Melee weapons?


Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Does anyone know this. From the videos it seems like you get knocked around from melee attacks, but what about vice versa?

With the physics engine and what not, will the melee weapons be more realistic. I mean like hitting people with melee weapons won't just kill the with 1 or 2 hits like in most games. Instead it will knock them back, make them drop their weapons/not be able to use them nearly as effectively, and eventually make them fall to the ground so you can continue to beat them to death. So in practice a pistol or gun will realistically kill things faster than melee, but it won't be as fun.

If not I think some mods should implement this. Like DoD could have some cool situations where an enemy starts pummeling/stabbing you to death but your friend sees you just in time to kill him before he kills you.
Yeah, they could also make it locational. So if they hit you in the head, your vision blurs and sways (and maybe it does more damage). If they hit the arm holding a gun, you drop the gun. That'd be an interesting strategy... you could almost go around without killing anyone (not that that'd be fun ;)).

For melee you get an axe, and a crowbar and a knife, big rock, metal pipe, brass knuckles, spiked gloves. Claw hammer, kro-kay mallet, fists, keyboard. montior, beer bottle, back end of all weapons, chain saw, steel mallet, chain, piano wire, barbed wire, flower pot (1 time use), claw off the antlions, glass bottle, vase, box, marbles, tv set both non flat and flat, pipe wrench, water heater, car door, whip, book, sand to blind, steering wheel, CD case, zombie claw, empty guns, navy dagger, fantasy dagger, wood plank, brick, scaple, magic 8 ball, telephone. etc etc
Ill put that into easy to read language. Basically anything you can pick up with the Manipulator. :cheers:
OK I'm not askin for a list of the melee weapons. I'm asking how they will work in combat utilizing the physics engine as described in my first post.
thats great, i dont know any other game that comes close to having that many melee weapons.
I'm glad I didn't read all those spoilers. Hopefully they're official info, and not stolen build, or you might be in trouble w/ the mods.

Anyways, the weapons are physically simulated, so the crowbar isn't just a close-range gun any more. It actually swings and connects when it knocks things over.
lmao I can't believe you fell for that.. "brass knuckles" and "zombie claws" .. jebus lmao
CrazyHarij said:
lmao I can't believe you fell for that.. "brass knuckles" and "zombie claws" .. jebus lmao

Ohhh... I only read the first part, with knife and axe.
They both sounded official, so I stopped reading there, to prevent further spoilage. :P
Mechagodzilla said:
Ohhh... I only read the first part, with knife and axe.
They both sounded official, so I stopped reading there, to prevent further spoilage. :P

LOL I did the same thing, and felt all pissed off, then I realized it wasn't real so I read the rest.

Anyway, CrazyHarij your previous avatar owned so much more :dozey:
If you want a mod with great melee combat, play The Specialists. You can disarm people and all that jazz. And you get sexy Matrix stunt moves.
I don't know if I like the idea of Gordon melee fighting. He may have survived Black Mesa, but he is still a scientist first. Scientists aren't the most fit people on the planet. :/
I say if he can run all throughout the game without panting a breath, he is the most fit :/
Slightly off topic but.....i visited a Russian Website dedicated to half life 2 [removed]
and they openly admit to downloading HL2 Anon leak and playing it!!

Dno if this wos said but, [removed] also said something about shooting off tree branches and using them as melee weapons.wonder if its true, wuld b good if it wos
KurtCobain said:
(stolen build info)

Information from the stolen build is not allowed here.
I did not want that spoiled for me, and I'm sure others share that opinion.

If you cannot remove or edit that post, please ask a mod to do it for you.
umop said:
Anyway, CrazyHarij your previous avatar owned so much more :dozey:

but it's HORDON! he started the whole hordon thing! his avatar is fitting! :P


and thank god i didn't see that stolen build spoiler whatever stuff ...
Okay, a few things to be said here.

Firstly, please don't use the spoiler tags or make up spoiler material just to fool people. The point of them is to cover up what's being said, for people to choose to read it or not. If you write false things, people may believe it. I want the spoiler tags to be used sensibly, not to fool around.

KurtCobain; no linking to sites that host beta material, it's in the rules, so please abide to it. Consider this a warning.
warning? ban the Mo@$@#$eR ;P LET HIM BURRNNNN!!!

Right anyway, I dont think that Half Life² has any weapon dropping in it, that would be a bit to frustrating, the game has to be fun, not annoying.
In the E3 2003 demo, on some docks, Gordon hit a zombie with his crowbar and it was hit backwards off of the dock and into the water.

Err... yeah, Imrahil. We know that. We've known it for ages.

What's the relevance?
It's cool, and that makes it relevant to everything.
Lucifer Crass said:
no, those are melee, like crowbar, not manipulator melee

Judging from valve's statements about physically simulating the crowbar, you should be able to simulate any other weapon you might want. Adding in the other effects they cause is up to the modder.
I think he was just hinting that he revived an old topic that no one cares about.
PCgameplay said you would be able to use electro-sticks and stun guns :)
well the metrocops use those things.... (combine)......... so you should be able to take them because Gabe doesn't lilke special cases in games and not being able to steal someones weapon would be a special case.
You get the combine stun baton