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PhantomDesign's current schedule:
Work, sleep, Car Design, Sleep, <repeat>

Working a full-time job + being an independent automotive design consultant means no free time, lol, but it's totally going to be worth it! :)

Oh yea, while I'm at work & waiting on renders, I have my laptop with me, and I work on my business plans, personal designs, business research, etc.

Then I quickly check HL2.net and a couple other forums when my ADD takes over! :)

- Jon
I'm done reading, so ill post something random...

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PhantomDesign's current schedule:
Work, sleep, Car Design, Sleep, <repeat>

Working a full-time job + being an independent automotive design consultant means no free time, lol, but it's totally going to be worth it! :)

Oh yea, while I'm at work & waiting on renders, I have my laptop with me, and I work on my business plans, personal designs, business research, etc.

Then I quickly check HL2.net and a couple other forums when my ADD takes over! :)

- Jon

Im pretty similar. Only... replace "work" with "school", "car design" with "random projects i never finish" and "use laptop during renders" with "sleep during renders."

Also, add a lot more hl2.net, and then you have my life exactly.
I had a dream last night of encountering a white cat with abnormally long limbs and body.

I wonder from whence an idea such as this could have originally caressed my inner noggin workings.
I had a dream where I talked to a pot head I'm friends with at my school. Was incredibly disappointing, he is hilarious in real life.

Also Goomboss avatar
i had a dream about aliens once... they attacked Lexington, Kentucky (where i live) and I killed them all with a wooden spoon.

EDIT: Ive stolpped telling my mom about my dreams... she's convinced that im on pot.
I had a dream where I talked to a pot head I'm friends with at my school. Was incredibly disappointing, he is hilarious in real life.

Also Goomboss avatar

Pots don't have heads. Stop trying to confuse me. :frown:
*tests corp's blood pressure*

WAY TOO HIGH!!! I would recommend long walks o the beach and friday outtings with your friends to your favorite resturuant.

X Doctor Bob
Ok, so here I am looking for good pricing on a moving truck rental, moving about 30 miles.

Anyway, I check uhaul, a truck about 3x larger than I need for $30 + $0.79 / mile, or $81 for 1 way. Not bad at all!

I check Penske next (pensketruckrental.com), and after filling out the info, up pops the pricing! Well, the first WTF is the pricing (below) which is after their 10% or 15% web-reservation discount (depending where you look on the website). Next WTF is highlighted in RED below.

12' Truck $215
16' Truck $215
22' Truck $413
26' Truck $413

Includes FREE, UNLIMITED MILEAGE. Rates change often.
Rates shown do not include a $5 environmental fee
(not discountable).

Complete this simple three step process now to lock in this rate

Ok, f***ing seriously! We're talking a business here, charging it's customers an "enviromental fee," like it's freaking hichschool or politics! "Sorry, if you're going to use OUR big trucks, we're going to charge you even more you dirty american for poluting the environment! How dare you rent our trucks and pollute hte environemnt! You should be ashamed for renting from us!" Oh, and they charge $15/day for furniture pads & $20/day for a moving dolly!

I feel sorry for anyone who rents from those f***ers! This is NOT how to run a business!

P.S. IT would be less environmentally friendly to make 80 trips in my 2-seat car moving everything.
Right now it's almost 2:30 AM and I'm writing a short essay for a scholarship while watching an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
I bought two splints from walgreens today. I have them on my fingers. I haven't really popped them for a whole day.

It's driving me crazy, I want to tear them off and pop my fingers. The urge is so overwhelming. Oh so overwhelming.

I have to somehow keep these on my fingers(so I don't pop them) for like... 6 weeks for them to heal apparently from what I read.

How can I do this? after one day I'm dying here! I need to pop them!

I also cannot type very well... but they had these things at walgreens that were like... snug chinese finger traps or whatever for healing injured fingers. The size they had was one size too small, so I have to wait until they get another size in. But those might work well for when i'm using the computer, so I can type.
I bought two splints from walgreens today. I have them on my fingers. I haven't really popped them for a whole day.

It's driving me crazy, I want to tear them off and pop my fingers. The urge is so overwhelming. Oh so overwhelming.

I have to somehow keep these on my fingers(so I don't pop them) for like... 6 weeks for them to heal apparently from what I read.

How can I do this? after one day I'm dying here! I need to pop them!

I also cannot type very well... but they had these things at walgreens that were like... snug chinese finger traps or whatever for healing injured fingers. The size they had was one size too small, so I have to wait until they get another size in. But those might work well for when i'm using the computer, so I can type.

What you need to do is something similar... Try breaking a whole packet of spaghetti into little pieces bit by bit. Something like that.
Gingerbread Man.: but yeah im going to go play ep2 now lol
[HL2.net] Naudian: woo
Gingerbread Man.: right after I get a dink
Gingerbread Man.: drink!
[HL2.net] Naudian: aaaaahahahahhahah
Like Vegeta I went to bed at about 10pm last night, and woke up at about 2am and couldn't sleep. Had a very small waking nightmare. My nightmares don't make sense, but rely on my brain sending scared impulses for the most stupid things. For instance last nightmare I had was just the door to my room opening, and there was nothing there. Apparently that was incredibly scary.

Note to self: Stop eating loads of sugar before sleeping.

EDIT: About today. Last few lessons of the day, then I go home for Easter break (3 weeks long). Todays roster includes Writing Media with my favourite teacher ever, then an hour or so lunch with a group of friends, then maybe History and Development of the English language for an hour, and then Starting to Write with my other favourite teacher. Then I get to drive home and test my monitor! WOO!
If you eat anything before sleeping, generally you will have a restless sleep.
If you eat anything before sleeping, generally you will have an restless sleep.
That explains it. Then again, I also hate going to bed hungry, because my stomach keeps me awake.
My computer is now fixed! Had to replace all 4 SATA cables, but it was so worth it.
New 22" monitor is also the sex.
So rather than uncement the gates and just fill the tires with air someone presses criminal charges.

Why is the world like this. :|
So rather than uncement the gates and just fill the tires with air someone presses criminal charges.

Why is the world like this. :|

haha yea right. If someone did this to your car would you be like "Oh, guess I'll have to do a bit of maintanance this morning, no biggie." I think most people would either want to kick someone's ass or press charges.
I posted that comment before reading the article. 44 buses is overkill. I can see how much trouble it would have caused. This was wrong, BUT!, if one morning I found my tires deflated I would take the 5 or so minutes to fill them up with my air compressor. No biggie.

As for the cement, it wasn't even dry. Despite the obvious amount of trouble in delays and scheduling, I do also think the measures to correct the problem were exaggerated.
I think I see flashes of the future in my dreams. It's the wierdest feeling when it actually happens though
today was suppose to be a day where i take responsibility and do all the work ive procastinated and work on my important projects etc...but i woke up at 3PM and it has pretty much been non-stop masturbating/hardcore techno/some counterstrike source/food/browsing hl2.net day

Today was a good day
The Demoman is an amazing class,

Track 5 of NIN - Ghosts makes me feel as if I'm in a spaghetti western,

Inflatable wank tits.
Doomsday is a terrible film

However, Horton Hears a Who is one of the best movies ever.
My left big-toenail looks like it's going to shed again.
I'm starting Witch Hunters in wh40k.
Can't wait for my Vindicare assassin to come in..
Im downloading Gladiator in 720p HD format right now. Its going to be better than sex when I watch it.

(I own it on DVD so stfu, watching low res movies on my computer is lame)
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