Mod List


Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Here's a list of a bunch of mods for hl2, hl2dm or even cs:s

64 - Total
13 - Available for download
51 - Not Available to download

Garry's Mod (Can Download)
Half-Life 2 Capture The Flag (Can Download)
Strider Mod (Can Download)
Source Racer (Can Download)
Rebellion (Not Out)
The Hidden (Can Download)
Plan of Attack (Not Out)
Weapon Factory 2 (Can Download)
The Bitter End (Can Download)
Art of Ascension (Can Download)
Source Forts (Can Download)
CarmaGordan (Not Out)
Dystopia (Not Out)
Hold Out (Not Out)
Pong Source (Not Out)
Project 22 (Can Download)
Edge-DM (Not Out)
Resonance (Not Out)
SnipaWars (Not Out)
No more Room In Hell (Not Out)
Fortress Forever (Not Out)
DC-Cooperative2 (Not Out)
Role Play: Annihilation (Not Out)
Hostile Planet (Not Out)
Leave No Man Behind (Not Out)
Rouge Threat (Not Out)
BloodThirst (Not Out)
Black Mesa : Source (Not Out)
SvenCoop 2 (Not Out)
Brawl (Not Out)
Eternal-Silence (Not Out)
Iron Grip (Not Out)
Forsaken (Not Out)
Operation: Desert Storm (Not Out)
Rebel Alliance (Not Out)
City Havoc (Not Out)
Conflict In Nam (Not Out)
The Xenom Conflict (Not Out)
Xtreme Paintball (Not Out)
The Dead 6 (Not Out)
Dino Instinct (Not Out)
Dark Forces (Not Out)
HEAT (Not Out)
E-Force (Not Out)
Empiresmod (Not Out)
Commando (Not Out)
Operation: Shadow-Phoenix (Not Out)
Cold War (Not Out)
Kingdom Lost (Not Out)
Dunes of Babel (Can Download)
Head-Humped (Not Out)
Ps07 Source (Not Out)
Tim Co-op (Can Download)
SourceBALL (Not Out)
Return to Mana (Not Out)
Valandil (Not Out)
Water Wars (Not Out)
Crazy Ball (Can Download)
Opposing Source (Not Out)
Opposing Force 2 (Not Out)
FireArms Revival Mod (Not Out)
Perfect Dark (Not Out)
GoldenEye Source (Not Out)

If I've missed any more that look awesome feel free to post :P
$niffy said:
Nice list mate :)

ty i own a hl2 and cs:s fan site so i know alot :P personaly out of the mods what are out i like the most atm is

The Hidden : Marines v this invisble kinda guy
The Bitter End : Players vs Zombies :D

Hope this list helps alot of people find good mods to play :D most of the onces that are out are Alpha or Beta so if there not good probley beacuse of that reason
I strongly recommend source forts - has just has a very large update
This need to be sticked and the links posted later after edit limit need to be added to first post.
There should be some way of compiling a list ot mods and scoring them
I really don't want to be filling my harddrive with junk
Maybe could have a forum for scoring fully released mods by the members who play them and getting an average
Might be helpful
^ If you dont wanna fill you hard drive with junk then dont bother even downloading most of those on the list atm, because thats all they are, are junk.
Pizzahut that just means the person hosted the download on his freewebs.. and then got downloaded to much past the download limit.

They should have hosted it on,

Perfectly free host, 300gigs bandwidth(Reached only once), 100% free the community and mods are great. PHP and Mysql. 100megs space. As long as you have content on your site and it gets 1 person a week they don't mind it ecspecially smaller sites(Mine) n no ads.

It must have some sort of content though.
Hello I ask that you please remove the download link for TimCoop as it uses a decompiled derivative of my map without my permission. The author has no intentions of removing it demanding I make him one to replace it or it stays.

Killing2Live said:
^ If you dont wanna fill you hard drive with junk then dont bother even downloading most of those on the list atm, because thats all they are, are junk.

I was starting to score the mods that are out myself

Garry's Mod v7a

This is a great mod for hl2, cs:s and hl:S i have had many fun times playing this mod
you basiclly get to play around with the pysics system and the ragdolls and pose loads of stuff :P
alot of people have started making comics beacuse of this mod simply go to to see some awesome comics
this mode can be found at


Half-Life 2 Capture The Flag

This mod is awesome its for hl2dm and I'm sure you can work-out what it is already its simply a
Capture The Flag mod for Half-Life 2 : Deathmatch its really up pased and fast beacuse of the speed increase
more powerful weapons and since I'm a beta tester, there are going to be powerups not going to say what and also
a new feature to the grav gun but you will all find out soon :D can download at


Strider Mod

This is a great mod by TheQuartz you can find Striders, Combine Helicopters and APCS to drive around in a kill
adds a whole new meaning to deathmatch i also beta tested this and i know there is still Combine Dropship Atlion Guard and many more
drivable things to come yet can be found at;39293


Source Racer

Well you all can probley guess what this mod is yes its a racing mod for HL2 its a great mp mod
I fisrt ended up playing this mod while in Garry's Mod :P was racing in boats so you want a good old race download this mod
also has some kewl power-ups can be found at


The Hidden

This mod is just a alpha really and I found it great fun when first playing it there are a bunch of mariens vs a invible like guy
who has only a knife it might sound easy but belive me its not so go and stop by at and give
this mod a try :D


Weapon Factory 2

This is hl2dm mod its kinda like Team Fortress but not as good but its only on alpha 4a I can't rate this well I did not play it for to long
but if you love having diffrent class types and team games with grapples and jetpacks this is the mod for you :D drop by there forums for a alpha


The Bitter End

This is a player vs zombies mod for hl2 its great fun with your mates with all the zombies coming at you :D
only beta 1 and i enjoyed it alot but then again I love pvz :D can be found over at


Source Forts

This mod is great I would recommend it if you love DM and Building :D I loved it wish you could rotate with the grav gun though its a great idea also
can't wait for more updates :D can be found at

RomeoJGuy said:
Hello I ask that you please remove the download link for TimCoop as it uses a decompiled derivative of my map without my permission. The author has no intentions of removing it demanding I make him one to replace it or it stays.


I would but I can't edit my first post anymore sorry
Gun-Nut said:
RomeoJGuy said:
Hello I ask that you please remove the download link for TimCoop as it uses a decompiled derivative of my map without my permission. The author has no intentions of removing it demanding I make him one to replace it or it stays.

I would but I can't edit my first post anymore sorry
You could ask a mod to remove that link due to copyright issues.
Make sure that once you edit, you also filter them in alphabetical order.

NOTE: Mods with "The" and other prefixes get them as Modname, The

(Like Cats Cry, The)