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Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
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It seems to me that this thread serves a purpose in that it will attract spam, but intelligent, friendly, we-all-know-and-love each other spam; it will allow an outlet for meaningless personal announcements and amusing chatter without actually impacting on the forum too much. I do not intend it merely to be a postcount harvest, but genuinely to open up discussion over subjects too trivial to really start a whole thread on.

For example, I would like to announce that even when drunk, I can type very well. And maybe it is also because I am happy because a date went swimmingly.

Sod it! Enough about me; what is going on with you? Good, bad, or ridiculous? And if this is considered against the forum rules, or useless spam, let the thread closed and let me be punished by infractions; know only that I do not intend to clutter or be a detriment to the forum, but only to improve it, and to provide a necessary space for free but irrelevant discussion.

I just got back from Grease practice. The performance is about a month away and it'll be a miracle if we get it down by then.
You're in a musical? That's kind of cool.

Who do you play?
I'm sitting in my room listening to Nickel Creek. I should probably do some writing, but I haven't got lessons tomorrow and I'd rather be eating Jammy Dodgers.

Qonf - Who do you play?
EDIT: Beaten by Sulkdrunks.
know only that I do not intend to clutter or be a detriment to the forum, but only to improve it, and to provide a necessary space for free but irrelevant discussion.


that's exactly what a calculating spammer would say!!!
I was thinking about making a thread like this. I would have called it The Random Thread myself but Miscellaneous is a good title (even if you spelled it wrong!) because you know where it's taken from HAH HAH HAH.

What role, Qon? Grease is the SHIT.
I'm sorry I spelled it wrong, Ennui. I guess I'm not as good a drunkwriter as I thought. :(

Do change it if it begins to irritate you.
My dads birthday so i've had a few out of character drinks!

Been making some awesome cocktails!

-Whiskey + green and blacks organic cocoa + single cream + xylitol (a natural sugar alcohol with 'cool' mouthfeel, you could use sugar!) + peppermint essense.

-Classic vodka and cranberry!

-Whiskey macs (whiskey and ginger wine)

-Rocks organic blackcurrant mix with vodka

And a few experiments with vermouth that went wrong.

As i don't drink barely at all my body has gone into shock rather than get drunk i think.

I'm craving some beetroot right now but satisfied myself with blueberries in greek yoghurt.

listening to " 'SASH! mysterious times " haha, brings back memories!

Day off tommorow, must clean my car as the storms have blown a mixture of salt spray and sand all over it.
heheh I fixed it Sulk, I'm an OCD grammar nazi D:

I'm going camping for a few nights starting tomorrow, definitely excited as I love camping and I finally have all of the necessary equipment on my own so I don't have to borrow any from my father (except for a tent). My friends and I went grocery shopping today; we're bringing 24 eggs and several pounds of bacon, lots of sausage, lots of noodles, and all kinds of other delicious food. Marshmallows included.
My dumb self is learning maths. I'm going to be good at maths. First I'll be good at one math, then another math. Then all the maths.

Yay maths.
My wife and I are planning our wedding (not to be confused with our marriage) and it's driving her batty. I'm about to pull some regulation of the matriarchs if they don't get their paws out of how this will go down.

Random nippybits.

I have exams tomorrow, then Spring Break for a week or so. Also, if any other Hl2.netters are interested in joining Stigmata and I in our Half-life: Sven-Coop antics we should all get to together on Steam and go at it. :D
I just got back from Grease practice.
Cool. Grease was the first Musical I was ever in. We cut the top off a mini and put it onto the school's tiny stage when we needed it for Greased Lighting etc.
The performance is about a month away and it'll be a miracle if we get it down by then.
Everyone says this. How many shows have you been in before now? After 3 or so, I started to figure out that things just come together in the end whatever happens.

Odd. I was going to make a 'Musicals' thread this afternoon but decided against it because:

1) I couldn't work out where to put it.
2) We've already had a 'what's your sexuality thread' this month (zing!)
Apparently I used to sing along to Grease songs and dance when I was 3. I can understand why.
I have 5 F's right now in school because I haven't done any of my work. Hopefully I can bring them up before the Quater ends. :X
i could never particiapte in a musical or any play. i have stage fright, and i absolutely hate presentations
Why? Getting lots of Fs is only going to keep you in high school longer, which I'm sure you don't want to do.

Seppo, me too :p
I never used to do my homework in school. I always used to stuff it behind my dresser apparently, my uncle says.

I guess I'll never know why.
Why? Getting lots of Fs is only going to keep you in high school longer, which I'm sure you don't want to do.

Seppo, me too :p

Well, I'm someone who doesn't do any work the first half of the quarter, but then completely brings up the grades before they are finally submitted for the quater.

Problem is, we've had so many days off recently I may be f*cked this time.
Yeah, it's a habit I definately need to stop, even though I pull through at the last minute, quite a few of my grades fall at average when I know I could be doing a lot better if I just worked all the way through.

I feel guilty at times for it.
i could never particiapte in a musical or any play. i have stage fright, and i absolutely hate presentations
Fortunately, I am an attention whore.

Hence why I posted again for no other reason than to say 'yeah but look at me, I'm different'.
It's not a pleasant position to be in. I'd honestly advise you get yourself organised - which coming from me is rather hypocritical, but whatev - surely you'll find you have more free time and more chance/incentive to enjoy it.

At the end of the day, work ain't that bad, and if it is, you're doing it wrong (or are in the wrong place etc).

EDIT: I'm pretty good at talking so I don't think I'd get too bad stage fright if I tried.
EDIT2: heh, the "I'm pretty good at talking" gag doesn't actually work on you guys because you don't know me personally and so don't know how talkative and annoying I am :p
Well, I'm someone who doesn't do any work the first half of the quarter, but then completely brings up the grades before they are finally submitted for the quater.

Problem is, we've had so many days off recently I may be f*cked this time.
Yeah, it's a habit I definately need to stop, even though I pull through at the last minute, quite a few of my grades fall at average when I know I could be doing a lot better if I just worked all the way through.

I feel guilty at times for it.

I managed to get through high school with a decent (4.3) GPA despite the fact that I almost never did any work. I slept through most classes (or just stared at the wall) and didn't turn in homework very often. In AP Calculus senior year, homework was only 10% of the total grade; I turned in the first assignment and no others... and had over 100 zeroes by the end of the year.

Trust me, you can get by doing it in high school but all you're doing is hurting yourself. I got my ass kicked first semester of uni because of it and I had to shape up. Get some work ethic; you'll be infinitely less stressed out and it doesn't even take all that much effort.

edit: Sulk I wish I knew you in real life, come on an exchange program to UNC why don't you? The Brit students we have had this year all love it.
I definately need to get organized, it's hard to find the motivation 100% of the time though. I only get random bursts of motivation, imparticular when my ass is on the line.
Believe me I know the feeling. I was probably worse than you are. It's a lot easier to get your shit together in high school than it is in college, though, and you'll be happy you did.
I'm basically being a typical single guy this week while my girlfriend is on holiday. It's a nice change, but I don't think I'd prefer it for anything other than a short break. Keeping her is still the plan.

Almost finished term, waiting to hear back from my slow-ass course co-ordinator about summer placements in the faculty's labs -.-
Well, I'm someone who doesn't do any work the first half of the quarter, but then completely brings up the grades before they are finally submitted for the quater.

Problem is, we've had so many days off recently I may be f*cked this time.
Yeah, it's a habit I definately need to stop, even though I pull through at the last minute, quite a few of my grades fall at average when I know I could be doing a lot better if I just worked all the way through.

I feel guilty at times for it.
Sounds like me in HS and community college. Seriously man, kick this habit NOW, before you go to uni, because uni will rape you.

I learned that the hard way.
Amen, brother. My first semester GPA in college was 2.3. That's 2 points lower than it's ever been in my life :p

although admittedly that's because I didn't go to my Astronomy class for three months straight, but I still passed
I'm stressed. I'm constantly back and forth up and down stairs printing and finishing off work for my portfolio. I've clocked in a good 30 to 40 pages so far of work and photography but it's all over the place. I have til Monday for my interview though so it's not so bad.

Just need to hunker down over a few sketchbooks I had neglected the last few months and make them look like they've been used, heh.

Lifes good though. I break up in a week for a two week break in which my friend has the house to himself for 5 or 6 days. It's gonna be a blast.
kupoartist your avatar keeps confusing the hell out of me, mission successful
Amen, brother. My first semester GPA in college was 2.3. That's 2 points lower than it's ever been in my life :p

although admittedly that's because I didn't go to my Astronomy class for three months straight, but I still passed

Sounds like me in HS and community college. Seriously man, kick this habit NOW, before you go to uni, because uni will rape you.

I learned that the hard way.

Believe me I know the feeling. I was probably worse than you are. It's a lot easier to get your shit together in high school than it is in college, though, and you'll be happy you did.

I just figure I have to start some sort of habitual tendencies with school related material. I figure I should do my homework immediately when I get home, take a nap, then do my studying, and then goof off.

It's all too often I come home and do nothing, figuring "I'll do my homework in the morning and study for <insert class> at <insert period>", Yeah, doesn't work out so well all the time...
Don't even do it right after school (that can be hard) just make sure you set aside time for homework and studying regardless of whether you really need to or not. Your grades will skyrocket, you'll stop stressing, and once you get used to making the effort it isn't nearly as much of an effort anymore.
Honestly man, I used to get by on ability and last-minute rushes alone, but there comes a point where you suddenly can't put out when you need to, and you can't do the work overnight under pressure, and you won't be able to leave it through the last minute and then ace it - and then you are in trouble.

edit: Sulk I wish I knew you in real life, come on an exchange program to UNC why don't you? The Brit students we have had this year all love it.
Gonna see what's up alright.

Even if I can't come academically I will visit on a holidai. I feel like going to americaland. I will see you. There will be good times.
Tell me about it. I use to be on my way back from school, all hyped up to do some work then I'd get in, have a drink then just doss. Now though, when I get a piece of coursework set I do an hour a night. A measly hour - it's nuthin', and when the paper or research or prep is in for a deadline set three weeks away, it gets done in no time.
Speaking of motivation, I need some motivation to do some of my work too. I want to texture my models for my demo reel before we have to submit it for school, but I only have like half of one model done so far. I dont need to do it, because I will easily pass the class if I dont, but it makes things look so much better, and i want my stuff to look great for when they show my demo reel to anyone and everyone in the auditorium at the end of the month.

Thing is... im lazy. Damnit!
All that said, I have this horrid essay in for before I break up next week - a product study on the materials, components and design of a Trek corp. bike. It's so mind numblingly boring no matter how easy it is. It's just depressing to sit down and continue with it. Analysis of the gears next... hurrah.
Currently I'm trying to find the installer for ScannedSynth... For some reason it's broken and all my tracks using it cause FLStudio to crash D: D:
I've also procrastinated all this week. Had no classes (have none tomorrow either) but haven't gone to the library when I could have gotten books and whatnot for references.
I will do tomorrow though, will go out for a while, get some research material, then come back and doze. Got like 4 weeks to write all my essays (easter break), but need these references to get a better-than-average grade.

Next term I will barely have as much referencing to do, so my grades will skyrocket.
This week's my Spring Break (thus camping) :D
I'm in week eight of school... and have five left.


Five day holiday next weekend!
Oh also I have a new monitor waiting for me at home. 22" widescreen TFT. I'll be home on Friday to plug it in to my newly fixed computer.
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