Menial things that scare you ****ing SHITLESS

It was something like he went up into his room and found a bunch of burnt out matchsticks, and the place smelled like they had all just been lit.
I remember that. He said there were literally hundreds of burnt out matchsticks all over his room, under his bed and what have you. Pretty freaaaky!
i hate those flying daddy long legs. crane flies i think they're called. i can't be in the same room as one.
Under the shower, shampooing my hair I have my eyes closed and I always have the feeling something is watching me from the mirror a few meters in front of me. Has gotten to the point I open my eyes to check it and so my eyes got all painful because of the shampoo that gets in them :x
I used to get like that, too, when I took showers at night. I had the feeling that someone would sneak in and then stand there next to the shower curtains waiting to kill me à la Psycho. So now I take my showers in the morning, which is good... because what kind of killer murders people at dawn? :P
I am scared to death of needles.


I cannot have any eye contact with a baby. It just freaks me the **** out and I just dart my eyes elsewhere.
Almost everything here applies to me. :O

I live in a two story house, and I get scared going up and down the stairs for fear of a black-burnt-decaying baby (As I imagine it) falling on my head and then preceding to scream in weird pitches.

I'm also afraid when driving at night that time will suddenly freeze all around me and something will be looking at me from infront of the car.

I'm also afraid of eating by myself, for fear of choking alone.

Finally, the thought of being raped up the ass by a horse.
I always get a weird feeling in my bathroom late at night like there's gonna be a ghoul or something waiting for me. The image in my head is always similar to Sadako from the Ring... and she'd either be in the bath behind the shower curtain, somewhere in the reflection of the mirror, or like the OP said, she'd slam her face/hands up against the window.

Oh, and lying in bed occasionally I have a feeling something underneath is gonna cut me through the mattress... so I have to uhh... reposition certain vulnerable things :o
My shower is right in front of my toilet, and EVERY time I take a piss/crap I check in the shower.. it creeps me out, I think someone/something might be hiding in there.. it has 2 glass doors, one right and one left, and a mirror in the middle.. that's why I check.. they could be hiding behind the mirror!
Kk, it took ages to get to sleep because of Angry Laywers stroy...I want more! I'm off to create a ghost story thread. G'day!
Bastard matchsticks. Still hate using matches because of them.

-Angry Lawyer
Hearing all these stories about being scared of looking outside at night and freaky street lamps reminds me of that time i went on holiday and i looked out the window and the only source of light was a street lamp and the freaky thing was that there was total silence and i kept having a thought going through my head of something suddenly appearing outside. and for the rest of the week i refused to look outside from that window. about being paranoid, i suggest playing less video games. Am I wrong?
In my kitchen we have a HUGE sliding glass door - like 14 foot long, 8 high.
When we used to have no curtains at night it was spooky coz you couldnt see anything beyond it, coz of the reflection - just a mass of black. about being paranoid, i suggest playing less video games. Am I wrong?

Most of this was before I got really into video games. The only game I played at the time was Mars and Police Quest.
Lack of a convenient camera, really. It's only in recent years (generally after the event) that we've been able to afford a digital camera (we were destitute for a long time due to a failed business). The only other camera in the house was my dad's really old one, and that gets locked in a case. At the time, we were more interested in getting rid of the matches than studying it, although in retrospect I wish I had taken a picture.

-Angry Lawyer
When walking up the stairs, usually at night or early morning or whatever you want to call it, I always think there is something close at my heels or waiting at the bottom, and this little countdown in my head ALWAYS starts ticking down from 5 seconds and If I don't reach my room in time it will come and get me. I can clear my stairs in 3 seconds, I've never stopped and waited it out. :|
I feel the same way sometimes Antipop. I feel like I'm being watched, then an image pops up in my head of something running through my house, and somehow I make myself think something IS there and I start running towards my destination as fast as possible. And this is in the day time. I never leave my room without my uncle's golf club.
for whatever reason, i cannot sleep in total silence. i always turn a fan on. i think i hear things whenever it is totally silent.
for whatever reason, i cannot sleep in total silence. i always turn a fan on. i think i hear things whenever it is totally silent.

Well, it's natural for your ears to start ringing when there's absolutely NO sound.
Well, it's natural for your ears to start ringing when there's absolutely NO sound.

what about footsteps? or bristling outside my window D: well, maybe not that bad. its more of an annoyance than a fear.
I'm scared of a lot of things. I get scared just thinking how I'm gonna support myself when I go off to college and then the real world.
I'm scared of DEX. He made me shriek like a prepubescent cheerleader when he came at me with that one thing. You know.
You don't talk about that HERE. ANYWHERE. EVER. I WILL destroy everything YOU LOVE.
Dad was just telling me this morning he thinks we have a poltergiest. Stereo turned itself on at 4am last night, full blast, and again a little after. Then just before he told me he'd just come from his work room/study, and the radio was going by itself.

I get most scared after watching a horror movie..walking through your dark house at night, especially something like haloween - that really ****ed me up.

Also when i was a kid i heard about the candyman movies, and never dared to say the word in front of a mirror- fearing he would come out.
We used to have problems with a guy who frequently stood at the end of the garden in the middle of the night, wearing a fedora hat and some sort of big coat/cloak. We'd spot him at the end of the garden, at night, staring back up at us. Weird thing was there'd never be any evidence of him the morning after. I guess it could be put down to some sort of mass hysteria in my household.

-Angry Lawyer

After reading this story and the even creepier one with the matches I've come to a disturbing conclusion. What if those burnt matches were put in your room by that guy with the cloak.:O I have to ask you this: is the house you leave in new, as in built when you moved in or have other people lived there before? I ask because your house might be haunted.