Michael Jackson Dead At 50

I heard on the radio that his personal physician ran away when the paramedics showed up and the police now want him for questioning. What the hell?

Yeah, they can't trace him either. Something sounds fishy.
Well, if Mr. Jackson left his personal physician some money in his Will, then you have motive. However, even if he did have something to gain, it is suspicious, but not a determination of guilt.
Yeah, they can't trace him either. Something sounds fishy.

personal MJ phisicyan: I placed the fake body on the place,I almost got caught

misterious voice: excelent, now the next pahse of the plans beggings! *shows up from the dark and is michael jackson,light go on a army of mj robots appear and start moving*

*all robots do a crotchgrab* robots and MJ: EEE-HEEEE!!!1
Well, if Mr. Jackson left his personal physician some money in his Will, then you have motive. However, even if he did have something to gain, it is suspicious, but not a determination of guilt.

Of course not, but you'd expect a Doctor at the scene of death to stick around.
There's a thread called "finally!" just below this one.
personal MJ phisicyan: I placed the fake body on the place,I almost got caught

misterious voice: excelent, now the next pahse of the plans beggings! *shows up from the dark and is michael jackson,light go on a army of mj robots appear and start moving*

*all robots do a crotchgrab* robots and MJ: EEE-HEEEE!!!1

This is why I love you.

R.I.P MJ, born a black man, died a white woman.
Apparently theres a chance it could of been food poisoning that killed him.

He had eaten 12 year old nuts.
If you read blogs and watch news and shit, they are all like, "aww, a great pop ledgend was passed on etc."
Before that all you heard where pedo warnings and he's a ****ing monster. God damn it these things piss me off. People being all sensitive now just becouse he died.

Yeah he looked like a damn ghoul but the guy made thriller.

Thriller. It's 10 kinds of awesome. Also I don't think he did it.
Thriller is such an important testament to 20th century art, that there's no way his death isn't relevant in some way.
Heres the soundfile of the emergency call that was made. Apparently the doctor that administered Jacksons medication was alone with him in the room. (Site is in swedish, but it doesnt matter cuz the sound is the original, dumb****s)


Sounds like he overdosed him, then ran away cuz of obvious reasons lol.
Post Option One:

He was a brilliant artist and performer, and what happened to him and by extension his family is truly tragic. For both him and his career to go downhill in such a drastic/public fashion is somewhat sad. As my dad said to me when he heard the news, the poor guy probably didnt have much chance, he'd been in the public eye his entire life, with alot of people with vested interests in him.

Post Option Two:

He requested a burial at sea, you know. He said he always dreamed of going down between two buoys.
All the child abuse jokes are sick, sure he was accused of child abuse but nothing was ever proven. His kids have just lost their dad and all people can do is make humor from it.

I feel quite sorry for him, he was forced into music from his early childhood and completely missed out on having real fun as a kid, which is what he tried to do as an adult.

Next time one of your loved ones die, how about we all joke about that?
All the child abuse jokes are sick, sure he was accused of child abuse but nothing was ever proven.

So you'll be upset when OJ Simpson dies and everyone makes murder jokes?
Difference there is that OJ Simpson was proven guilty.

Michael Jackson does not deserve any backlash. He was accused, yes, but it's the Media. He changed his face, yes, but he did it for an absolutely phenomenal cause.

He was a man who went ahead and personified racial equality. He was a black man who became a white man and he exemplified that there was NO difference at all. He went ahead and promoted world peace through his music. He was abused as a child. Terrible father!

It's pretty damn cold-hearted to judge Michael Jackson, folks. It's very easy to crucify people.
Difference there is that OJ Simpson was proven guilty.

Michael Jackson does not deserve any backlash. He was accused, yes, but it's the Media. He changed his face, yes, but he did it for an absolutely phenomenal cause.

He was a man who went ahead and personified racial equality. He was a black man who became a white man and he exemplified that there was NO difference at all. He went ahead and promoted world peace through his music. He was abused as a child. Terrible father!

It's pretty damn cold-hearted to judge Michael Jackson, folks. It's very easy to crucify people.

OJ Simpson wasn't proven guilty of Murder. Recently, Yes...but that was a completely different incident.
But it's irrelevant, anyway. He was a terrible man, OJ Simpson.

To compare OJ Simpson to Michael Jackson in this context is ridiuclous!
OJ Simpson wasn't proven guilty of Murder. Recently, Yes...but that was a completely different incident.

On February 5, 1997 a civil jury in Santa Monica, California unanimously found Simpson liable for the wrongful death of and battery against Goldman, and battery against Brown. Daniel Petrocelli represented plaintiff Fred Goldman, Ronald Goldman's father. Simpson was ordered to pay $33,500,000 in damages. However, California law protects pensions from being used to satisfy judgments, so Simpson was able to continue much of his lifestyle based on his NFL pension. In February 1999, an auction of Simpson's Heisman Trophy and other belongings netted almost $500,000. The money went to the Goldman family.

So at some point he was found guilty of the death of them, yes. Even though it did not affect his ruling from the murder case. Same incident though.
not reading any previous posts but..

great performer...raped kids
All the child abuse jokes are sick, sure he was accused of child abuse but nothing was ever proven.

he settled one of the court cases for 10 million dollars, he raped children

i guess i did read some posts, i lied
he settled one of the court cases for 10 million dollars, he raped children

i guess i did read some posts, i lied

The parents took the money. If my kid had been raped no amount of money would stop me from getting justice.

The argument works both ways.
The parents took the money. If my kid had been raped no amount of money would stop me from getting justice.

The argument works both ways.

i think we are agreeing with each other...although i am bed ridden and on painkillers. :p
You should know that the King of Pop will not be buried. His remains will be recycled into shopping bags so that he will still remain white, plastic, and a danger to young children.

I'll be honest.

I totally expected Jacko to be in the news sooner or later. But not for dying.
he settled one of the court cases for 10 million dollars, he raped children

i guess i did read some posts, i lied
Sir, it's probably true that he was a pedophile, but I don't believe he raped children. Just what do you mean by that anyway? Touched him in the naughty parts? Raped his bum? what?

I guess you know more than the US Justice system who acquitted him. Please enlighten us so we may solve this once and for all.

Because you must not know anything. One of the most famous people in the world going through the court for alleged child molestation, or, pay this woman to go away. He was set up to be blackmailed. I heard that this woman had tried to sue him previously for something else. She is a crook and a schemer.

Put it this way: if I had falsified evidence, (for example a photo shopped picture of you raping a child) and I threatened to show to your entire school and the police, but I promised to destroy it if you give me $20, would you pay me or risk everything? You see, whether it's true or not, whether you are found guilty or not, it's going to destroy your reputation for good. That is the one thing Mr. Jackson couldn't afford.

And it would be especially risky to be in court for it if you really were attracted to children, regardless if you ever in your life acted on it.
People are too quick to judge him based on things they've heard in the media and they take rumours as if they were fact and call him a "monster" and things like that which I find despicable. Not to mention they look past all the good things he has done for the world, the millions of people he has helped. I liked this clip I found on Youtube which I think sums it up pretty well:
I'm not a Michael Jackson fan, I had forgot about his music before I heard the news and I just wanted to share my opinion.
Sir, it's probably true that he was a pedophile, but I don't believe he raped children.

Are you saying the children were willing or something? I don't follow.

I guess you know more than the US Justice system who acquitted him. Please enlighten us so we may solve this once and for all.

He was set up to be blackmailed.


Apparently you are the one who knows more than the US justice system.

I'm not interested in arguing over this virus, it's pointless. You just admitted that you think he was in fact a pedophile. Let's drop it. If he was innocent then a great performer has passed away. If he wasn't, than a pedophile with talent passed away. Pick one. In the meantime, stop trying to sound so righteous in defense of somebody you believe was guilty of whatever it is you want to call it.

I don't let fame assuage a persons actions no matter how popular they were.
Are you saying the children were willing or something? I don't follow.
Paedophile does not mean someone who has sex with children; it's someone who is sexually attracted to children. Some people don't see the difference. Those people are idiots. It's the same difference between a rapist and someone who is straight.
Paedophile does not mean someone who has sex with children; it's someone who is sexually attracted to children. Some people don't see the difference. Those people are idiots. It's the same difference between a rapist and someone who is straight.

Except this suspected pedophile insisted that children stay over his house in the same bed. If he was a pedophile this is inexcusable. There are also various definitions of pedophilia, some of which include the physical act.

Again, if he was innocent than it sucks he will be remembered for the accusations, but if not...I have no interest in defending him because he was a good singer.
I'm not interested in arguing over this virus, it's pointless.
It's not pointless. It's one thing to joke, but you are saying with affirmation that he 'raped children', though he was merely accused of it. The case was thrown out for lack of any evidence. Then let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

You think you are at the defense of children by saying this, but it is important to stop slandering him for the sake of his 3 young children. It could seriously damage their psychological well being and their lives.

You just admitted that you think he was in fact a pedophile.
Follow the true definition of the word, and not the one tacked on over the years by misunderstanding or misconception.

Paedophile does not mean someone who has sex with children; it's someone who is sexually attracted to children. Some people don't see the difference. Those people are idiots. It's the same difference between a rapist and someone who is straight.
Yes, exactly.

In the meantime, stop trying to sound so righteous in defense of somebody you believe was guilty of whatever it is you want to call it.
There is no crime in being attracted to children just like there is no crime in being attracted to anything else. Using the world guilty here is irksome. Just like I'm 'guilty' of eating pizza. Where is the crime?
I don't let fame assuage a persons actions no matter how popular they were.
You couldn't be more wrong about my reasoning. Fame has nothing to do with this. Mr. Jackson himself isn't even part of my concern here.

I cannot stand misinformation, I cannot stand people who bash people for their sexual orientation (god damn idiots), and I don't appreciate people slandering Mr. Jackson's legacy, for the sake of his children.

We are attracted to whatever we are attracted to by design, by no fault of our own.

You think any person would choose to be attracted to children? Given his social status, this man could have chosen from millions of women. Think about it, he married Elvis Presely's daughter.

From what I've read and understood, the overwhelming majority of people would prefer to be heterosexual. They wish they were not attracted to other men, little boys and girls, farm animals, dead bodies, household pets, infants, whatever it is. There is nothing they can do about it. The only way to fix it: for men, they can be castrated, for women, I guess they only option is death.

if he was innocent than it sucks he will be remembered for the accusations
I couldn't agree more!