Menial things that scare you ****ing SHITLESS


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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What are some small, meaningless or menial situations or moments that allways scare you?

Me, whenever I look out a pitch black window (to close it, or for whatever other reason), I allways get this feeling that something is gonna slam its face onto the window right as I reach up to close it, and I tend to hessitate for a while.

And when i'm all allone at home, especially when i'm in my garage, I allways get the feeling that something is behind me. It's allways only at night, and usually only when i'm downstairs too. When i'm in my garage, I especially feel this way, or that something is gonna jump out of one of the boxes or reach out and grab my leg while i'm watching past.

And when I reach out of my bed in the pitch black to turn the dial on my fan, I allways (ALLWAYS, every single ****ing time) get a feeling that something is gonna reach out and grab my wrist right as I put my hand on the fan speed dial.

God, feels good to get this shit out.

Well, your turn :D
Under the shower, shampooing my hair I have my eyes closed and I always have the feeling something is watching me from the mirror a few meters in front of me. Has gotten to the point I open my eyes to check it and so my eyes got all painful because of the shampoo that gets in them :x
When i'm home alone and i go to turn the lights out before bed, i always always hate turning off the hallway light leading to the front door. I leave the light on outside too; the switch for both are right next to the front door. When i'm walking to the door i always get freaked out cause i feel like something will just step round and face the door.

This prob made no sense :p
Basicly the same things you said. Also i dont like mirrors, i have this feeling someone is gona show up behind me in the mirror. Also i get scared when i put on a shirt, i have this feeling someone is gona stand infront of me once i get it on (you cant see anything for like a split second when you put it on)
After I turn the light off, I do a small, very small jump into bed. I vaguely remember some girl on tv getting her ankle grabbed by a skeleton/zombie under her bed as she stood next to it, about to get in.

So, my small jump saves me from that. Also the .44 Magnum under my pillow ;)
I take a super-soaker to bed, just in case I get attacked by Zombies who can be melted by water.
don't like it when its dark outside and you have a light on in a room where theres a window...cos it acts as a mirror basically and anyone could be watching you from the other side without you knowing
Sometimes I go blind for about five seconds.

That's not really what the thread was asking for, but it's all I could think of.
When a whole room is dark and I have to turn on the lights, I'm always afraid that I'll see something scary once the light pops on.. But I know there's nothing there so I turn on the lights anyway

My commons sense got the upper hand over all these things.
lol i dont think i have anything like that, although I remember a few years back, middle of the night in bed awake, I heard a noise outside, so i got up and looked outside and there was like a white cat sitting in road looking at the house and that freaked me out completely lol
When my wardrobe door is open, I see giant laughing skulls. (At night of course)

We used to have problems with a guy who frequently stood at the end of the garden in the middle of the night, wearing a fedora hat and some sort of big coat/cloak. We'd spot him at the end of the garden, at night, staring back up at us. Weird thing was there'd never be any evidence of him the morning after. I guess it could be put down to some sort of mass hysteria in my household.

-Angry Lawyer
If I'm asleep and I hear a noise, I'll wake up, I'm so ****ing paranoid I have to go and look at it, or see what made the noise, its really beginning to **** me off.

There's a church yard, directly across the street from me, when I was younger there was this big bush in the center of it, it looked exactly like someone was standing there, like some brown rotting corpse had been propped up there, it scared me so I used to close my eyes and run past, I nearly got run over once, gladly I grew out of that, not before I went in there one day and hacked the ****ing bush down.
I live in the attic.

My beds against the wall. I find it impossible to sleep facing the wall, becuase as soon as I face it I hear a creak behind me and have to turn around to check it out. Its well annoying.
Before going to bed, I always have to make sure that all four doors in the house are locked (even if I had locked them myself five minutes earlier). One of the doors are in the "storage room" (dunno how to describe it). It's always cold in there, and I have to walk all the way through it to get to the door, and I always think that something is hiding behind all the stuff there, that will attack me.

There's also a monster under my bed, BTW.
KngHenry cannot masturbate, as he does not have any genitals.

He is just rubbing himself in anticipation, ready to annoy you.
The polish tramps who insist on sitting on a bench near the canal, chattering away in polish, drinking their vile Frosty Jacks. ALL. ****ING. DAY. They're still there at about 5 in the morning when I wander home..

It's like they don't move EVER
I was once asleep in bed, and something startled me awake.
My skin was prickling, and my ears were straining, and I couldn't figure out why..

Then I heard a scrape. Like the scrape of a shoe. Just outside- I couldn't tell if it was just outside my house, or just outside my room, but there was definitely a sound.

Was it a scrape? or was there a grunt too?? My heart was in my throat.. I was home alone.
I lay there, completely still, completely quiet, feeling my heart beat, and straining to hear anything... anything that would confirm what I heard.

I start to feel really hot, but I don't move.. I can almost hear a sound.. but not quite. Beads of sweat are forming on my brow, and I feel stuffy and overheated.. something woke me suddenly from a deep sleep, something loud and deliberate..

I wait.. for what feels like an hour.. listening to silence. The slight ring of my ears is almost deafening.

I stare towards the door to my room in the darkness, trying to see through the dark, waiting for the door to burst open, and a psychotic murderer with a knife to leap in, the metal of the blade shining in the moonlight.

Seconds pass.. Seconds turn to minutes..

Suddenly, its morning. I fell asleep whilst in mortal fear. Waiting to be attacked and slain. In the middle of fight or flight.

Yeah.. thats right.. I'm calm under pressure :p
That story was well written, descriptive, imaginative, used imagery well, was emmersive, and generally scared me shitless.
There's a very strange thing in my room. At night when I turn off the light and get into bed I see this thing, like a blurry dark silhouette on the wall in front of me. The window is on my left and I've checked to see if there's anything in front of the window to make that shadow but there isn't anything! When I turn on the lights there isn't anything on the wall so it isn't a stain or something like that. Every single time it freaks me out and I lay in bed as if wait for it to move or something.

I also have that feeling in the shower that something is in the room with me and when I have shampoo in my eyes I have to check every single time! Also I have that feeling that when I go at night to brush my teeth I will see something appear in the mirror instead of my reflection.

Yep I'm a very disturbed individual:LOL: .
Yesterday I was washing my face and I got slightly scared of my reflection. I don't know why, but it was just wierd. I spent five minutes touching my face and stuff in front of the mirror to check it was actually me.
I always get scared when I wake up at night of the thought of having missed the alarm clock and being late for work.
Yesterday I was washing my face and I got slightly scared of my reflection. I don't know why, but it was just wierd. I spent five minutes touching my face and stuff in front of the mirror to check it was actually me.

Try to stare at yourself in the mirror whilst doing very diabolical and evil faces, it's scary.
For whatever reason, I won't sleep with my closet doors open, or any doors open for that matter. It's probably just an odd OCD thing, but yeah.

I also have to put my cell phone, wallet, MP3 player, etc in my room with me too.
When I go to the bathroom at night and wash my hands I keep expecting someone to appear behind me as I look into the mirror :S
I always get scared when I wake up at night of the thought of having missed the alarm clock and being late for work.

That is about the only thing i can think of that affecte me any more :p
When I go to the toilet at night, before going to sleep, and are about to return to my room, I half-expect something to be standing in front of the bathroom door when I open them. Like a Sadako (the girl from the Ring; Samara in the USA version) or something :p

While taking a shower and (you guessed it) washing my head I'm sometimes afraid that once I turn around and open my eyes, I will see something/someone standing in front of the cabin.
Some of the things that scare me, are ones other people have touched down on already. But I'll mention them anyways.

Rarely does this happen to me anymore, as I have had a great change in my behavior that allows me to not be afraid of these things anymore, for the most part.

However, staring into dark windows at night are always frightening to me. I expect there to be something lurking around, and occasionally I'll even catch a glimpse of something that appears to walk past. Which is very scary in of itself because my backyard is completely enclosed. The mind can trick you at times, and scare you senseless.

Nearly all of my fears happen when I am in the bathroom. If I should ever wander into a bathroom, reaching to flick on the lights at night, and they do not work... I will immediately turn around and leave. I will not go into the bathroom to do my business in the relative darkness, out of fear there will be something watching me from the bathtub, staring at me through the inky blackness. I also fear that the doors will close on me as I am sitting on/standing in front of the toilet, followed by events of unimiginable horror.

The mirrors in a bathroom are another thing. Whenever I stare into one, I have to maintain my composure, out of fear that when I look into it, something will be staring right back at me. Something dark, something evil... and standing directly behind me, or actually within the mirror to reach out and attack me.

Lastly, the shower/tub has to be the thing that scares me most. When I am getting naked in the bathroom, I try not to leave my clothes anywhere visible on the ground, because I can peer out through the sheer green fabric that is my shower curtain, and I can imigine something emerging from the blackness that is the silhouette of my pile of clothing, advancing on the shower stall to get me in a place I cannot retreat from. The drain is another issue, from watching the IT movie, with pennywise the dancing clown. As I am taking a shower, I occasionally glance down at the drain, and imigine something trying to crawl from it, spreading it out wide like it was made out of soft clay, and ready to pull me down into the underworld. Or I just imigine the drain talking to me.

The shower head is the other thing. I rarely ever close my eyes in the shower, out of fear what could be going on in the room while I am not looking, and this is especially the case when I have to put my head under the spray to rinse my hair. If I close my eyes, I can feel that there are things around me in the room, staring at me, watching me with evil intent. Even things behind me ready to wrap their horrible appendages around my body and carry me away. Or that while my eyes are closed, thick blood is pouring out of the faucet instead of water, and that i'll be drenched in it when I open my eyes again.

Old bathrooms too are especially scary for me. I will not use one if I don't have to. Many of the dreams in my past have involved old styled industrial type bathrooms, where lots of evil lurks.

As you can see, I have lived a very paranoid life at times when it comes to the irrational fears that my mind creates, and I have to fight every one of them.
Oh yeah :D When it gets dark I live in constant fear and it's AWESOME.

I let my mind run free and laff at the hilarious ideas that pop up (e.g. Scary monster crawling on the wall, slipping and crashing into the ground face first :LOL:)
When I used to live in my parents house, the light switch in my bedroom would glow red when you turn the light off. So every night, I turn the light off and lay down, then on the opposite wall of the light switch there was a window that reflected the red light twice, making it look like there were two red eyes peering in my room at night.

Not only that, but my head used to be right next to the second window in my room, which had a tree right outside. The tree would sometimes have a branch scrape loudly across the window. So on more than one occassion I would be sleeping, wake up to a screech on the window by my head, and then see two red eyes outside my other window. I sometimes wouldnt be able to sleep again after that, and need to leave the room.
My bed is right next to the window in my room, at body level. Sometimes at night two cats fight on the windowsill directly outside my room, and it ****s the SHIT out of me. Cats yowling and screeching and hissing, two of them... sounds ****ing monstrous.
I'm always afraid of being in a car accident when there's a lot of cars speeding by or something. I tend to picture my hands getting smashed or limbs getting cut off. I couldn't live without any of my fingers :(
I pretty much have a small fear of long dark corridors with several rooms with doors that windows.

Hence why it's quite an adventure working for Titleist... having to work on a floor where it's just me and 3 other people.

And when I have to go to the bathroom, I have to pass through said long corridor. :/