MGS4 bosses revealed

Eh, I liked MGS3 bosses most, even if one was gay (bi?). The MGS4 bosses look too robotic to me, how are you supposed to stamina kill a damn robot? D: I'd rather have supernatural humans then retarded robots..

Retarded robots with stupid names, I might add. Alteast the names in MGS3 weren't stupid, they were simple, good names for the bosses they belonged to. (Boss/Joy, Sorrow, End, Fear, Fury, Pain, Volgin, Ocelot)

Although I did think it was stupid when you kill The Boss, then your referred to as "Big Boss", The Boss was fine, but Big Boss? Eh..
Yeah, I'm actually really not liking these enemies. He always goes bat-shit insane with the bad guys.
Oh yeah, not great by any stretch. Neither was Vamp. Fortune was a good codename for her though.
Kojima's Beauty and the Beast Presentation (Beware of Engrish).

Kojima's Beauty and the Beast Presentation (Beware of Engrish).

Whoa. At first I thought it was a joke voicover with someone doing a brilliant take on Yoda crossed with a Japanese accent.

In any case, this vid has made the concept appear even lamer to me. Kojima bangs on about 'beauties' so much it sounded only a step away from nerdy wank talk about hot chix and baebes. Seriously this whole femme fatale thing is as old as the hills, robotic or not.
lol at the voiceover, his engrish has improved tbh though :P
ROTFL, Kojima has such a funny voice when he tries to speak English!
every japanese developers I've seen so far has a funny voice when they try to speak english.