Miscellaneous III: EXTREME Edition

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What color is this?

The more I look at it, the more I cannot tell. I need more opinions. It looks greenish to me, like a pale yellowish pear green color, but I need more opinions.

And then willie realizes that this means his school will get out a week and a half later into his summer.
The good thing about this Christian place is that it ends earlier than regular school.

Some rednecks are awesome and most of them are easy to get along with as long as you don't challenge their views / lifestyle too much. They're kind of fun to hang out with... cause who doesn't like shooting guns, getting drunk etc?

and I'm going back to school on Sunday, already moved some of my stuff back in. woot woot!!
**** yeah guns. I knew this one redneck who lived out beyond the woods behind our house. Owned a farm, I'd always go over and shoot shit with him. Fun stuff. Remingtons rock.
I only see things in shades of pink and blue.
D: damn, that sucks. My father is colorblind, but not too badly anyway.
I see things in shades of white and black people.
I see drunk o v?ision. Yeah i said it. It's 4 20 after midnight and i **** up yet again. Yet im smiling.
I wish you'd zing yourself. And by zing I mean shoot.
killer comeback man, and speaking of dying, im pretty sure your social life is dead if you have 574 posts on an internet forum in a month. you should probably go outside once in a while.
MFD00M said:
Eat A Dick

Is what this guy was compelled to post in my profile, by the way. I also noticed that's the second time you've said that to me today. As if that's the only thing that goes through your pea brain. I wouldn't be surprised. You really think it's that much a waste of time? We could do a little math. This involves division, so it may be a little over your level, but try to keep up.

Lets say each of my posts takes a minute to write and make posted. That's about five hundred and seventy minutes (I don't know exactly, I don't have my post count memorized, like this guy here, for whatever reason). Let's divide that by sixty (because that's how many minutes are in an hour) and we get 9.5 hours, out of 888 hours approx. this account of mine has been active on this forum. And if my math is corret, that's less that one percent of my time in the last month. Also, my profile says about 15 posts a day. Going by our previous assumption that each post takes a minute to post, that's fifteen minutes a day. Is that really so much? Not enough to make your little "insult" there have any merit towards anything other than making you look like an unimaginative prick, anyway.

Note, I'm not angry, or insulted even, I just like to pwn noobs, to put it in a language this cretin might understand. Also, I've put you on ignore, because everytime I read one of your posts it's like a metally unstable person who has been feasting on his own feces is vomivting all over my brain and eyeballs. It's for my own health.
So guys, I was expecting like $80 from my paycheck because I didn't work all that much, but instead I got $200.

What to do wit it, wit it?!
Is what this guy was compelled to post in my profile, by the way. I also noticed that's the second time you've said that to me today. As if that's the only thing that goes through your pea brain. I wouldn't be surprised. You really think it's that much a waste of time? We could do a little math. This involves division, so it may be a little over your level, but try to keep up.

Lets say each of my posts takes a minute to write and make posted. That's about five hundred and seventy minutes (I don't know exactly, I don't have my post count memorized, like this guy here, for whatever reason). Let's divide that by sixty (because that's how many minutes are in an hour) and we get 9.5 hours, out of 888 hours approx. this account of mine has been active on this forum. And if my math is corret, that's less that one percent of my time in the last month. Also, my profile says about 15 posts a day. Going by our previous assumption that each post takes a minute to post, that's fifteen minutes a day. Is that really so much? Not enough to make your little "insult" there have any merit towards anything other than making you look like an unimaginative prick, anyway.

Note, I'm not angry, or insulted even, I just like to pwn noobs, to put it in a language this cretin might understand. Also, I've put you on ignore, because everytime I read one of your posts it's like a metally unstable person who has been feasting on his own feces is vomivting all over my brain and eyeballs. It's for my own health.
This post and poster gets kudos.
School starts too soon. Plus I work every night from 3:30-7:45 the first week.

Make me feel better. :3
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