Mechanical or wooden pencils?

Do you prefer wooden pencils or mechanical pencils?

  • Wooden

    Votes: 33 39.3%
  • Mechanical

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
a thread on pencils is up to 3 pages...interesting
Mechanical. I hate the erasers on wooden pencils, all they do is smear your writing so instead of having a clear erase you have a giant gray smudge. There is also nothing worse than writing with a dull tip.
I still prefer the wooden pencils. You can press down on the pencil fairly hard and the magnesium won't break. The mechanical pencils break with just a bit pressure.
2 clicks is all it takes. Unless you're like stabbing your paper or have like a ridiculous amount of lead (yeah I know its carbon) out, it should be fine.
I still prefer the wooden pencils. You can press down on the pencil fairly hard and the magnesium won't break. The mechanical pencils break with just a bit pressure.

You don't need to press down hard with mechanical pencils.
Mechanical, all the way. With wooden ones, the lead always breaks on the inside and so the tip falls off when you try to sharpen it. Plus I can chew on mechanical ones without getting bits of wood in my mouth. And I hate writing with a stubby pencil tip. The sound makes me feel cold and gives me goosebumps for some reason.
And you click the end twice and continue writing. Or get heavier-gauge sticks of graphite.

Pen of the Gods
Pilot G-2 indeed. Truly epic pen. :thumbs:
I like mechanicals because they're better for test taking (the points don't need to be resharpened so you don't need multiple ones, and the erasers usually work better)

As for pens, most of them mentioned are far too inky for me.


That would be my pen of choice.
I don't really know which I prefer, but whoever said you can't draw as well with mechanical pencils really just needs to learn how to draw better

example; wes burt, done in mechanical

Superior pen. Better than the G2 and whatever the **** that thing was that ZT posted.


I prefer mechanical pencils for writing, wooden for drawing. Obviously.
I generally find wooden pencils a bit lighter, which I'm kind of used to.

Mechanical pencils aren't that bad, I guess.
Mechanical. Just because whenever I use them I think of mecha, which makes me think of giant fighting robots, which usually gets me through class.
*Leaves to watch Power Rangers*
mechanical for drawing, wooden for writing, I find the wooden ones flow a lot easier. I've never tried drawing with pen before, I'd probably make too many irreversible mistakes.
I sketch with mechanicals, generally because I only want line flow and shape and form with mech pencils; I'll use wooden to tone.
The Pilot G2 is indeed amazing. I've used the same green one for several years with no problems.
Out of curiosity I bought a pack of 2 G2s today and frankly I can't say I feel the love. Sure the pens smooth, but the ink flow is inconsistent and there's just no variation in the line quality, no good for sketching at all.....

Parker > G2 I'm afraid...
Wooden ones, of course. Mechanical ones break way too easily.
I like Mechanical, but they get too expensive to upkeep. Pens are very nice and professional, so I'd pick that over anything.

BUT if I have to use a Pencil, give me a good ol' #2. Bring a 50 cent self sharpener with you and call it a day.
Are we drafting, sketching, doodling, signing, or defending ourselves? The job determines the tool. For drafting, mechanical is plainly the choice. For sketching or doodling, wooden pencils. For self-defense, a quality ball-point or maybe a stainless steel fountain-pen is best.
I love mechanical pencils, but can never use one when drawing/sketching.
I like to use woodless pencils for art but normally I'll use wooden pencils.
Out of curiosity I bought a pack of 2 G2s today and frankly I can't say I feel the love. Sure the pens smooth, but the ink flow is inconsistent and there's just no variation in the line quality, no good for sketching at all.....

Parker > G2 I'm afraid...
I love G-2 so much but I'm not sure if they are good for sketching. They are excellent for writing, I cant imagine writing with something else in my moleskine.
I like wooden pencils but I have a huge aversion to holding anything wooden (that's what she said), so I prefer mechanical as they're....usually? made of plastic.

I don't like how thin the lines are though, it's not very practical for a lot of things.

I suppose it depends what you're using them for. The threads in the lounge get more and more ridiculous!
I love G-2 so much but I'm not sure if they are good for sketching. They are excellent for writing, I cant imagine writing with something else in my moleskine.

Don't even get me onto Moleskines I have way too many of those fuc kers in various shapes, sizes and types hanging around... bad purchase habit right there...:rolleyes:

Also sketching with a mechanical is just a case of not being ultra heavy with the pressure. That Bic Rondo I's a lovely pencil to sketch with.
Anybody who says anything like "I cant imagine writing with something else in my moleskine" is a bit of une wankere.

I have a notebook fetish. As a writer I buy them whenever I have any money. I waste my money on ones I don't even use, they're too pretty.
Although I have a moleskine and I love it, it doesn't change my writing. I always feel as if I can't write like I do in others because they're so expensive and pretentious that I don't want to fill it up too quickly, so half the things I think, I don't write. I'd write them if it was another type of notebook.
I love having notebooks and filling them with things. I never get designer ones or anything though, just loads of cheap ones from the school supply place. Then I fill them up with class notes or whatever writing. All with a G-2.
I forgot to grab anything to write with today, so I had to make due with a nasty wooden pencil I found in the bottom of my backpack. Boy, was I missing my G-2!

value win.

my dads a doctor so he gets free pens from drugreps. i went to school with a pen advertising birth control pills.
Those pens are only good for holding drugs. But that's not a bad thing when all of your teachers are aliens and their weakness is ****ing caffine.

edit: Did I go and lose everyone?