mines causing explosions


Jan 29, 2004
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In the E3 2004 videos, when he's dealing with the combines and the roller mines, why do they cause explosions? It looks like when they get near the dead bodies they cause an explosion. Maybe it was a grenade on the floor or something?

But I don't think anyone talked about this yet...
I think its becuase the manipulator throws them so hard that they themselves explode.. maybe..
It's not clear. The combine are throwing grenades. But there are also various secondary explosions going on, like when barrels catch fire and explode. So the mines might occasionally make exploisions (or, more likely, explode when they die), or it might have been something else.


they were dying.
If you have the gamespot video, you can see a rollermine hit a body at 6:21 and explode. But at 6:17 you see a combine throw a grenade to that position so it's most likely that grenade. I didn't see any evidence of rollermines exploding. There are two instances of combine throwing a grenade, one exploding barrel, and one where Gordon shoots a grenade (okay he shoots two from the house too but that's later, I mean in the rollermines section)

So no, they do not explode, at least we have not seen it.
So you say, but then, it's not like the enemies really have perfect naming conventions or anything. I didn't actually see any die, so I'll withhold my judgement till there's better info.
they do explode, I believe they explode when they are to much damaged, kind of a kamikaze thing
If they are explosive, I sure as hell wouldn't be hitting them with a crowbar like they do. Plus Gordon also hits them with a sub-machine gun and a shotgun at close range, and all they do is get pushed back. So I would assume they dont explode.
Hazar Dakiri said:


they were dying.

heh, didn't even think of that :rolling:
I'm not with it today
YES they do explode.

I think they selfdestuct like evil said. They just take alot of damage.
I just looked at the vid again. None of them explode, but there is one interesting bit where one gets blown away by a grenade toward the buggy, then there is another exposion right where it is. I cant tell if its getting blown away again, or if it exploded. Its hard to move frame by frame in quicktime.
It is exploding. What other explosion would there be?

btw, I hate quicktime too.
When I saw the videos, I immediately thought the mine blew up (just made an explosion, didn't actually destroy it) because it touched grenades or something similar around the dead bodies.
There are plenty of secondary explosions in the game. For all anyone knows, a grenade could have been thrown there when Gordon wasn't looking in that direction. Again, until I see them actually explode, I'll reserve judgement. I would think that if they did explode, the explosion would be different than regular ones and have some sort of electrical discharge effect.
The grenade would have had to been thrown right at the rollermine! It exploded in midair! That means the grenade (since they're on a timer (fuse)) would either have to hover in midair or the guy would have had to throw it after waiting a bit.
By the same token, you'd have to be arguing that the rollermine just exploded for no reason, in mid-flight.
It had just been knocked in the air by the grenade. It might have taken that little bit to self-distruct.
Lethal8472 said:
I just looked at the vid again. None of them explode, but there is one interesting bit where one gets blown away by a grenade toward the buggy, then there is another exposion right where it is. I cant tell if its getting blown away again, or if it exploded. Its hard to move frame by frame in quicktime.

The combine throws a grenade just before that to the location where the mine "explodes" (6:17 on the Gamespot video) So it's a grenade, not the mine that explodes. Can only be seen by frame by frame analysis.

Believe me, there is no mine that explodes in the video. That doesn't mean they don't explode, but we haven't seen it.
The mines might explode when they are in proximity to intense heat, IE if you shoot a grenade near a roller mine, chances are it'll blow up as well.
Lethal8472 said:
If they are explosive, I sure as hell wouldn't be hitting them with a crowbar like they do. Plus Gordon also hits them with a sub-machine gun and a shotgun at close range, and all they do is get pushed back. So I would assume they dont explode.
It's so sad when someone types something intelligent like that and no one seems to notice it, but maybe quoting it will make a few people more read it. :)
Ok you skeptics, heres the proof.

And to SpaceRain and Lethal, He was trying to knock them into the water not kill them.
Hazar Dakiri said:
Ok you skeptics, heres the proof.

And to SpaceRain and Lethal, He was trying to knock them into the water not kill them.

That's not proof, like I said, there's a combine soldier who throws a grenade to that exact same location 3 seconds before that. So that explains the explosion. Maybe the mine explodes in the proces, but there's no reason to assume that since it's impossible to see it. You can't tell whether the mine is destroyed or not, and since it survived a grenade from Gordon just before that, I doubt it's destroyed now.
There is never enough proof for the one who refuses to believe.

The grenade had already gone off. The mine was launched into the air and exploded soon after by its self-distruction mechanism. Btw, notice how the mine is in the center of the explosion?

So if the mine didn't explode, where did it go then?
There is never enough proof for the one who refuses to believe.

Well, some proof might be nice. I have the exact same video as you, with the exact same frame by frame. I don't see conclusive evidence of anything other than an unexplained explosion, sorry. You can speculate all you want about a mysterious time delay self-destruct based on taking too much damage. You can explain anything by making things up things like that.

Where did it go? Off to the right. For all we know, if could be the same mine that Gordon encounters later on the other side of the fence. There were two mines originally, and they both end up somewhere over in that direction but we don't see exactly where for both.
Ok, I'll bear with you for a moment. Say it was another explosion, the mine happened to be right in the exact center of the explosion 2 feet off the ground? (more like 4-5') That would mean that the grenade would have to be at the exact same place as the mine when it went off.

A little unrealistic if you ask me.

and btw, here's some more proof that shows it didn't go off to the right.
(notice there isn't any mine)
Dude, there's no need to keep posting stills. We all have the movie. We all watched every frame. The mine is shooting off the right, there is an explosion (and, in fact, you can see the mine intact in the midst of the explosion) what you can see of it through the smoke keeps moving off to the right extremely fast, and the side of the screen cuts off whether or not we can see where it went or if it shot off to the right really fast.
Hazar Dakiri said:
There is never enough proof for the one who refuses to believe.

The grenade had already gone off. The mine was launched into the air and exploded soon after by its self-distruction mechanism. Btw, notice how the mine is in the center of the explosion?

So if the mine didn't explode, where did it go then?

That's impossible to say, it could have been blown anywhere. The grenade didn't go off already. The mine was blown away by a grenade that Gordon fired, and landed near the grenade that was thrown by the combine.
the grenade thrown by the combine soldier on the left, doesnt go off before the roller mine is flung behind you, that was the one infront of you ,.

at 5:41 the combine soldier to the left throws a grenade, it ends up behind you, later as the mine is blasted off to the right, (in the air at this time), the explosion comes from floor level, (obviously the grenade thrown earlier). which obscures the mine from view as your head turns left.

No double exlplosion.

although its hard to tell, the explosion definately comes from the floor, when the roller mine is about 3 or 4 foot in the air..

. maybe they do explode , but they seem to be an electric mine that shock you, so maybe they dont explode and are indestructable.. you'll just have to dispose of them differently, (which i may add is a brilliant touch to the game)
AAAAA! Three skepticks!!! :D

I still think they explode after taking a considerable amount of damage.
Maybe, I just don't think we can see it clearly enough to be sure.
you can be pretty sure if you look at where the explosion origionates from. the mine is in the AIR,, and explosion comes from the FLOOR. when it happens.
Hazar Dakiri said:
Best discussion I've had on these forums. :D
You know we're running dry on new material and are total nerds when we have a multi-page discussion on weather a sparkly ball blew up or not. :x

That qualifies for the nomination of the best laugh I've had on these forums.
The grenade explodes, and it sends the mine flying. Then, the mine bounces off of the cliff, and explodes in mid-air.

So, the mines mainly attack by electro-shocking their target, and explode if they sustain too much damage.

They're called mines because of the fact that they are hidden under the ground.

The grenade itself was thrown from the grassy knoll. Not from the adjacent book warehouse. :D

Look, just because it's a mine, doesn't mean it has to explode. No one playing the previews ever describes them as exploding. Valve would call them mines just because they are planted in the ground and are little metal things that zap you. Reading more into it is silly.
Mechagodzilla said:
The grenade explodes, and it sends the mine flying. Then, the mine bounces off of the cliff, and explodes in mid-air.

are you watching the same vid?

I don't remember it bouncing off a cliff.
The grenade explodes, and it sends the mine flying. Then, the mine bounces off of the cliff, and explodes in mid-air.

lol he must beable to see whats going on off the sides of the screen, :p
Yeah, I can't see it hitting any cliffside: there is the explosion and then we can't see any farther over in that direction. A jolly green giant could be standing there and we'd never know. :)