Microsoft: Alan Wake will no longer be coming to the PC


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
"Some games are more suited for the intimacy of the PC, and others are best played from the couch in front of a larger TV screen. We ultimately realised that the most compelling way to experience "Alan Wake" was on the Xbox 360 platform, so we focused on making it an Xbox 360 exclusive. Both Microsoft and Remedy have long histories in PC game development. This decision was about matching this specific game to the right platform."

**** you.
That's just about the stupidest god damn bullshit excuse I've ever heard.

Intimacy of the PC? Wtf? How can you not be intimate with a console? If anything I would think consoles are more intimate.

All that aside, what does it have to do with anything? What about this game doesn't "match" with the PC?

I didn't really care that much that it won't be on the PC but this excuse is ****ing bullshit.
no one cares after this point
lol what a lame half-assed sorry excuse. really did he expect anyone to buy that idiotic excuse "people are more comfortable playing on their couch"? come on that's just dumb. the truth would have been better

"sorry but we just cant invest the resources in developing a game that is a risky bet on this particular platform. we tried our best but we just dont want to lose our shirts"

no, it's the couch's fault
translation Microsoft said:
we threw a ton of money at Remedy in the hopes that more people will buy 360s and/or the more expensive 360 games. also PC audience keeps telling us how hard we've failed at making "games for windows live" compelling to the PC audience so now we don't give a shit about them anymore

translation Remedy said:
Microsoft threw a ton of money at us to make the Game 360 exclusive, so we're willing to **** over the audience who made us money in the first place. we're going to pretend it's about giving the best experience to the players(by not letting an entire segment play the game) but really we only care about money.

their loss really.

Hey, remember when they were using this game to try and sell quad-core processors?

Edit: Also, Vista.
oh yeah, the quad-core and DX10/Vista exclusive stuff. Man, they've outdone themselves.
That is one of the worst excuses I've ever read for dropping a platform. They should have just said...we can't port it because the dog ate it.
This is some 'ol bullshit here. "People will only want to play this game if they're sitting on a couch"

Speaks loads about the quality of the game. I'd only play it if I was a lazy couch potato and couldn't be bothered to stop playing it once I started.

I was going to get it, on the 360 even, but **** it. I've got better developers to support these next few months.
Remedy/Microsoft, the whole story is now quite ridiculous. And now, back to some great PC games from companies that really care about us.
what a bunch of bitches, "specific to the right platform" wtf is that supposed to mean?

Hey, remember when they were using this game to try and sell quad-core processors?

Edit: Also, Vista.

and now the 360...

reminds me of Bush and his ever changing reasons for going into Iraq...
reminds me of Bush and his reasons for going into Iraq...

No way. Iraq having WMDs would have been a legitimate reason, Bush just lied about them having them. This is more like Bush saying "We need to invade Iraq because we need mattresses"

They're not even trying to make sense. Its a blatant "f*ck off PC" statement.
No way. Iraq having WMDs would have been a legitimate reason, Bush just lied about them having them. This is more like Bush saying "We need to invade Iraq because we need mattresses"

They're not even trying to make sense. Its a blatant "f*ck off PC" statement.

you obviously don't know what I'm referring to when I say that...


"Saddam tried to kill my Dad"

"We're freeing an oppressed country"


"they WMDs and this pictures of trucks that could be any trucks proves it!"

etc etc.

reasons kept changing...
"sorry but we just cant invest the resources in developing a game that is a risky bet on this particular platform. we tried our best but we just dont want to lose our shirts"

no, it's the couch's fault
It's a combination of that and "we want to grow our Xbox360 base, we don't care about PC." Or maybe they are the same thing.

Not only is the excuse they gave us lame but so is the reality of the situation (not supporting one of their platforms).
It's not like the game is for platforms drastically different from each other. (like devs who make PS3/PC games or Wii/Xbox360/PS3 games).
Even as someone who never really gave a crap about Alan Wake, there's so much to find insulting about what MS have said here.

First is the insult to the readers' intelligence, as if anyone with a functioning brain could ever buy the loopy shitcake of an excuse that they've trotted out. Then there's the implication that the PC would not be the 'right' platform for any particular genre, as if games of every kind haven't been making their way to the PC for years. Then you have the realisation that MS are dismissing the PC market even while doing their best to foist GFWL onto as many PC ports as they can; bringing games to the PC is not a priority, but spamming PC gamers with shitty obligatory installs is. Outrageous.
I dont give a **** anymore, took to long and now i lost all interest. The latest vids look like shit too. So its actually good this way, throw this consolized shit to the console peasants, dirty subhuman gamers.
Now everyone on this forum is going to say "I never cared about this game in the first place" or "this game sucks". Do yourself a favor and buy a PS3 or Xbox360. There is plenty of gaming to be had outside the PC and for a reasonable cost.

Sadly most PC games nowadays are just ports of a console game. I hope this trend stops and people other than Valve/Blizzard start making PC games again.
Now everyone on this forum is going to say "I never cared about this game in the first place" or "this game sucks". Do yourself a favor and buy a PS3 or Xbox360. There is plenty of gaming to be had outside the PC and for a reasonable cost.

First off, plenty of people have been saying "I never cared about this game in the first place" or "this game sucks" for years on this forum, and secondly, no shit you can game on the consoles. Thats not what this is about.
I actually posted new media and stuck up for this game when console gamers were bashing it. Isn't this some shit - they lured people to Vista with this.

Whenever something needs a boost, just say you've got games 'in the works'. Well, I guess if MS wants to compete with Sony, they're going to have to be lying sacks of shit like Sony.
However lame Microsoft's excuse is, it is Remedy that can go f*** themselves imho. They are responsible for failing at developing the game in a normal period of time. They need Microsoft's money because they haven't released a game since 2003. Alan Wake was announced almost 5 years ago ffs.
The strangest thing about this: how on earth is "intimacy" unsuitable for a horror game?
I hope the lot of you are upset over the reasoning behind this decision and not upset that Alan Wake won't be coming to the PC. The game looked like garbage, folks. GARBAGE. It was billed as a horror game for 4 years, then last year when we got some actual footage of gameplay it was all BULLET TIME and SHINE YER FLASHLIGHT AT THE SHADOW MEN. You can't honestly be lamenting the loss of this title, can you?

For god's sakes, people, this has 'crap' written all over it. And on top of that, this one game has been in development for five years, and Alan Wake is planned as a TRILOGY. You wouldn't be getting anything out of this series until 2020.

And before OmegaX says, "See, I told you people would be saying 'This game sucks' now," I said this in the last two Alan Wake threads, back when it was still coming to PC. It's gonna be CRAP, people. BULLET TIME IN A HORROR GAME. SLOW-MO TO DODGE BULLETS. IN A HORROR GAME. Just sit there and think about it. Take a good long think about it.
Don't steal my shtick, man.
That' the most retarded reason ever. Though I sorta already thought it was console exclusive so this is more like "it was coming to PC in the first place?" :p
Don't steal my shtick, man.

I think bullet time would be good for a horror game...

Bullet time makes everything better.
