Modelling...f0r r34l n0w.


Jan 21, 2004
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I've wanted to get into the gaming industry since I was like 10, and well I really don't know if I'm going to get anywhere. I've been using computers since I was 5, I have a passion for games, and I've always liked to dabble behind the scenes of games - things like modelling, texturing, animation, programming, and conceptual art. The problem really is that I don't feel like I have any talent, and it usually takes me a lot of motivation to get started on watching those video tutorials, or start on that glock. And, I'm not saying this so I can get a pat on the back, I just want to know... does anyone else that is serious about the gaming industry feel the same way? You know, I may be throwing my life away if I keep to it, or I can give up and maybe in consequence not make that game I've always dreamed of developing. It's a lot like gambling in Vegas I think. So, yeah, I decided to go the artistic way since people always keep telling me I'm good at drawing, and I like to shape things :dozey:. And, one last thing... my parents HATE me using the computer, and tend to mock me saying things like "you are one of those hunched over nerds sitting infront of a monitor all day killing people."... they even blame everything I do wrong on me using a comp. I think this is leading me to anxiety problems.

WELL... anyways, thank god I'm finally getting out of that 14 year old age... I think. You guys have any problems/dilemas like mine? Some of you prolly do, and some of you prolly think I'm asking a stupid question, but I really just need to know I'm not alone if this all ****s up...

BTW I'm better at modelling than all of my friends.. damn n00bs make some 10,000 polygon m4 that looks like a box and call it 1337ness.
yeah i know exactly how u feel. i guess all you can really do is work on it in ur spare time and if you see that its developing into professional quality then persue it.
a little tip wpould be to avoid conventional methods of modeling guns and stuff try to be a bit more creative in ur designs.
mindless_moder said:
yeah i know exactly how u feel. i guess all you can really do is work on it in ur spare time and if you see that its developing into professional quality then persue it.
a little tip wpould be to avoid conventional methods of modeling guns and stuff try to be a bit more creative in ur designs.

I'll try that. I'll try to get pics up ASAP. :p
i know how you feel it takes a lot to make that plunge from mapping to modeling and i assume its more of a giant leap into programming but i dont know.
Wow. I have no new models... I have some old ones and some from tutorials.
heh i understand what ur saying. i was the same way and sometimes still am. in retrospect, i was a lot more eager when i first started out, but i've definitely gained a lot more patience over the past couple years, which i think could be attributed to working on games. there's definitely a lot of money to be made in the game industry obviously... it's just getting ur foot in the door & whoring ur stuff lol. right now i'm working semi-professionally, but i won't be upset if it stays as just a hobby :) being in games is my main hope for the future, but my realistic goal is in a programming career :p. my suggestion, if you give it some more time and still find that you're hard-pressed to start models, but u still like working on games, try other fields like texturing/coding/animating & such :)
The gaming industry is beginning to become the next movie industry... and that's not good for people looking for jobs, because that means you're only going to get a job if you know someone or if you are amazingly good. Or if you have a big dick.
The gaming industry is beginning to become the next movie industry... and that's not good for people looking for jobs, because that means you're only going to get a job if you know someone or if you are amazingly good. Or if you have a big dick.

i dont agree with that atall there are many ways to get into the games industry.
Parents eh? They piss me off too. :(