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well dude, united kingdom IS a country. it's england with ireland and sctoland, if i'm not wrong. but its called united kingdom because its basically one big country. united states is one big country, but they have many states. same idea.
You are wrong. The United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain (Which is England, Scotland & Wales), Northern Ireland (But not the Republic of Ireland) and a few places like the Isle of Man and Gibraltar.
Once again, Rimfire saves the day.

We do not have states like the 'united states'. We are countries.
You are wrong. The United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain (Which is England, Scotland & Wales), Northern Ireland (But not the Republic of Ireland) and a few places like the Isle of Man and Gibraltar.
'The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland' is it's name.
You guys naming the countries are really lazy by just putting 'united kingdom'. There are countries in there, y'know.

I actually missed that one because I put in Wales, Scotland, Britain, Great Britan, but it wouldn't accept those answers. It did take Ireland, though.
So I seen this penis on the internet the other day and thought 'ok..'

Then I seen a vagina and thought 'this is tons better then the penis I just saw, for sure'.

So I started looking at more vaginas, then I stopped for a while.
So I seen this penis on the internet the other day and thought 'ok..'

Then I seen a vagina and thought 'this is tons better then the penis I just saw, for sure'.

So I started looking at more vaginas, then I stopped for a while.

How big was this penis?
I dunno, it had to have been around 4-6 inches. I'm no good with measurements. It was just regular size, though.

The vaginas were tighter then I've seen before, too.
I have a three day weekend, but it's almost like four because I only have one class on Thursdays :D

also, sheepy/cybersh33p is coming to visit me tomorrow!
Oh, by the way, Gladiator in HD is the best thing ive ever witnessed.
I take your Gladiator, and raise you by a 300.

300 was entertaining, but it doesnt even come close to comparing with the likes of Gladiator.
in terms of good-movies-ness, or cool-fx? Because if the latter, 300 trumps Gladiator no problem ;)
Well, seeing as the two movies were released almost a decade apart, we have to compare them with their overall quality, which Gladiator is the clear winner.

And some would argue that the cool-fx of 300 isnt so great and probably would put Gladiator over it in that category too. Not me, because I for one enjoyed the effects and look of 300 quite a bit.
300 was more HELL YEAH GO SPARTANS BLOODLUST and Gladiator actually has cinematic merit beyond looking pretty.
I have 5 days of rest and 2 days of school this week. Go me.
300 has cooler effects, but Gladiator has much better fighting. I'll take the arena battles of Gladiator over the entirety of 300 any day.
I feel like utter shit - been having less and less time for myself. Havn't posted here in ages, or even really written anything fiction wise in about a month. Kinda like withdrawal, I think.

On the flip-side, I'm becoming a Scout Leader and my girlfriend and I just got past our 7th month.
I know Sloth! Where've ya been? D:
My essay is done!

However, now I get to spend my vacation working 9 to 12-hour days! D:
We have a four day weekend, but a few friends and I are planning to have a "college visit" on Thursday, so... :D
The craziest college party I've been to involved a huge house filled to the brim with students- alcohol, weed, and other various drugs everywhere, and every chick wearing something like this


People were having sex in and around the place (although could only be heard not seen) though I ended up making out with this hot brunette (who just seconds ago had made out with my now exgf). We didn't stay long because the place was fvcking crowded as all hell, but I knew it was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of party magnitude. I can't wait to go to school in Tampa :)
The craziest college party I've been to involved a huge house filled to the brim with students- alcohol, weed, and other various drugs everywhere, and every chick wearing something like this

No wonder 1/4th of American Teens have an STD. Heh.
Uni parties like that get old very quickly once you realize that you're by far the coolest person there.

The free alcohol/weed and poon tang is good but it's better and more fun overall to just chill with your friends and get ****ed up with them and then go poon huntin' yourself.
Oh no doubt, Ennui, some of the best times of my adult life have been just chilling with a few closeknit friends.
cybersh33p/sheepy is currently playing mandolin three feet away from me
lol i always think the "User CP" link up the top of the page is inviting me to view child porn.....:naughty:
lol ^

i beat Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion today
And i bear Metroid Prime yesterday
I'm still continuing along with my Math.

It can be quite frustrating but I'm trudging along. I'm worried I'll forget most of this stuff since I'm covering literally dozens upon dozens of various topics, and while most of it I can retain and have retained, a lot of it is obscure stuff that I've never heard of before and never see represented in real life.

Hopefully I can retain enough to get my GED, and then enough to pursue the things I want to without trouble in game programming that requires mathematics.
My six day weekend began four hours ago!

Tomorrow VoXQuA is coming to my house! Yaay!
I'm still continuing along with my Math.

It can be quite frustrating but I'm trudging along. I'm worried I'll forget most of this stuff since I'm covering literally dozens upon dozens of various topics, and while most of it I can retain and have retained, a lot of it is obscure stuff that I've never heard of before and never see represented in real life.

Hopefully I can retain enough to get my GED, and then enough to pursue the things I want to without trouble in game programming that requires mathematics.

Good luck with that. I'm doing the same for English and Maths right now. Legal and Ancient are fun though, so I don't have any trouble with them.
I think there was another murder nearby tonight. I could hear several police sirens going by my apartment, and now there is a helicopter with a searchlight flying around outside.
eating bran with bananas.

Being slightly depressed
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