MGS4 bosses revealed

It's actually quite ridiculous, moreso than what's normal for MGS.

Whilst thats true, consider Snake Eater. The bisexual insane scarred across the face wearing an electric suit who snarls and snaps and electrocutes things in his anger and wants to control the world whilst also being called THUNDERBOLT..

But then robot thing with giant metal tentacles on its head called Laughing Octopus.

You probably have a point there.
Really, I just don't know why anybody would want that shit on their head. It doesn't seem practical, and you're probably pretty vulnerable to neck injury if you... I dunno, fall over.
Raging Raven = The Fury
Crying Wolf = The Pain / The Sorrow
Screaming Mantis = The Fear
Laughing Octopus = The Joy

But I hear that these are all part of a group called Beauty and the Beast and they are apparently all females whom are just victims of war, turned into war machines.
I have never been a fan of MGS I just like the movies. But did I just see a sexy looking ass on that wolf character? Also wtf is it with anime and tentacle rape? :hmph: *Also Japanese always have to use nature and fish. Like Joy the carp or Happy the panda bear and shit like that. **Yup lots of tentacle rape in this movie. Also something MUST have psychic powers that defy gravity and kill people. Always.
I like the names, for the very reason that they sound simplistic and immature. They do sound like they're from an action figure line up, but don't you think that's fitting, even if in a perverse way? They're not human. They're not real soldiers. They're newly created biomechanical animals who are practically in their infancy.

Also, they sound like old oriental folk-lore creatures. Like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Finally there's the MGS1 thing. I get the impression that these things have more in common with the Shadow Moses FOXHOUND unit than just their names. You know how Kojima likes to play around with genes and cloning, after all. When you consider this, the names start to make more sense (this is probably obvious to MGS fans);

Screaming Mantis: pain. Remember when Mantis died and he told you of his traumatic childhood and the emotional scars it embedded in him? He killed people because he hated humanity and he was, essentially, emo. If he's been resurrected then he'd likely not be too happy about it.

Crying Wolf: sorrow. Sniper Wolf was a Kurd who was hunted down like a dog (hur hur hur) along with her family and friends. She recites to you that she used to wake up every morning not knowing whether she'd find a dead comrade next to her. In addition, if she's being used as a robotic pawn then her feelings will likely be exacerbated; you can't teach an old dog new tricks (hur hur hur) and Sniper Wolf was always an uncommitted stray (hur hu-- okay I'll stop that).

Laughing octopus: trickery or madness. He was described as a perfectionist in the first game, who copied his target even down to the blood - sounds a bit barmy to me.

Raging Raven: erm... baddass. Ness. No minigun though ;(

The aforementioned proverbial names add a kind of legendary status to the bosses, making them seem ancient and disconnected.

Seeing as you came to understand and even sympathise with the bosses in MGS1, I wouldn't be surprised if there was also heavy heart-string pulling in MGS4 also.
They are all female...
if you speak German, they explain this during the GC trailer.
Really, I just don't know why anybody would want that shit on their head. It doesn't seem practical, and you're probably pretty vulnerable to neck injury if you... I dunno, fall over.

in the video it was shown it seems to be part of the back too
I wonder if they get energy through photosynthesis.
Until finding out they were all female I was hoping they were Grey Fox-esque cyborgs with full memory.

Cuz u no....


LMFAO! Man they look ****ing insane!
I don't hate the MGS series. But I do think it receives far too much undue acclaim.

Pretty much exactly how I feel. I also don't hate, but it's been all down-hill for me since MGS1. Personally, after MGS1, Splinter Cell took over for me. MGS has just gone too over the top for me. Then again, I love anything Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc and there's plenty of people out there that just don't care for the games for whatever reason. Who knows. To each his own.

On topic, those bosses look sweet. I'm not a fan of the names, but definitly looking good.

MGS16 boss lineup:

Pistol Lynx

Volcanic Raver

Bio Samurai

Kinetic Mantis

Rifle Wolf

RAH-66 Comanche

Metal Gear FUBAR

Does Screaming Mantis capture her victims with some sort of psychic string? It looks like she has a soldier captured by some strings as if he were a puppet.
New images:






Laughing Octopus is awesome. Fantastic design.