Modeling To Source.


May 3, 2011
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Hey guys I have posted on other forums about modeling for the Source Engine, but no one can give me any clear advice as to the initial setup and processes required to do that. I have had a decent amount of modeling experience in using XSI and I currently bounce back and forth between version 6.0 and 7.5.

My issue is I have absolutely no idea as to how the file system is setup. I know neither where the mdl files are supposed to stay, and I have never even heard of a smd.

I have the skill just not the knowledge of applying that skill. So in other words, got any tutorials laying around for general Source modeling?
the models must be in the models directory under the game. Something like this: [Steam folder]/username/game/gameshortname/models

The only types for a model file that I see in mods are:
* mdl
* vtx
* phy
* vvd
* jpg (as a example of the model) is a good source for starters