Stern(don't agree with his politics but he knows his shit)
Most friendly member/mod -- Comradebadger (coincidily best mod and member)
Best member/mod's Avatar -- Gorgon/That one with the southpark g-man/AClerok212's old one
Worst member/mod's Avatar -- Dalimari (sry I like muffins better than apples)
Worst signature - the_rebel_medic.....
I think its looking like Badger to win right now...

Start writing your acceptance speech.

"...(sniff) Thank you everyone, I would like to thank my ban-button and my cat steve and Valve and stuff oh yeah and that other guy (sniffle)..."
I'm a bit late for this thread, but...

el Chi said:
These kinds of threads (like the ever fun "Who's your favourite member?" threads) always do. Lots of posts along the lines of:
"oh well, nobody lovwes meh ;( lol"
Translates as:
"Lavish me with attention; oh for the love of God I need approval. Please, just tell me I'm good."

Agreed with el Chi.

But thanks to:

Samon x 4
Polaris x 3

anyways :cheers:

You're all my respective favourite/most intelligent/friendly members too :E
Fat Tony! said:
Come along, come around to the May 2005 forum awards!
The voting system is the confusing to do in one thread but since more then one is spam ill have to make it short and sweet.

Make your nominations

Best member
Best Mod
worst member
worst mod
Whinest member/mod
Most annoying member/mod
Coolest member/mod
Most intelligent member/mod
Most friendly member/mod
Best member/mod's Avatar
Worst member/mod's Avatar
Best potential Mod

I love these threads and it's not spam! Close this thread and be forever damned! There will be a poll for best member created by super mod once someone has been nominated. Happy voting!

I don't know who should win the May 2005 Forum Awards, but that other fool you all love to hate should win the August 2005 Forum Awards. That, or you are all in self denial.
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