Mod: Nuclear Dreams


Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Nuclear Dreams

(This is a rewrite of what was originally here...Hope its easier to understand)

Nuclear Dreams

Seven days, life was created on earth. From then we have strived and made our way into the world. We make civilization, society, and all those other things humanity formed. It was the dawn of the 21st century, after 2000 years in the AD, we were thriving. Humanity at its best.

Seven hours, life was almost completely wiped out. The bombs dropped, people died, and civilization was eradicated. In its place formed a cold world for 20 years. This iceage hardened the few human survivors left. Now 73 years later, humanity is at its peak after the deathday. What will you do?

  • Massive Single Player Mod
  • Large map system, equivalent of a few states in size.
  • Dynamic AI systems used for NPC's located through out the game.
  • An original story system comprised of "seeds" that entice the player to do missions/goals or just plain story pieces.
  • Vehicles, namely military ones.
  • An active economy throughout the game world.
  • NPC's will interact with each other doing trade of just conversing.
  • Dynamic speach system used with the npc's to make large ammounts of possible dialog.
  • Large amounts of weapons spanning multiple time periods.
  • Freeform game play thats openended and focused on having fun.
  • Multiple endings with alot of suprises.
  • Possible multiplayer mode much like a massively multiplayer rpg, but of course not as many people.
  • Almost every object will be interactive, be it a rock you can throw or a table you can flip over.
  • Many more features not listed here :p

Team Opportunities
  • 1-2 Programmers Depending on Skill
  • 3-4 Texture or Skinners
  • 2-3 Mappers with experience mapping on a game engine
  • 1-2 Modelers with experience with 3dsmax or xsi, preferably xsi
  • 1-2 Audio specialists, with equipment available to make the necessary sounds.
  • If you think you have something to offer dont hesitate to contact me as well.
Mod Team Contact Email: [email protected]

All positions listed above are wanted, but not necessarily needed, if you join this mod team, you will be treated equaly, and be expected to have fun! We strive for a fun time making it, but also organization and drive to get it done.

The main goal of this mod team, is to finish the mod. If we do anything it will be to finish it.

I thank everyone for their time you can contact me at [email protected]

Thanks to everyone who has read this, questions and comments would be appreciated.
/me gives support. :) From one mod team to another, Grey City mod wishes you all the best, we hope your mod achieves it's goal, and personally can't wait to play it! Good luck guys. :)
Originally posted by guinny
/me gives support. :) From one mod team to another, Grey City mod wishes you all the best, we hope your mod achieves it's goal, and personally can't wait to play it! Good luck guys. :)

Why thank you, I appreciate the support, and I hope your guys mod makes it well, and I visited your site, it sounds like an interesting game, and I definitely will play it when it comes out.

I need to rewrite the post above, its kinda scattered due to writing half of it late at night and the other half 10 hours later :p

Thanx again guys I appreciate it.
I know the feeling. Don't you also hate when people not making mods come and bash our mods? Yet, they can't do one's quite humerous. You should look at help request thread we made, it's sad really. I figured the community would support us mods trying to make fun games. I guess that's the way the world turns. :)
Yeah, thats why you just make it, and try to have fun making it. Im sure then it comes out they will enjoy it. Sad that they would bash your mod, yours seems to push the normal boundries of mods and I quite like what its about. So all those nay sayers, go sit at home and play HL1.
Amen.:) Who knows, alot of your features are similar to ours, if anytime in the future you'd like to unite with us, your more than welcome. ;)
Originally posted by guinny
Amen.:) Who knows, alot of your features are similar to ours, if anytime in the future you'd like to unite with us, your more than welcome. ;)

Ill be sure to contact you guys if I want to join a mod with mine :p

I doubt I ever will, but yeah. Sounds like fun stuff around here, hope i get some flamers!
Hah, guinny. If you dont like us to point out bad/unclear thing then just say it. I think its better when bad/unclear things come out before you really start to work on the mod.

chapel Can you give some more details on the gameplay? Sounds to me its a singleplayer RPG, is that correct? Anyway, i like it :)
Yeah baby. Everyone check out the redone post. Much better now!
I wanted to add, if anyone had any questions or comments, I would greatly appreciate it :p

If you are someone with skills and looking for a team, dont hesitate to email me, ask me questions, whatever you wish.

If you just want to flame me, go for it!

This is a regular test of the smaptastic system. Enjoy!
Before the Bombs

Life on earth was normal as ever. The 21st century started out with a mass of terrorism and much strife. Somehow people found comfort and forgot their troubles. Time would only show their forgetfullness.
Technology was on a rise, as was mans dependency on it. More and more people used it to an increasing amount. What people didnt know, is their governments, were developing advanced nuclear weapons. The leaders had been warned by viable sources as to coming events, and it put a chill down their spines. By 2008 the USofA and Russia went into another cold war, this time more fearfull than ever.

August 20th, 2011 - 05:32PM - Oval Office - Washington, DC

President Roth is on the phone speaking to his wife who is on a campaign against AID's. They are speaking about what she did that day, with much longing in their tone.
The secretary of defense speeds into the office, he has a very worried and urgent look on his face. He starts to speak, but the president shooshes him. The secretary of defense speaks again, this time a little louder "SIR, SURVELANCE SAYS RUSSIA IS LAUNCHING!"
The president stares not saying anything, then tells his wife he has to go. "They are what?" he says to his the secretary of defense.
"In 10 minutes the full arsenal will be heading our way, that includes nukes."
"We have to do something, prepare for launch, we are going to defend ourselves!"

August 21st, 2011 - 01:32AM - Prime Ministers Room - Moscow, Russia

The prime ministers assistant runs into the room and proceeds to wake up Prime Minister Premek. The minister hazily looks apon the assistant then asks why we was woken.
The assistant wispers into Premeks ear so not to wake up his wife.
"Sir, the americans have launched," said the assistant.
Premek, having feared this, burst out of his bed and ran to his office, the assitant in tow.
The Prime Ministers office is quite elegant, with pre-communist artwork and decor from the late 1800's. Premek sat down in his chair and connected to the nuclear defense post on the outskirts of siberia.
"We are under attack, target all major cities!" exclaimed the Prime Minister.
He let out a sigh, and sat back in his chair.

Death From Above

Seems like everyone has a nuke when they are threatened. Every little terrorist group, country, person had a nuke and intended on using it. The USofA and Russia sparked more than WW3, but the end of what we all knew as life on earth.

People died, lots of people died, but some lived, through different circumstances and means, but humanity in itself didnt end. We are strong, we survive, ironic it was our own undoing though.

All that was left of the major cities were rubble, dead cities that lost their souls. It wouldnt be 70 more years before people started to craft the ways of civilization, but is history doomed to repeat itself?
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Hah, guinny. If you dont like us to point out bad/unclear thing then just say it. I think its better when bad/unclear things come out before you really start to work on the mod.

chapel Can you give some more details on the gameplay? Sounds to me its a singleplayer RPG, is that correct? Anyway, i like it :)

Not at all, I just think you bash mods you don't like, and the ones you do you smile and act like there's not a cloud in the sky. I wish for you to respect everyones mod, wheter it be a counter-strike clone, or a mmorpg, it's a mod, no matter what, someone dedicated their time and energy into making a game fun for others - for free, respect it. The first thing out of your mouth about Grey City was "GTA CLONE OMG THERES GONNA BE SO MANY OF THEM" And I was insulted. Be a little more respectful towards other mods.:cheers:
Originally posted by guinny
Not at all, I just think you bash mods you don't like, and the ones you do you smile and act like there's not a cloud in the sky. I wish for you to respect everyones mod, wheter it be a counter-strike clone, or a mmorpg, it's a mod, no matter what, someone dedicated their time and energy into making a game fun for others - for free, respect it. The first thing out of your mouth about Grey City was "GTA CLONE OMG THERES GONNA BE SO MANY OF THEM" And I was insulted. Be a little more respectful towards other mods.:cheers:

I agree that all mods should be appreciated, and respected. Constructive criticism is fine and dandy, but alot of time and work will/was put into these mods, and to bash them really puts down the people that put their time into it.

We should all respect each other because we are a bortherhood of modders lets all have fun now!!!
Originally posted by guinny
Not at all, I just think you bash mods you don't like, and the ones you do you smile and act like there's not a cloud in the sky. I wish for you to respect everyones mod, wheter it be a counter-strike clone, or a mmorpg, it's a mod, no matter what, someone dedicated their time and energy into making a game fun for others - for free, respect it. The first thing out of your mouth about Grey City was "GTA CLONE OMG THERES GONNA BE SO MANY OF THEM" And I was insulted. Be a little more respectful towards other mods.:cheers:

I asked 2 questions about the mod. Why didnt the modleader have the time to post and did the mod leader know how long time it whould take to do a mod like that.

Yes, i did say it was like GTA/Mafia or Entropy but did I say if it was a bad thing? No.

I think you should be alittle more respectful. You cant post the same "We want crewmembers!" in ALL forums, its called spam and we dont like it.

I can say whatever i want about mods, asking questions and so on, if you dont like to get questions, maybe you should not make a mod...because you will get alot of them later on!
Hey guys, can you keep the banter to a minimum. This is my mod thread, not a flame thread :p

I don't want to interrupt your little bashing..

but I have to say that this mod sounds cool. One question. Is it more neo-scifi or a bit like fallout? I don't get that, yet.

And your scenario is scary. Reminds me of a story that the russians had a nuke alert that wasn't one. The officer in charge didn't launch the pay-off-strike. We may be happy for that ^^
Its more neo-scifi/realistic. Fallout is a retro-scifi.

Yes, there is more to that.. but if you read it carefully, you will see what I mean. Timezones are important.

Thanx for the support.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
I asked 2 questions about the mod. Why didnt the modleader have the time to post and did the mod leader know how long time it whould take to do a mod like that.

Yes, i did say it was like GTA/Mafia or Entropy but did I say if it was a bad thing? No.

I think you should be alittle more respectful. You cant post the same "We want crewmembers!" in ALL forums, its called spam and we dont like it.

I can say whatever i want about mods, asking questions and so on, if you dont like to get questions, maybe you should not make a mod...because you will get alot of them later on!

1. Ok
2. Ok
3. It's not spam. There's a map forum, I request mappers, a modeling forum, I request modelers, etc. It's not spam.
4. Questions isn't the issue, it's bashing.
I'm just curious Chapel, what is your role in the MOD? Do you actually do anything?
Originally posted by Claws
I'm just curious Chapel, what is your role in the MOD? Do you actually do anything?

Well, I design, manage, I will be programming, modelling, running the website, Im not the most artistic so those things are hard for me to do, but I try anyways.

Basically sir, if I can do something, I will do it. May I ask why you ask?
Originally posted by Punisher454
Okay, so how would you compare it to the old GammaWorld rpg ?

Well, I hadnt heard about GW till you brought it up. I asked around and found some info on it, GW is more of a fantasy adaptation on the post-apocalyptic theme, sounds interesting, but alot different but not entirely different than ND.

Thing with ND, its dirty, gritty, hell on earth kind of atmosphere that you just dont feel alot. :p Hope that answered your question.
yep! that answered it. Sounds cool, but then almost all post apocalyptic themes sound cool to me.
Originally posted by Punisher454
yep! that answered it. Sounds cool, but then almost all post apocalyptic themes sound cool to me.

Ditto, glad you like it though.
New site will be up soon at so watch out and enjoy.

Right now Im coding the site, and trying to design it with my l337 designer skills. Have to thank our PR guy sismo for getting us the domain name. Hes kick ass!!!

Right now we need a concept artist and a skinner and texture artist. Thanx for reading this.