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I just updated my PSP to the latest Dark-Alex firmware. ;D

Amen brother, amen...

I just put my first PSX game on it today.

edit: How come the panties I've seen are never that awesome, usually it's just plain colors like black, white...


Password for a porn wesbite..
I'm sick again. I was sick like only a couple weeks ago too.

I have a terrible immune system and I need to find a way or ways to boost it. Maybe by getting outside a little more and exposed to stuff so I'm not being hammered by it so harshly when I do go out into the world.

Ugh I feel terrible.
They say masturbation boosts your immune system.

However, masturbating while sick lessens your ability to recover temporarily.

What I do to keep healthy is not clean so much. I maintain a fresh supply of harmless bacteria in my system that prevents harmful organisms from becoming too powerful. If they want me they'll have to go through them, first. =D
Oh... well, there's my problem. Must double or triple my masturbation! That'll leave me with two to three times a month!

Hope I don't get too exhausted.
Just finished the black and white 2 campaign. I accomplished nothing but i still feel good :)
I just slung open the refrigerator door and hit myself in the crotch.

My balls are coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold.
Makes for an awesome sailor myth.

"Aye, legends speak of a man who once opened a fridge with such force he drove it into his own groin. From then on his testicles were like ice, his dick the freezing north."
Today me and my girlfriend broke up...

Today I visited my Grandma, and she is slowly deteriorating, it is painful to watch...

Today one of my close relatives in Mexico died of heart failure...

Yep, today sucked...But hey, thats life, this will pass, and in time the roots will heal...
Poo poo head... I JUST now realized that your avatar is animated. It really freaked me out, I thought my eyes were ****ing up.

I had a demo-reel screening today, it sucked. My reel was way too dark to be seen on the projector and you couldnt see anything really. Apparently the school's lab computer's have their monitor's gamma turned waaaaay up. And I guess that means my home computer's is also. Thankfully this screening was just in front of my class, and not the one in front of the whole school, so i can fix it.
Today I was flat broke and I wanted to go to the skate park, and when my dad wouldn't give me any money, so I went around my room and got 15 f*cking dollars in quarters.
The only girl I've been interested in just broke up with her boyfriend.

I'm typing this on the teensy keyboard of a palm treo, while sitting on a couch at my family's bach at Piha. I'm going back to Auckland this evening. Also, last night I learned that a woman I liked fancied me at the same time as I fancied her, but neither of us noticed and as a result nothing happened. Yeah. Bye!
i took a dump today and proceeded to flush on launch like I usually do. However, it just so happens that my poop didnt make it down and was just sitting there, above the water, staring at me. The top part broke off like the Titanic, no propeller guy this time.
i took a dump today and proceeded to flush on launch like I usually do. However, it just so happens that my poop didnt make it down and was just sitting there, above the water, staring at me. The top part broke off like the Titanic, no propeller guy this time.

pick it up with your bare hands and kiss it
I once pooped a poop so big, that was as thick as my fist and about a foot long. took me almost an hour of sheer pain to push it out, and I broke my anus as well. I should of taken a picture of it, but I did show it to my family and they were horrendously disgusted. I was afraid it wouldn't flush since it filled up the hole in the toilet to the brim. But it went through, luckily. I couldn't walk normal for a while either.
I once pooped a poop so big, that was as thick as my fist and about a foot long. took me almost an hour of sheer pain to push it out, and I broke my anus as well. I should of taken a picture of it, but I did show it to my family and they were horrendously disgusted. I was afraid it wouldn't flush since it filled up the hole in the toilet to the brim. But it went through, luckily. I couldn't walk normal for a while either.

i had a blast reading that
I got ****ed up last night and called a female friend (just friends) of mine up at 1 in the morning to tell her about a conversation I had with some dude about her.

So yeah, things are going pretty swimmingly for me right now, aside from the fact that i'll probably have to answer to her about waking her ass up at 1 in the morning.

if(raz == 'douchebagtoSinko'){
     raz.coolPoints += 80;
     raz.is = 'The f[FONT="Verdana"]u[/FONT]cking man';

if(penis == 'erect'){
     penis.bloodpressure += 1200;
     penis.is = 'growing';
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