Mods in which vehicles would work well in


Jun 10, 2004
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Im just wondering, which mods do you think vehicles would work well in. The two mods im looking most forward with is CS and DOD

CS: Terrorists could have a pickup truck with two positions (driver, 50 cal gunner on back)

CT could have a stryker or something

DOD: Axis (Tiger tank)

American( 2 shermans)

British (Crusader2)
If CS had vehicles, it wouldn't be CS...
Map specific vehicles should be okay...
yea assault or something. . .lets face it. . .its not gonna be the same cs anymore
The last time I played CS there was a map that came as a test, Jeepathon_2k or something.

Now that CS is in the hands of VALVe, I'm sure they will add vehicles into Counter-Strike '2', I doubt you will see them in CS:Source though.
didn't cs_siege used to have an APC you could drive in it?
Jeepathon and Jeep_rally_2 were my favorite maps! lol..
i would really welcome vehicles to CS, it would add a lot to the gameplay wich has remained unchanged for too long in my opinion.
The pickup for the T's is good, it would have to be a toyota because those things drive around in those kinds of places. The CT's would need some hummers ofcourse.
Additional vehicles for the T's: bus (troup carrier, troups could aim they're own guns out the window), T-72 Tank, and a flying vehicle (chopper of some sorts)
Additional vehicles for the CT's: M-741 APC (troup carrier with vulcan cannon), M1A1 Abrams Tank, and a chopper.

I think it's really going to rock :p
Tanks would be a little much, this is counter terrorism not war.

But yea apcs should be cool. I dont see why CS Source wouldnt have vehicles in them. It has the capability
a police car in cs!
You could be able to have those annoying sirens go on!
Hmm, make vehicles have tinted windows , that why you really wouldn't know if there was a T or a CT driving in it.
Jeepathon was ownage. Driving that little kart around. That nice bus.
Yea CS is simply CTs v Ts and with bombs and such.. Even tho they could set up a cool scenario where the CTs have to guard a building and the Ts could either run in with the bomb or take a truck, drive it into the garage, set the timer, and run like monkeys with crowbars are behind you... You know like protect the skyscraper.

day of defeat? wow no way on that one....
The APC in siege was the best. I remember when you would drive it into the garage and it would sink into the ground killing the driver. Very funny stuff.

Vehicles would be fun in TFC. Engineers could build, upgrade and repair them.
I think all the mods would work excellent with vehicles.

(don't judge me on this but....) Have you seen some of the mods for Unreal 2004? AMAZING!!! They have a world war 2 mod...a racing mod..yes a racing mod with a dodge viper and a star wars mod. If they can do that with Unreal tournament, just think of what they could do with Half-life 2. Now I'm extremely excited! :bounce: :bounce:
hmm... i disagree. I think all the "legacy" mods are fine w/o vehicles.

if CS had them they would need all new maps...
if DoD had them, it would be bf42.
i disagree, as long as DOD maintained its cramp street-to-street fighting basis it would avoid the label of being a bf42 imitation. DoD is much more about fast infantry/squad based arcade combat. as long as the tanks were more of a novelty than the dominating part of the game, i wouldnt see any reason to discard the idea of having a jeep/apc/panzer/sherman in the streets of caen or something. it'd be a new target for them bazooka classes
I hope someone really does make a GTA-like mod in Source
Sparta said:
I hope someone really does make a GTA-like mod in Source

I think Entropy was heading that route.... but I haven't heard form them in months...
Nozra said:
i disagree, as long as DOD maintained its cramp street-to-street fighting basis it would avoid the label of being a bf42 imitation. DoD is much more about fast infantry/squad based arcade combat. as long as the tanks were more of a novelty than the dominating part of the game, i wouldnt see any reason to discard the idea of having a jeep/apc/panzer/sherman in the streets of caen or something. it'd be a new target for them bazooka classes

Yeah, It would be a blast.
DoD would be great with vehicles. Im not talking like the amount in bf1942. One tank per side. Make it like an objective to destroy the tank for each opposing side.

I wont be supprised if we start seeing vehicles in that mod.

CS is a little iffy but it would rule. More vehicles=more weapons
Tab said:
DOD: Axis (Tiger tank)

American( 2 shermans)

British (Crusader2)

while a wwII mod with vehicles would be cool i think they should leave them out of dod. you would need wide open maps to make vehicles worth using but dod should stay the small, close quarters, fast paced action that's made it so great in the first place. it's pretty amazing some of the stuff they could do with the source engine in a game like dod, but deviating too far from a tried and true formula would create a ton of pissed off fans.
cs2 would own with vehicles it would be fun cts driving with humvees....terrorists with their ugly busses and stuff like that =) yeah that would own...
I love DoD as it is now, but I am all in favour of changing the gameplay if they can make a more real simulation of WWII in the source engine. Obviously I want it to stay as fun, but I wouldn't mind fun in a different way. I really can't wait for DoD on source, for some reason out of every single mod, that is the mod I just drool over when I imagine it on source.

I guess it's because WW2 has a large scope, and so being able to more fully realise it with Source will be amazing.
c0ltM4a1 said:
cs2 would own with vehicles it would be fun cts driving with humvees....terrorists with their ugly busses and stuff like that =) yeah that would own...

Yea I like the sound of that! :D
man, i have an awesome idea for a mod...
has anybody here played an old game called "Rocket Jockey" ?
You're joking right?

If not I lol at the name of that game!
something like Tribes would be fun, or maybe just some funky mods, vehicles are so much fun to play with they really add a dimension, you get these hard super killing machines but then they are a huge target for everyone, then you can have diversions or just big ramraids, go vehicles!
I've always wanted to play NS with a jeep...but that would make it too much like Halo....:|
but it's such a good idea! cept the aliens would have to have something as could be cool.
Vehicles ruin games imo, infantry action becomes scarce because you need a vehicle to get across the huge maps that are necessary for vehicles..
They could all ride an Onos, if they Onos could run a little faster.
making a player a vehicle...interesting....could make mechs then, with turrets that small team mates could use.

When i was little i played a game called Warhammer and it had a small version of itself and they had big robots you could use that carried smaller troops...something like that would be awesome.
riTuaL said:
Vehicles ruin games imo, infantry action becomes scarce because you need a vehicle to get across the huge maps that are necessary for vehicles..


if they did vehicles they would have to do it right. then dod would become too much like battlefield because of huge maps and whatnot.

and if they kept the maps small or limited the vehicles to one or two then the vehicles would become just an unnecessary addition that would only create problems with the gaming community anyways.

enough people bitch about things in dod (like the mortars in dod_forest for example) as it is. i can only imagine the uproar that would be caused by putting in a tank or two.
While you'retalking about vehicles, i would love to see some kind of dropships or troop transports, i always enjoyed the feeling of bringing your teammates into battle =)
Tribes2 was great at that IMO, on some maps there were huuge bases below the ground and it was great fun loading an APC full of heavies and to drop them at one of the back entrances, after you've passed enemy sensors by flying goddamn low above ground level, then fighting all the way down to their flag/generators and returning to the surface with an APC wating for you :) ... it was dammn hard to pull off though, but rewarding, especially w/ shrike (interceptor) cover...

in regards to TFC:s, CS:s and DoD:s i dont mind if they leave vehicles out of the game, i really enjoy them as they are now, maybe their sequeals (sp?) should make use of them. TFC is defenetly too fast paced for Vehicular combat and maps dont fit for that, IMO.
Finally i think, that it would be best to incorporate vehicles into new mods, which are specially designed with them in mind, and not to mount 'em onto existing game mechanics, that could very well brake a game.
I don't really think that cars or tanks would fit into any of the current HL mods, since they all seem to be designed to be played without them. If you would go and add tanks or other vehicles to them, they wouldn't be the same.
riTuaL said:
Vehicles ruin games imo, infantry action becomes scarce because you need a vehicle to get across the huge maps that are necessary for vehicles..

I agree, i really don't like vehicles in games...exept in BF were they are used for both transporting purposes and for killing.
Well you don't want to be hoping for a half-assed inclusion of vehicles, we're talking about next generation games with an excellent engine at their disposal. Just because l(lets face it) no game has incorporated real combat and driving very well in the past (although I like UT2004 vehicle system) doesn't mean that people won't be able to push the boundary and make excellent games that you could hardly dream of playing without vehicles.

Actually I guess that vehicles will be very much in need in HL2 considering the size of the maps and the scope of the entire game. Valve said it takes place not only in city 17 but in surrounding areas and cities.
Crusader said:
Rupert, if you mentioned warhammer. Try :D

Hey man thanks a lot, plus you are right with the integration of vehicles into games, just because it hasn't been done right doesn't mean it can't be done.

I think a limited space map could have some really great vehicle addition, maybe a tall building being attacked by heicopters, something like that could be fun, you just need to get the balance right between close packed action and vehicle fun.