Military: Gamers less "inhibited"

Flyingdebris said:
i think the fact that you could shoot better was simply cause you probably new more about guns than the average joe shmo as a byproduct of playing games with guns in them. Hell i learned a whole bunch about guns after having played a whole lot of battlefield and hanging out on the planet battlefield forums.

Most people don't know jack about guns, a little knowledge can go a long way into helping you shoot. I would not consider this a bad thing. Better to know how to use a gun than not.

Perhaps. But they still shot bolt-action rifles almost twice as fast as their training officers.

Games FTW. :E
Odd, none of the people I know have ever seen a gun up close - let alone fired one. Though I suppsoe that has to do with the area I live in.
mabufo said:
Odd, none of the people I know have ever seen a gun up close - let alone fired one. Though I suppsoe that has to do with the area I live in.

lol. But seriously that's pretty odd. Maybe it has to do with where I live too though I guess.
I don't know anyone at all who hasn't at least once used a firearm.