MGS4 for Xbox360

Well, if more DVD's are required atleast you might get a bigger maybe even better box set.
It was lame then as well

True, but still doable. Graphical/coding issues I can understand, but I really can't see devs passing on a port just because they don't want customers to go through the trouble of swapping a few discs.
When games have multiple discs it's usually because they pack so many pre-rendered cutscenes into the games, as japanese devs still haven't mastered the art of optimising their ****ing game engines to handle them. Or they just think it's edgy as heck to use Unreal since all the cool studios are doing it or something, even though they clearly can't use it (case in point: Lost Oddysey, Last Remnant).

However, as far as I know the cutscenes in MGS4 are all in-engine, but they're pretty plentiful so I guess it could still be pushing it. Besides which, why should it matter? MGS1 was on 2 discs and no one gave a toss.
This game is probably one of the worst games I have ever played, with budget and the talent behind it taken into consideration.
Remember Command and Conquer on Nintendo 64? That is one option.

I agree. I liked it when games came on cartridges.

Just whap a few in a rucksack and jingle them around to your heart's content with a few tangled controllers and mosey on over to your friends house then spend an hour blowing the dust out of GoldenEye before having a 7 hour multiplayer tournament with Skips and Doritos. And Wotsits. Then you got all the greasy crumbs on the controllers but it didn't matter because you were having a riot. And then you got a bit bored near the end so you set it to slappers only. Then you get really bored and spend another hour blowing the dust out of Mario Kart 64 or Mario Party 2.

Ah those were the days.

This thread is now about nostalgia.

This thread is now about nostalgia.
Aw, I remember going to a sleepover with my one friend and we stayed up til well after midnight trying to beat the original Castlevania on the NES. Grim Reaper was tough!! Makes me really sad to see the 13 min. speedrun...not because of the time I spent trying to beat it, but because of the loss off innocence.
Just whap a few in a rucksack and jingle them around to your heart's content with a few tangled controllers and mosey on over to your friends house then spend an hour blowing the dust out of GoldenEye before having a 7 hour multiplayer tournament with Skips and Doritos.

Oh God, the memories. ;(
I remember spending HOURS playing monster rancher, scouring Emporius' house for old CDs anywhere to create new monsters.
4-player Goldeneye on a "massive" 32-inch tube TV.

I agree. I liked it when games came on cartridges.

Just whap a few in a rucksack and jingle them around to your heart's content with a few tangled controllers and mosey on over to your friends house then spend an hour blowing the dust out of GoldenEye before having a 7 hour multiplayer tournament with Skips and Doritos. And Wotsits. Then you got all the greasy crumbs on the controllers but it didn't matter because you were having a riot. And then you got a bit bored near the end so you set it to slappers only. Then you get really bored and spend another hour blowing the dust out of Mario Kart 64 or Mario Party 2.

Ah those were the days.

This thread is now about nostalgia.


I agree. I liked it when games came on cartridges.

Just whap a few in a rucksack and jingle them around to your heart's content with a few tangled controllers and mosey on over to your friends house then spend an hour blowing the dust out of GoldenEye before having a 7 hour multiplayer tournament with Skips and Doritos.

modern games just don't feel the same... ;(
I was on the Playstation side of the fence in that generation.

I took really bad care of my discs. :)
^ this. crash bandicoot - warped was the first game i ever finished.
although i had mario on snes before that. was too young to be bothered though.

According to an anonymous poster on the popular but perennially sketchy 4chan board, Metal Gear Solid series director Hideo Kojima visited the offices of Infinity Ward today. Why? "To learn" about first-person shooters, allegedly.

The purported Infinity Warder wrote ? with accompanying photo "proof" of the visit ? that Kojima is working on something in the "FPS genre so he came to us to learn and take details from the team." It wouldn't be the first time that Kojima was rumored to have called upon the Call of Duty developer's FPS know-how.

EGM (and 1UP, natch) ran unconfirmed reports that Kojima was "on tour," visiting FPS experts like Infinity Ward and Killzone developer Guerrilla Games for some knowledge sharing.

Kojima has also dropped by Call of Duty: World At War developer Treyarch, we hear, a strong hint that the head of Kojima Productions wants to put third-person cameras behind him.

Could this be what "a next Metal Gear is?" Or is Kojima working on another beloved property, Policenauts or Snatcher, possibly? We'll keep you posted. Until then, consider this rumor for now.

Thanks to Chris for the heads up.

Update: Robert Bowling from Infinity Ward helps to clarify the details of Kojima's visit, saying the photo is "legit" but calling the quote that the Metal Gear director was there "to learn" from the developer "bullshit" and "re-donku-lous."

Bowling writes: "We're massive fans of Kojima's work, with MGS4 ranking up as one of my personal favorite games of all time. To presume Kojima and company has anything 'to learn' from us regarding game design is re-donku-lous. As fans of his team's work, we invited them to the studio for lunch and to check out what we currently have in the works while they were in Los Angeles. It's fairly typical for us to meet up with fellow developers whom we admire. Whether it be Kojima, Blizzard, or otherwise."
Roycewicz you stupid dolt! I'm happy that a flamehaus member got to do something great (he joined IW when COD4 was being made) but this is a big NO-NO! :bonce:

That guy right there is Alex Royce,works in Infinity ward as a mapper. He's a regular member at HL2world/Flamehaus.

Of course that anonymous 'member' is some HL2world/flamehaus member pretending to be Royce.

Alex Royce posted a picture of himself posed with Kojima here on this forum and apparently it got spread around the internet and now he doesn't want to risk his job so he deleted his posts.
I seriously doubt this.
The ps3 version not only used up all the room on the disc, you had to install multiple times.
How, just, how could you fit all those into an Xbox 360 disc?
Well, you can't. More like 8. Unless you propose either buying 8 discs in a box set, or just taking extremely shitty quality, then you're most likely not getting Metal Gear Solid 4.

Oh, and then there's the Red Ring of Death.
Kojima went to Infinity Ward to 'learn about the FPS'? What a tool.
Should update your post with this:
Fellow Flamehaus/HL2world ex-regular now turned lurker Alex Royce created a thread posting a picture of himself posed with famous game designer Hideo Kojima. After some clever 4channing by deusgear posed as Alex the news quickly spread to Kotaku and other sites. In an attempt to keep his job Alex called upon the help of snakez to grant him temporary moderator powers and delete all evidence of his posts.

Kojima went to Infinity Ward to 'learn about the FPS'? What a tool.
Why not? They have mastered the core FPS gameplay better then anyone, is there any game with tighter and better controls then CoD4?
Meh, meeting Kojima is not that special, he was in a Swedish videogame store earlier this year signing copies of MGS4 etc.
Looks like Alex grabbed one big piece of Kojima's butt.
Meh, meeting Kojima is not that special, he was in a Swedish videogame store earlier this year signing copies of MGS4 etc.
Seriously, what did you expect? He is not some kind of celebrity. He's a freakin game director...
Bowling writes: "We're massive fans of Kojima's work, with MGS4 ranking up as one of my personal favorite games of all time. To presume Kojima and company has anything 'to learn' from us regarding game design is re-donku-lous.
What's that? Can't quite hear you with Kojima's cock in your mouth.
Why not? They have mastered the core FPS gameplay better then anyone, is there any game with tighter and better controls then CoD4?

Yes. It begins with an H ;)

CoD's gameplay has bored me in every iteration. It's the epitome of all mouth and no trousers - high production values, but as generic as point and shoot gets.
Yes. It begins with an H ;)

CoD's gameplay has bored me in every iteration. It's the epitome of all mouth and no trousers - high production values, but as generic as point and shoot gets.
Best not go there :)

I just really don't get the CoD love - at least in single player. It's such a step back from what the greater fps of yesterday gave us, and everyone laps it up.
I'm with the Warbster. He is right in both what he says about CoD and the contrast to Halo - the superior game.
I just really don't get the CoD love - at least in single player. It's such a step back from what the greater fps of yesterday gave us, and everyone laps it up.

If by 'everyone' you mean 'not everyone' then I agree.
I don't like cod's or halo's sp for that matter, what I was talking about was the essence of moving
shooting controls, CoD does that very very well. The controls, not the gameplay as a whole, feel tight,
feel perfect, they give you very good feedback, it just feel right, morose then in other games. And
there are plenty of games that don't get that right. If I wanted to make FPS I would ask IW how they
do it, because I'm sure if I were to program some first person game it would feel awkward, yet I would
not know how to improve it as I probably couldn't determine what was so odd about it.

And funny enough though I dislike halo's SP more I did use it as an example of how CoD should
do it to make it more appealing to me. In case that confuses anyone, I dislike halo more, but for some
other reasons.
I've changed my theory!

Because coding on the teaser website apparently says "MGST"

It will either be MGS:Touch for the iphone or DS or...

Metal Gear Solid Trilogy for the Wii

...I can actually see it happening
Because coding on the teaser website apparently says "MGST"

It will either be MGS:Touch for the iphone or DS or...

Metal Gear Solid Trilogy for the Wii

...I can actually see it happening

or metal gear solid teaser?

either way, i'll play it if it does come for the 360 but i wouldn't be too bummed if it didn't.
Hahaha! iPhone MGS. Just as I thought. Kojima loves the iPhone. Why would he NOT do this?? Those screens actually look pretty cool.