Mesh Does Ravenholm

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when Mesh finishes hl2, what game do you think he will play next?
Mack... you're such a back-seat driver :P

Very entertaining viewing :D
is it just me, or did he seem a lot more calm this tiem around?

sure he had jump moments, but they were more sparse then others, he seemed so calm this time (i suppose the "wow" factor of hl2 wore off)
how old are you 2? you look like your 35 ..

how are 35 year old men scared of games!

ERRR, i am 23 you cheeky cheeky bugger! lol

Maybe playing these scary games has aged my once beautifully soft skin
My God it is a fat kid playing Half-life 2 !!!! :O
I'd like to see mesh do FEAR when it comes out. FPS + scary + mesh = win :naughty:
I thought that video was quite funny, in an unexpected way though. ;)
you guys should do similiar version ....but while your high. try LCD or Cronic
Haha, that was hilarious. You gotta love Mesh's comments :D
i just saw the mesh deos doom 3 and it convinced me to get doom 3 demo! still dling 41%
307 KB/sec
on a router serving 3 computers! pretty good heh?

P.S. i've had over 600 KB/sec when other comps wernt usin net!
i just tried out doom 3 demo and it was hella fun but,
it wasnt scary at all! :sleep: i was exspecting to be scared! :sleep:
maybe it is couse i was exspecting it to happen?
after a good while i died from one of those fire throwing, self incinarating demons. :angry: tomorrow i think i'll find some cheats and play it some more! :devil:

good nite i got to sleep.
Subz said:
you guys should do similiar version ....but while your high. try LCD or Cronic
You from holland? :farmer:

i saw mesh does doom 3, in delta labs :D , that was pretty funny
Oh my god, that was the best thing ever.
I just watched 1 and 3, about to see 2 so I can see what Mesh does when he gets the gravity gun.

Brilliant, thank you mack and mesh, i've been counting days for this one.And its awsome.
Great work guys. Mesh, I hope you get a bigger share of any profit. I think you have earned it. :naughty:
Subz said:
how old are you 2? you look like your 35 ..

how are 35 year old men scared of games!

I'm 35 and Ravenholm gave me chills the first and second time I played it. I'll probably get chills the next couple of times too. Getting immersed in games and movies is a good thing.
Oh man, that was hilarious. I'm still chuckling after watching it in the early hours of the morning.. People around me are staring..
whats your computer specs? lol i wnana see how well it will play on mine ;)
EXCELLENT! as usual Mack and Mesh :)

Ive been a fan since day 1 ;)
PC Specs are:
Athlon 2.4
1 Gig Twinmos RAM
Sapphire X800 Pro

Glad to see so many people getting a laugh, thats why we make them. :D
I actually think Mesh is handling HL2 pretty well, and is slowly requiring a bit more to scare him. Right now he's just easily surprised I think.
#1: absolutely hilarious. The can + guard scene had me pissing my pants laughing.
#2: not nearly as funny as the first one. Then again, it was mostly airboat throughout.
#3: omg I can't believe those poison headcrabs didn't scare you! I laughed my ass off at the doom3 horror cheese throughout most of the game, but goddamnit those frickin' tarantula-like-almost-instagib hairy crabs actually gave me a nightmare. 'Course, it doesn't help that I'm arachnophobic :upstare: .
My stomach aches from laughing. GOLD! :D

Favorite: the blank stare when the leaper zombies first show up. :laugh:
I didnt even know those poison headcrabs couldn't hurt you more then 1 hp :O

I also reloaded my game after being hit by one =]
Varsity said:
My stomach aches from laughing. GOLD! :D

Favorite: the blank stare when the leaper zombies first show up. :laugh:
yeah he just watches it for ages like "WTF!?" xD
lol, sweet movie guys.

I have to admit, I didn't find ravenholm that scary myself, so watching someone else crap their pants every five minutes was a lot of fun :D
Guus345 said:
i was wondering, what difficuity does mesh play on?

I was wondering the same thing. Seems like he is blowing through it pretty easily.
Hillarious. DLing the HL2 ones now (All about 50-60kb/s for all three movies), the doom 3 ones kicked arse, and both me and my sister were laughing like hell.

Mack and Mesh, you guys are so hillarious. Good work.
I really think Mesh's reactions are real. I freaked out a few times while playing doom 3. Untill it started to just get annoying.
TheCorps said:
I was wondering the same thing. Seems like he is blowing through it pretty easily.

It doesn't really matter, seeing Hard mode isn't really challenging anyway.
Remember they're gonna cut out the bits where he dies so it's continuous play.
It's very hilarious! Mesh does Doom 3 were great as well.
