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That's going to be awesome. My roommate has a 22" widescreen monitor and people are forever commenting on how huge it is. Great for movies.
Oh also, HOLY ****

I am 3 weeks away from graduating college with a Bachelors degree.

This is a really strange feeling for me, because in the past, I always knew where I was going to be in the next few months. When I was in high school, I knew I was going to be in school every weekday, when I graduated, I knew I would be in a local college, when i decided to leave that school and go to a different one, I knew i'd be staying in an apartment and going to stay at that school for the next two years of my life. But now, I have no idea. It entirely depends on where/if I get a job. I could be moving back home if I dont get hired right away, or I could be staying in florida, or i could be moving to California/Maryland/any other state in the whole nation. Its kinda scary not knowing where I'll even be living next month.
Oh also I have a new monitor waiting for me at home. 22" widescreen TFT. I'll be home on Friday to plug it in to my newly fixed computer.

I do love receiving new goods. It's always so exciting. Widescreen for the victory.
Oh also, HOLY ****

I am 3 weeks away from graduating college with a Bachelors degree.

This is a really strange feeling for me, because in the past, I always knew where I was going to be in the next few months. But now, I have no idea. It wholly depends on where/if I get a job. I could be moving back home if I dont get hired right away, or I could be staying in florida, or i could be moving to California/Maryland/any other state in the whole nation. Its kinda scary not knowing where I'll even be living next month.

Wow, yeah, that's quite a milestone. I thought you were a junior not a senior! Good luck :p FYI North Carolina's a great place to live ;)

This thread = 10/10

On the topic of getting cool new shit you ordered, I just got a digital voice recorder in the mail from Newegg today. It's excellent, will get me into sound design a little bit. If anyone's interested, I got this one. Cheap but it's got pretty good sound quality and long battery life.
It is a good thread because of the serious lack of stupid spam. When do you leave school in the states?
FYI North Carolina's a great place to live ;)

There are a few game studios up there, so who knows!

It is a good thread because of the serious lack of stupid spam. When do you leave school in the states?

If you mean, like ennui said, when the year is over... I dont know. My school doesnt operate on a normal schedual. There is a graduating class every month, and new students are enrolled each month also. Theres also not really a "freshman/sophomore/junior/senior" class because of this. There arnt even semesters, its just a monthly rotation.
Just sitting at my computer feeling crap and listening to Switchfoot. Should be going to shops later today to buy hair fudge. I'm taking part in the Worlds greatest shave which is an organization that help people with Leukemia. I'm planning on dyeing my hair Blue or Green or Pink. Will decide which one when I see the colors.
i have a calculus mid term on friday. I have studied on and off since yesterday but i just can't get motivated. I don't know wtf is wrong with me. My marks are slipping and i just cant seem to get myself back on track. :(

I'm seriously worried because there is a strong possibility of me getting kicked out of my program.

However, tomorrow I will make a very serious attempt on studying for this mid term in hopes of getting a really good grade.

I'm going to most likely re take a course in the spring to boost my average and possibly take a course offered 2nd year so i have more time next year.

I hope i can pull through with decent marks because i just need to get past next year computer science and i'll be done with it. Then it's on to what i really want to do - network communications.

/thanks for reading :D
Its kinda scary not knowing where I'll even be living next month.

I was the same. Things soon settle down so enjoy the excitement - interesting times are ahead :)

I'm finding myself in a bit of a strange place at the moment. I quit my job to home study about a year ago, passed my exams, and have done absolutely bugger all since. Savings are pretty much gone, mortgage needs to be paid, yet I still can't find any motivation. Do any of you ever think that something of Matrix like proportions is wrong with society? Every morning being packed into a train and spending all day working your nuts off in the city. I've taken to wandering around town and reading books on the beach instead, and find it fits well.

I might try and learn to touch type tomorrow - can any of you do that? Any tips?
The prof of my 201 Medieval Lit class offered us to write one of the unwritten/incomplete Canterbury Tales in prose form instead of a term essay. I took the offer, and now I'm scared crapless of not doing it well. It's damn hard to write using his humour and complexity. I have 2ish weeks.

In other news, I may or may not have just eaten uncooked fish. I'll know by tomorrow!
Someone reported my flyers about the scientology protest on campus and now I got to meet with a few people to persuade them that I'm not a religious bigot.

And I know exactly who ratted me out.

</3 ^23
The commentary is appreciated, Darkside. It's in good form at least :p

Do any of you ever think that something of Matrix like proportions is wrong with society? Every morning being packed into a train and spending all day working your nuts off in the city.
That's just how society works I think (in order to make money you have to do something beneficial to society, and without money you're ****ed), but I also have serious problems with it.
Oh also, HOLY ****

I am 3 weeks away from graduating college with a Bachelors degree.

This is a really strange feeling for me, because in the past, I always knew where I was going to be in the next few months. When I was in high school, I knew I was going to be in school every weekday, when I graduated, I knew I would be in a local college, when i decided to leave that school and go to a different one, I knew i'd be staying in an apartment and going to stay at that school for the next two years of my life. But now, I have no idea. It entirely depends on where/if I get a job. I could be moving back home if I dont get hired right away, or I could be staying in florida, or i could be moving to California/Maryland/any other state in the whole nation. Its kinda scary not knowing where I'll even be living next month.

Similar for me, I graduate from uni on the 27th of June and despite having vague ideas of what I want to do I'm far from certain. Don't even know what part of the country I want to be in - the best jobs for me are in the midlands but my girlfriend will probably be in newcastle and i'm preferring the idea of staying with her...

On other related news, a load of my housemates came back drunk 2 hours ago (I was in working :() and did a lot of chaotic funny crap, including teabagging one of my housemates who'd passed out on the sofa... Interesting times
I read the first reply, and well, I'm playing bass in the band for a musical at my school, too :O It's an original by a student. She wrote the script, music, everything. And it actually doesn't suck that much balls.
Similar for me, I graduate from uni on the 27th of June and despite having vague ideas of what I want to do I'm far from certain. Don't even know what part of the country I want to be in - the best jobs for me are in the midlands but my girlfriend will probably be in newcastle and i'm preferring the idea of staying with her...

I also have no idea what to do after graduating from uni, although I still have another year left. Sometimes I just hang out with one of my friends and we whine about how we don't know what to do with our lives. I'm in chemical engineering, but the problem is that I find normal chemical engineering jobs to be very boring. I don't want to spend the rest of my life looking at process control charts or looking at pumps and turning valves or working at a chem plant.

I'll probably try to get into grad school in a different major like environmental engineering, and then do research or something. Still attempting to get an internship for this summer, but there's just no more motivation anymore and I have to feign interest, and I am very bad at pretending.

I regret not changing majors 2 years ago, because even then, I knew it seemed boring. But now it is too late and I might as well finish.

On a different note, all you folks performing in musicals impress me. Because I once took a piano class and just sitting in a room with 2 people being judged on performance stressed me out a lot, so I doubt I could ever do what you do.
I'm eating potatoes and chicken and onions. It's delicious. I have a huge midterm in 12 hours that I haven't studied for. My roommate is gay and my girlfriend is slightly crazy.
I might try and learn to touch type tomorrow - can any of you do that? Any tips?

I learned to touch type by playing text based MUDs. Lessons and practice at school didn't help **** all. I am pretty steady at around 80 wpm now.
I went too a Grand prix today. F1 made my head explode, also saw some helicopters =D
I'm contemplating chopping off my right hand middle and ring finger right now. I've been contemplating it a lot lately. The pain becomes too unbearable, and I can't stop any other way.

The thought keeps creeping up in my mind, and I'm being worn down by the urge.

I want to keep my fingers, but I don't want to experience this pain anymore.
I'm contemplating chopping off my right hand middle and ring finger right now. I've been contemplating it a lot lately. The pain becomes too unbearable, and I can't stop any other way.

The thought keeps creeping up in my mind, and I'm being worn down by the urge.

I want to keep my fingers, but I don't want to experience this pain anymore.

haha, that's pretty ****ed up. If you do it, at least sell the fingers on Ebay. Easy couple hundred bucks. If Ebay shuts you down, there are probably lots of weirdos on craigslist.
I think I have... Trigger Finger.


I just found the article a bit ago.

And I've been suffering through it, with my OCD making it worse... for over a year now. Popping my fingers 3000 times or more each day. I literally popped them like 20 times during the writing of this post, which only took a minute.
Sod it! Enough about me; what is going on with you? Good, bad, or ridiculous? And if this is considered against the forum rules, or useless spam, let the thread closed and let me be punished by infractions; know only that I do not intend to clutter or be a detriment to the forum, but only to improve it, and to provide a necessary space for free but irrelevant discussion.

Sulkdodds is vunerable to infractions! :O

Sulkdodds health bar: |||||||||||||||||||||||||

*Dramatic boss music in the background*

Quick Evo! Give him an infraction while his weak spot is exposed!

Evo casts Infraction Blast Attack!

*Sulkdodds takes 4pts of damage*

Samon casts Ban!

*But it has no effect*

"Dammit! All-or-Nothing attacks don't work on bosses!" :(

Sulkdodds casts Spam!

*Samon is KO'ed*

*Evo is KO'ed*
I think I have... Trigger Finger.


I just found the article a bit ago.

And I've been suffering through it, with my OCD making it worse... for over a year now. Popping my fingers 3000 times or more each day. I literally popped them like 20 times during the writing of this post, which only took a minute.

You can't pop the same knuckle more than once in a minute. If you are getting a popping sound it means your probably rubbing bones or something (my wrist clicks where the bones rub together). The regular knuckle pop is nitrogen boiling out of the joint fluid because
of the pressure drop. It takes a few minutes for it to dissolve again.
You can't pop the same knuckle more than once in a minute. If you are getting a popping sound it means your probably rubbing bones or something (my wrist clicks where the bones rub together). The regular knuckle pop is nitrogen boiling out of the joint fluid because
of the pressure drop. It takes a few minutes for it to dissolve again.

Well... whatever I'm doing I can do it in my thumbs like 120 times a minute... which the thumbs I have been doing for half my life and so far hasn't bothered me. But the middle and ring finger on my right hand, I can do like... 20-45 times a minute and sometimes more. In addition to those, I also get the normal knuckle pops on those fingers(the knuckle connected to my hand, not the one that pops the other times)... and they actually hurt when it happens... but I put some weight on my fist and they'll pop. Those happen maybe twice to five times a day.

The other popping... the fingertip knuckles that pop when I curl my fingers, I do those so much a day, I think it's overworking one of my muscles or something, because for days after a heavy popping session(which can be every day at times), I will feel a severely painful nerve pain shooting up and down my forearm. It feels like electricity is arcing through it.

It's starting to drive me mad. I've never had an obsessive compulsive habit(worsened probably by the fact there's a physical condition with inflammation or something that never gets to heal) that has actually caused me as much pain as this does. It's so unbearable at times that I feel like i want to cry. But of course I don't... because I can't seem to cry unless it's an emotional pain, and I've never been hurt bad enough to cry from physical pain.

EDIT: Oof, just realized that was some horrible writing. I hope you understand my point. I'm going to bed.
I just had the best, most fun rounds of TF2 ever, even though I didn't break any records and I hadn't known any of the people on the server.

Going to go study the role of Imperial Women in the Augustan Principate now.
I'm disgusted by the fact that there are lucky bastards out there in the middle of their Spring Break while I'm busting ass trying to study for a mid-term in a couple days and another project due early next week.

*sigh* Spring Break does not exist here...
Where does this faraway tree grow AiM? Also


Sprig Break with dangly parts in Cancun.
Razamataz, have you seen a doctor? It sounds rather serious and/or painful.

Today I'm going out to the library to do my sources. Then I'll buy a sandwich or two from the shop, come home and eat them.
It seems to me that this thread serves a purpose in that it will attract spam, but intelligent, friendly, we-all-know-and-love each other spam; it will allow an outlet for meaningless personal announcements and amusing chatter without actually impacting on the forum too much. I do not intend it merely to be a postcount harvest, but genuinely to open up discussion over subjects too trivial to really start a whole thread on.

For example, I would like to announce that even when drunk, I can type very well. And maybe it is also because I am happy because a date went swimmingly.

Sod it! Enough about me; what is going on with you? Good, bad, or ridiculous? And if this is considered against the forum rules, or useless spam, let the thread closed and let me be punished by infractions; know only that I do not intend to clutter or be a detriment to the forum, but only to improve it, and to provide a necessary space for free but irrelevant discussion.


Kudos mate. ****in good on you for voicing your opinion
is anyone here excited about the formula 1 season opener in melbourne, australia this weekend? i'm not a fan of auto racing or anything but F1 is pretty cool.
Just got back from this one-day interim for school. For French. D:

Although I'm happy that I got it over with lol
5 hours left until my exam. I am half way through the notes.
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