Mod decisions.

May 18, 2003
Reaction score
I need some help from you guys.

I got 3 mod ideas coming up and i need you to tell me which are the best.

You will only get a short description of 2 mods, i dont wanna give it all away.

First mod (The mod i been working most with):

Storydriven, sci-fi coop. Sector7 will take you and your crew on a breathtaking journey onboard a mysterious cargoship. Its a perfekt blend between horror and action. There will be a classsystem and a upgradesystem. The maps will follow the main plot all the way so it feels like a singelplayer game.

Second mod:

A singelplayer adventure mod. It will have simple and cute graphics like Zelda: The wind waker, but it will have a very emotional story. I have several good ideas to do so. I like to play with other playes emotions :)

Everymod will have a great storyline and great soundtracks, Im writing the story and i know a good that do wonderful orchestra music.

Its up to you now guys...what whould it be? :)
Hmm, I'd prefer the sci-fi one out of those two.
I like both :thumbs: but the second one might stand out from the mod-crowd more 'cos its.. you know, more 'original' and a bit different from Your Standard Shoot 'em Up Scifi stuff =)
Originally posted by Wsh
I like both :thumbs: but the second one might stand out from the mod-crowd more 'cos its.. you know, more 'original' and a bit different from Your Standard Shoot 'em Up Scifi stuff =)

The second will stand out because of its ingame dialogs (real voice) adn storyline....(i really like storylines, eh?) :)

Edit: And its very fun to know that you like both i dont waste my time on useless shit :)
I prefer 1st mod idea :)

in a 'moving' spaceship fighting against others would be cool :)
I'd prefer the second. Too many sci-fi mods, in my opinion.
Okey, guys. Thanks for your comments!

The mod that will be selected will be a schoolproject. So we get grades and everything on it, so expect good work :)

This is how i will do. I will write a design doc for each mod idea, then we will deside whitch are the best of the two.

Ive got some very good comments on the sci-fi one when it was public so both ideas are very good (can I say that?).

So anyways....i will do both for now :)

Edit: Forgot to say that the 2:nd mod will have 3:rd person view :)
Originally posted by nietzsche
Make sure that Half-Life 2 features first-class cell-shading technology, before you start on that Zelda killer, young Padawan...

It dont really matter. Wind waker dont use cell-shading so much, only on characters i think.

Well, time to get busy.

/me turn on some good music and starts to write.

The basic design will be done in a few days, stay tuned.

Thanks for all comments.

Edit: Wanna help out alittle? Try to find a good name for the mod, im so crappy with names :)

How does the name Malin sound to you english people? Its a swedish name and i think its sounds kinda cute (in swedish that is)

Any ideas?
Malin sounds like an anime charcater that would be a small girl with pink hair, It isn't too masculine...
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
Malin sounds like an anime charcater that would be a small girl with pink hair, It isn't too masculine...

Well...its will be about a girl with alittle anime feel to it :)

Edit: me and a other dude is working on the concept design for malin...maybe we have it done tonight.
Yer I like the Anime girl with Pink hair, with ickle pig tails...

anywhom, it's probably too late but, both ideas are good, although the second one is the best :cheese:

try to draw it away from the usual Zelda plot though, try and put in the romantic side, like FF series tries to do...
Originally posted by Stone
Yer I like the Anime girl with Pink hair, with ickle pig tails...

anywhom, it's probably too late but, both ideas are good, although the second one is the best :cheese:

try to draw it away from the usual Zelda plot though, try and put in the romantic side, like FF series tries to do...

You really want some romantic? Well, okey :)

Edit: She will have blue eyes and very long blond hair (about to her knees) It will add a cool effect ingame. The wind blows trough her hair.

3 more little features. (kinda lite a note for my self so i dont forget it :))

There will be sword/whatever fighting in the mod. We will use the same system as Valve use for the crowbar. The swords/whatevers will be "physiclized" so we will have realistic fighting.

The shield will have bump mapped damage system. That means that you can see the marks from your opponents swords in the shield.

Night and day cycle.
im just posting cause majestic made me ;)

and yeah, bananapie is really tasty
/me watches

This idea sounds a hell of a lot better than Sector 7... (sorry, please dont pull my hair or call me a spammer ;) )

I am yet to see a decent game/mod that deals with love/romance in a non-cheesy/sanitised manner. :) Heres hoping :)

Anyway, a little suggestion: Don't use Malin as a name, you are right, it does sound cute, (can you furnish me with a translation?) but I reckon (this is my opinion, you don't have to take it) that it doesn't really suit the feel of the mod. Oh, and I LOVE the bump-mapped shields idea :)
Well...a cute name needs a cute character...and here is the first concept of her.

I work with several artists so nothing is final yet. I will have some new drawings in a few days :)

Malin is a swedish name and means Little warrior, i think it suits the girl pretty well.

(like the colors? Yellow and Blue = the swedish flag :D, but white and blue = finlands flag....not good :). I like to get some swedish stuff in there but the color setup isnt my work! trust me :))

Her home village is called Stella (if you know some latin you should know its "Star").

The island is surrounded by other islands. The islands together are called Pearl (something, 2 words maybe.) Each island is has it name from a gem, like Sapphire and so on. Is that a good idea?

The Designdoc is on its way...Im not a "come up with a name fast" type of im kinda stuck there.
Okie, Little warrior, that sounds cool, :)

with regards to the piccies... you might want to define her chin a little in them, her neck-head connection looks a little wierd.. I dunno, and dont make the head big please :).... sorry if this gets irritating :P
Originally posted by mrBadger
Okie, Little warrior, that sounds cool, :)

with regards to the piccies... you might want to define her chin a little in them, her neck-head connection looks a little wierd.. I dunno, and dont make the head big please :).... sorry if this gets irritating :P

Well, this is just a "Alpha" (god you can use that word for anything nowa days :)) sketch, so it will be better done when it go final. Dont worry, no big heads :)
Yer, they're cool... bit sketchy but cool, my only comment is the head should be more's too square.

Anyway, yes, i'd like to see it have romance, it'd be different and fun :P

love the shield Idea tooo
Originally posted by Stone
Yer, they're cool... bit sketchy but cool, my only comment is the head should be more's too square.

Anyway, yes, i'd like to see it have romance, it'd be different and fun :P

love the shield Idea tooo

Okey, i can have alittle love in it...but dont expect a hardcore pr0nmovie :)
damn, i was looking forward to some hardcore Hentai.. :P

I'd only like to see maybe a little love intrest in it, but if it breaks from the original plot, don't do it, cos it just makes it look horrible then...
What about a old loveer who appears from time to time...

.. and in the end she realizes that he's one of the bad guys... A bit old but nice ^^
I got some love ideas...we see how it goes :)

What do you say about the names?

Her home village is called Stella (if you know some latin you should know its "Star").

The island is surrounded by other islands. The islands together are called Pearl (something, 2 words maybe.) Each island is has it name from a gem, like Sapphire and so on. Is that a good idea?
Kinda Pokemon style... but it's a cute idea- for this mod :)
I think this will work, the gems are a cool idea. Stella.... hmmm reminds me of Stella Artios... not the best thing, what about Japanese or Chiniese for Star?

Oh and btw be sure to check out my very different Cell-Shaded idea :)
i dont know what Stella Artios is (wanna tell me or is it "oh not good"?)

Ill check out the jap word...and your idea :)

jap word for star: hoshi. Doesnt sound so good to me :/
Hoshi, sounds too much like that dragon thing in mario for me... (will not attempt to spell it :S)

anywho, the island idea does sound too much like pokemon for me... but it should work quite well
Stella Artios is a beer... and a nice one at that :)

Try the chinise version.... the Japanese one sounds a little too dragonny.... how about Swedeish for star... keeping with that theme?
Originally posted by mrBadger
Stella Artios is a beer... and a nice one at that :)

Try the chinise version.... the Japanese one sounds a little too dragonny.... how about Swedeish for star... keeping with that theme?

Swedish for star is "Stjärna" dont know you if can say it right...try to say it like "Stearna" or something like that :)

I have to go now... its lightning outside...not good for meh compy :)
hmmmm, that aint too bad, its better than the japanses one :)
not so cute as Stella, but many might associate that with the beer :P. ah well

take care .... oh and how is the .dev going? (btw the Arena isn't spam, it's a fun[ish] :P idea, IMO )
Originally posted by mrBadger
hmmmm, that aint too bad, its better than the japanses one :)
not so cute as Stella, but many might associate that with the beer :P. ah well

take care .... oh and how is the .dev going? (btw the Arena isn't spam, it's a fun[ish] :P idea, IMO )

Its the name that is the hard part for me :) i will try to find a better name for it.

Well, .Dev is a alive but since Ik0n ran away with all the design and code we had to start over. We have the new design done, we only need to get the code done.

I hope you idle in or else :)

BTW, The arena is spam to me, but dont worry i wont show my face there again ;)
Don't worry, I won't bring the Arena with me to .dev, it's a pity about Ik0on though... considering I don't know how to use IRC I don't think I'll be on there for a while :(

Yeah, I'm bad at names too... hmmm.... how about Valhalla? No, thats bad, sorry ..... errmm.... why don't you call the village and towns on the islands (that are named after gems) after metals?
Originally posted by mrBadger
Don't worry, I won't bring the Arena with me to .dev, it's a pity about Ik0on though... considering I don't know how to use IRC I don't think I'll be on there for a while :(

Yeah, I'm bad at names too... hmmm.... how about Valhalla? No, thats bad, sorry ..... errmm.... why don't you call the village and towns on the islands (that are named after gems) after metals?

Or minerals :)

I also need a name for the "oh so evil" mountain that the evil (dont wanna give out it just yet) lurks...
right names for evil:


Which are all names of the Legions of Hells Demons... I thought they might come in handy one day :P
You wont get the name of teh Evil (hah, nice name..."Evil" :P) until the end of the game. I just need a name for the mountian where the evil lives (the top of the always).

I was thinking of Astral. And as always when i got a meaning.

Dont know if it so good for a evil hideout...but it sounds cool.

Edit (why do i always edit my post right after i post them?):

I found a nice sentance:

"Courage to seek the truth, Strength to stand alone, Wisdom to be taught by all experience" fits really good with the mod...and guess what it come from. Thor! :)