Minerva - Metastasis

Whoa, it's out now?!?!?!?

Yeah I just beat it...that was actually almost as good as Half life 2 itself...
I played it and in my opinion that's a big over-exaggeration Zeus, but it was indeed very good. Very high quality mapping and the gameplay was enjoyable :)
Immensely great first chapter! Please put this up on the site news please!! It's very good. :cheers:
Just beat it... Very good 20 minute excursion from BF2 :p

And Zeus, no :)
Zeus said:
Yeah I just beat it...that was actually almost as good as Half life 2 itself...

I need a MOD with different guns, different enemies, and levels that arent so "nova prospekish" where are they!~!!!!!
Playing through this now. Never heard of it before I saw it on here yesterday! very nice suprise. I've been eagerly awaiting some decent SP content. Very nice work.
Zeus said:
Yeah I just beat it...that was actually almost as good as Half life 2 itself...

It was good but that might be going abit far :p
Woot, just finished. Id actually agree with Zeus, the gameplay is really immersive, you have to be on the run and tactically plan your fights. In HL2, for me atleast, its just immediate kill when sighted. Levels do resemble Nova Prospekt alot, but they are absolutely high-quality and not nearly as narrow and one-way as in HL2.

Looking forward for more episodes, with sweating hands.
Nice. Real nice. Lovely maps, especially once you reach the citadel/Nova Prospekt parts. Dunno what exactly I like about them but something just... Appealed to me.
I enjoy how the maps are great! The gameplay was fun, though redundant at times. Still fun non-the-less. Great download.
So are you some splinter combine soldier faction against the bulk of the combine in this?

In the beginning the messages (which I got a laugh that they were just like an old-school modem connecting) the person says the Combine pilot dropped you in at a crappy location and later on by the cages with ooze coming out the bottom the person makes the comment, "that's where you'd be if it wasn't for me" or something along those lines.

Level design was great and the music added in the middile part was great.
The architecture was good/great all around, especially in the underground uplink/powerplant area.
Love the level design, but when I got to the bit when the person on the comms said about the stalkers, I started running at 5fps. Models also kept dissapearing like the Stalker capsules and random physics objects :\.
Damn that was an awesome first chapter.
When I activated one of the switches, and had to make it back to the surface and a swarm of manhacks showed up, I FREAKED and ran the other way. The first thing I saw when I looked in their direction was a bunch of floating red lights.
I can't wait for the rest of it!
Very impressive level design, the incoming messages and music added greatly to the atmosphere of the level aswell, very well made enjoyed it alot :)
Nicely done!
I don't personally like that episode-stuff idea though:( was too short..
Very nice simple mod, seemed to be designed nicely with no serious flaws. It was very dark in some areas, I think it was a mood choice but I'd rather see what's going on, the messages that displayed were quite nice, sometimes however they would display during action and they got in the way a bit. I got a bit lost I admit, I feel down a ladder and underneath in the maze like rooms, eventually found the way somehow.
I enjoyed it. Very unique storyline. I can't wait for the next part. And indeed the mapping in it is very good.
BrimStone04 said:
I need a MOD with different guns, different enemies, and levels that arent so "nova prospekish" where are they!~!!!!!

So do I man.........so do I................................
Bit late, but i just played it through, i liked it, found it challenging which is always nice. Lovely island with all that secret base underneath really surprised me, and the music suited it well down there, very eerie. Anyway i must agree, for any mods coming out i really want new guns only really. Using the mp7 or ar_2 all the time is tiresome.
excellent mod
underground was so intense!

this is quality on a par with HL2 - kudos to the mod makers

btw the AI was fantastic - i kept getting absolutely owned by the soldiers especially underground where they were smarter than me circling and feinting, nading and charging me-scaried the crap out of me
i wish HL2's AI was as brutal
Nice... The mapping is horribly confusing though I kept getting lost... Ended up noclipping my way through the level :p Maybe thats why i didnt see any enemies underground.
Nice... The mapping is horribly confusing though I kept getting lost... Ended up noclipping my way through the level Maybe thats why i didnt see any enemies underground.
you ruined a fantastic gaming experience!
and the illusion of non linearity is soo welcome i want to cry
A very good mod and no mistake. Feels a bit too pre-fabbed to be cruel, but HL2 has such wonderful stock meshes that it doesn't matter. Some great gameplay and it comes across as a completely different experience against HL2's AI, even though nothing has apparently been changed! The squad AI seemed quite clever.

The story is a mixed bag, but it's a fan mod so i'd be a fool to expect more. Who I am, what i'm doing and why I'm dropped into a firefight so quickly are questions I would have liked to have answered, but nontheless. From what I gather, SHODAN... err, your Contact has freed you from a combine facility where you were to be a stalker and caught you a ride on a friendly combine helicopter. No idea where I got the HEV suit :p I do know I don't trust the contact much though :)
having never played system shock it feels like the end of deus ex when you are underground in the bunker
kupoartist said:
A very good mod and no mistake. Feels a bit too pre-fabbed to be cruel, but HL2 has such wonderful stock meshes that it doesn't matter. Some great gameplay and it comes across as a completely different experience against HL2's AI, even though nothing has apparently been changed! The squad AI seemed quite clever.

The story is a mixed bag, but it's a fan mod so i'd be a fool to expect more. Who I am, what i'm doing and why I'm dropped into a firefight so quickly are questions I would have liked to have answered, but nontheless. From what I gather, SHODAN... err, your Contact has freed you from a combine facility where you were to be a stalker and caught you a ride on a friendly combine helicopter. No idea where I got the HEV suit :p I do know I don't trust the contact much though :)
You need to play Someplace Else first. It's a HL1 map, and it's where the story begins. It doesn't awnser much, but you were not in a combine facility. At least, that's how it looks.
Lincoln said:
You need to play Someplace Else first. It's a HL1 map, and it's where the story begins. It doesn't awnser much, but you were not in a combine facility. At least, that's how it looks.

I haven't played Someplace else yet, but I'm certain alot could have happened in the time between the two maps. "Your rebel friends." "I saved you from horrors such as that." All show something has indeed happened.

"You remember me, don't you?"

That line proves theres obviously a large time gap between the two.
erm it was ok i suppose, nothing too fancy. it was only 5 minutes long. they should have waited and released it all in one go.
the story was actually mildly interesting, and nothing interests neptune