Miss your class?


Jul 14, 2003
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To those of you who graduated school this year:

Did you have a great class?
Will you miss it?

I myself liked my class really much and will miss them a lot. :'(
Of course I will probably meet most of them when going down town and I'll be able to talk to them via ICQ, and so on, yet it will definetly not be the same.

I'm (probably like most people on these forums (no offence)) a nerd and sit at my computer a lot. The fact that I won't go to school anymore and talk to them makes me feel kinda lonely.

How do you feel about your class?
Did you like your classmates? Do you wish you could go another school year just to be able to greet them like you now have been doing for a couple of years?
I would...
There are deffinetaly quite a few people i will miss from collage this year. I've made some really great friends. There is also someone who will be going to a different Uni to me, and ive been with him for about 14 years now. Right from reception, through school and just this last 2 years of collage.
Other than him, i only really talk to one school friend. There are about 3 people from collage i really want to keep in touch with and some others who i would like to know i can always call on them as friends.
I know what you mean about the nerd part...you're a real dork :p Seriously though, I've been making a real effort lately to make the relationships concrete. We've organised a holiday in Ireland for a week, staying in a friends static caravan. The "core group" of friends from collage are going so it should be reallly fun. Also, ive been going out a lot more with my friends, for example today and yesterday i went on bike rides.
im leaving
ill miss a few people (not you ben :p)
but some i wont
i'm still there. :(. I can't wait to get out of this 'urine soaked hell hole'. sure, ill miss a few friends, but its not like ill never see my *true* friends again. they live down the road, and besides, when we do move house, and whatever, then, well, thats one of the great things about the pc :).

EDIT: quick, someone find the simpsons reference ;)
Private Hawke said:
im leaving
ill miss a few people (not you ben :p)
but some i wont
lol Jake, you love him really :)

I quite like most people at my school, but new places, new faces, I don't mind
I am going to miss a couple people, I transfered last year, but my class from my old school was really awesome and I still miss them. I have moved a lot in my life so Im used to it, but i know lots of people who are really attached here and it was hard for them to let go this year.
Haven't left yet, and I'll only miss a few people. Mostly because I'm going to the state college along with a ton of them. :D
you better miss me harry or ill come round and cut your nuts off
:x I will be missing some people, some moments as well. Otherwise I am keeping in touch with most, also there's always my Jr. year to look up to :cheers: .
Private Hawke said:
you better miss me harry or ill come round and cut your nuts off

Do you make a habit of that, or is it something you like to do on the weekends?
well hes only got one pair im aware of??

why do you know different??
As a matter of fact only last week he was telling me about an amazing new operation that can do....Free on the NHS as well. He was a test subject.
Still in school. Only 2 more weeks till summer vacation...Wheeehee...! :E
i dont really miss that many ppl cause I switched High Schools in between (fresh,soph in one h.s., then junior, senior in the one I graduated). I wanted to stay in my first high school where all the people I knew. I was alreadying missing my class when I switched schools.
When I graduate I won't miss anyone, I don't really like any of my friends enough to and the few I do I will stay in contact with, which isn't a problem at all because I see them more out of school then in.
Murray said:
To those of you who graduated school this year:

Did you have a great class?
Will you miss it?

I myself liked my class really much and will miss them a lot. :'(
Of course I will probably meet most of them when going down town and I'll be able to talk to them via ICQ, and so on, yet it will definetly not be the same.

I'm (probably like most people on these forums (no offence)) a nerd and sit at my computer a lot. The fact that I won't go to school anymore and talk to them makes me feel kinda lonely.

How do you feel about your class?
Did you like your classmates? Do you wish you could go another school year just to be able to greet them like you now have been doing for a couple of years?
I would...

I graduated this year and quite frankly I won't miss them but I will remember them. It's not that I don't like any of them, it's just that I'm not one who dwells over events or people from the past. I have many happy memories of the people I've known and that's good enough for me. I'm moving forward and that's what's important. I am going to attend UCF starting in August and I'll be meeting many new and interesting people and probably a few from my class. Hopefully I'll meet that someone special while I'm in college ;). As for the 628 people in my graduating class, I had fun with them for those four years but now they're just a thing of the past for me.