MOH Beta

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It's up on Steam, I'm psyched to play this again -- I enjoyed the initial beta quite a bit and DICE is usually good at listening to fan feedback. I'm not much of a critic when it comes to this kid of shooter though, I'm easily pleased by big guns, 'splosions and shyt to shewt.

I also appreciate the flying numbers that say how awesome I am that all shooters are ripping from CoD.
Finally played some rounds without disconnecting. Shit sucks. 90% of the time it will diverge into one of two scenarios (mostly depending on the map):

- Run around for a few seconds, maybe get a couple incidental kills, get killed by grenade/killstreak/sniper you didn't even see.

- Sit behind a rock for a few seconds, maybe get a couple incidental kills, get killed by grenade/killstreak/sniper you didn't even see.

If there's one thing that pisses me off about this game it's the lack of a ****ing killcam, or even a camera zoom to your killer ala Bad Company 2. There is zero feedback on who just killed you besides a giant-ass window showing you exactly which weapon they used and what attachments were on it, and their name (obviously), like these are even remotely helpful. This wouldn't be such an issue if not for the game's other massive problem - you can't see SHIT. Half of the "skill" in this game is in being able to distinguish murky figures on equally murky terrain. It's ****ing ridiculous, and that's not even going into telling the teams apart at a glimpse (why have red vs. blue when you could have grey vs. brown!!). Even on the domination map, which is absolutely tiny, I would get killed by someone I hadn't seen, only to respawn, go back out, and be killed by the same guy again without seeing him. Why couldn't I just take the other route, you may well ask? Because it was pinned down by a sniper in an improbably hard to spot yet incredibly advantageous position! Why not just snipe him back? Well, because the game uses that ****ing "breathe in" thing where your aim is all wonky unless you hold shift. Only... whoops! Shift also makes you sprint, even when you're aiming, meaning that if you want to steady your aim you also have to stay perfectly still. Which means that, in the event of a snipe-off, it's almost impossible to move into position without getting your head blown off first! ^_^

But hey, you're probably thinking "well that's just meant to be realistic, it's hard to spot enemies in real life too!" Welp, that would be where the realism ends. The guns are crazy accurate and have extremely forgiving recoil even when standing (did I mention there's no prone?), to the point where it's practically impossible to tell the difference between the assault rifles and SMGs (well, actually they're just smaller assault rifles... why are these two separate classes again?). It'd be foolish to judge the game's arsenal based on a handful of guns, but these basically all handle the same, which seems kind of poor for a Modern Warfare wannabe which prides itself on having an array of weapons built onto yet another ****ing leveling system. Oh, and the RPGs fire in a perfectly straight line. Seriously, what?

One awesome 'feature' they've imported from Bad Company 2, though - spawn camping! Whoops, looks like you got pushed back to your base again because the game couldn't balance the teams properly even though it assigns everyone a numerical value according to skill! Time to bend over for a few minutes while they farm up kills instead of capturing the ****ing objective, lol!

Christ. All this and I actually liked MW2.
God damnit. Every time I think "Hey, that game I blew off due to initial reports of shittiness, maybe I should give it another chance" someone comes barreling in with a teardown of everything that's wrong with it and makes me want to cancel the download.
I'm going to try it out for myself, atleast.
just played it:

the sector control map was ok i guess i cant say much more i only tried the last 5 minutes of it because i was getting so pissed off at the….

mission control map. Jesus ****ing h christ! This map is full of camping little b******s who can snipe from afar with their aks and i cant see anything because they all basically blend in with the ****ing rocks! >: (

i am not going to be as eloquent as Bad^Hat but i entirely agree with him especially the part i mentioned where i cant see SHIT!!!

no ihave not played enough to give an intricate analysis but yes i am infact too pissed off to play it anymore. The simple thing is did i enjoy it? Noooo!!!

****ING HELL!! I seriously would rather play MW2 or black ops right now!! :flame:

*waits impatiently for AC brotherhood beta to download instead*
Despite the nerd rage I suggest you give it a shot yourselves. It's a nice little gritty diversion from the bubbly world of CoD. It feels weightier because of the Frostbite engine and they've made it into a great infantry game.

I enjoy it quite a bit, but I tend towards shooters that persistently get shot down here. I know they're not super intelligent or perfectly balanced but I play for the chaos, tightly packed maps and ridiculous spam. Nothing wakes me up in the morning like the sound of shrapnel and screechy pre-teen mic spammers discussing politics.
This game is ****ing retarded for all the reasons Bad^Hat listed. Here are the only good things about this game:

- graphical performance
- the "feel" of the weapons and character movement
- infantry voice clips
- the flashy menus (though not the actual use of the menus)

Everything else is just terribly designed and frustrating to use. I had to force myself to play long enough to make sure I wasn't making a snap judgement.

[edit] This game is basically MW2 on fy_iceworld with only the ACR-130, and the only killstreak is a missile strike.

Because of this game, I already don't want to buy DICE's next.
What Bad Hat, AHA, and Stig said is pretty much true.

It does get really frustrating at times, and the only way to get any kills in it is to camp. And I can't believe there is hardly any recoil on the guns, and the only way to see people is if they move.

I hate the feel of the movement, feels like I'm floating whilst being stuck to the ground, prefer BC2's movement.

Think I'll be skipping this game.

I hope DICE don't screw up BF3 for the PC!
Sooo...the multiplayer is garbage, I wonder if the singleplayer will be any good as from my understanding the multi was developed by DICE and EALA was developing the singleplayer.
If it's anything like the closed beta, don't bother downloading it. Just a waste of bandwidth.
This game really sucks. I don't wanna sound like a bandwagon basher but it really is terrible. :laugh:
I want to play it for the single player. ;(
I should have heeded my own words. God, what horrible game this is. I couldn't handle more than 15 minutes of that snow map. Shoddy, bland and claustrophobic map design, cookie cutter gunplay and no balance whatsoever. That map is one big giant cluster**** of spawn camping. The Taliban blends into the environment while the army stands out like a ****ing light bulb. I'd rather wipe my ass with the $60.
I feel sorry for my brother who pre-ordered it a loooong time ago. At least he gets into the BF3 beta xD

I tried to play it again and it was just as bad. That small (tiny) desert fortress map is horrible. No matter where you run some guy is camping, and I hate how the spawns rotate.
This is one of the best sub-par shooters I've ever played. I'll be pre-buying soon... can't wait to smoke a spliff and toss on some tunes and reflect on the finer, more simplistic moments in life while unconsciously popping off heads that stick up through the rocks with my M4A1.

Art my ass. Gimmie my video game toy to have hour of sanity between classes and meetings. Takes damn near five minutes to even spot anyone in BFBC2, fun as it is sometimes.
Despite the nerd rage I suggest you give it a shot yourselves. It's a nice little gritty diversion from the bubbly world of CoD. It feels weightier because of the Frostbite engine and they've made it into a great infantry game.

I enjoy it quite a bit, but I tend towards shooters that persistently get shot down here. I know they're not super intelligent or perfectly balanced but I play for the chaos, tightly packed maps and ridiculous spam. Nothing wakes me up in the morning like the sound of shrapnel and screechy pre-teen mic spammers discussing politics.
I actually agree with you, as in the case of Modern Warfare 2 (which had it's share of problems, no doubt), but this doesn't scratch that itch for me. To be clear, I wrote that post at like 6 in the morning after coming off an ill-advised all niter, so maybe it's a bit too... vitriolic. Anyway, while I stand by those complaints that's not to say the game is completely awful. I actually really wanted to like it because, like you say, it does have a nice weighty feel to it, and I'm one of those horrible people who still enjoy gritty infantry shoot-man games, but I really can't see past the horrible balance and game design issues in this one.

Take the killstreaks as a solitary example - this was one of the worst things about Modern Warfare 2. Call of Duty 4 had the helicopter, which was kind of annoying, but MW2 just took it to the extreme, to the point where some streaks were overpowered and downright unavoidable. They differ in one key way, though: you could ****ing hear them coming, at least. MoH gives you literally a moments notice before a mortar/rocket strike rains down on your head, possibly ruining your killstreak in the process. I will give them credit for the defensive powers though, as those are pretty cool and actually encourage teamwork, but the noisy, cluttered sound design DICE are so good at really doesn't mesh well with actually being able to pinpoint and avoid these things.

Anyway, I'll probably play it a bit more since I did kind of enjoy the rounds I did well in, but I doubt it'll change my mind. Single player looks like a dumb rental from the videos I've seen.
absolute shite
played the closed and open beta for a combined 30 mins and then uninstalled
I'd rather play BC2
absolute shite
played the closed and open beta for a combined 30 mins and then uninstalled
I'd rather play BC2

I've downloaded this to try but from what people are saying and how much cash they're pumping in to selling this thing... I feel like it will be a bust. It will be a bust that sells a lot though... because that's what advertising does.

I just wish every time I think about it that they would FIX the BUGS in BFBC2. It's like they're 100% aware of them but just refuse to do anything about them. Why focus on fixing broken things that don't generate cash when you can move your programmers to new products that make money.

I doubt I'll buy this game even if I like it though. I'm kind of over the modern shooter genre. I figure it has another five years of total raping before they move to something else. Random guess - future shooter - even though Halo's pretty much rammed it 30 miles into the earth's crust.

I think we all need a new type of shooter. Maybe another MMO shooter like Planetside. That was a fantastic idea with a fairly weak implementation. Who knows what's out there though...
better then the closed one....

If anything i prefer it =/

it was bland but it never pissed me off despite its bugginess. There this game at best is a bland BC2/MW2 hybrid and at worst completely infuriating due to the imbalances and the inability to ****ing see!
I think we all need a new type of shooter. Maybe another MMO shooter like Planetside. That was a fantastic idea with a fairly weak implementation. Who knows what's out there though...

This! Innovation in the online shooter genre is sorely needed. Going massive multiplayer would be so great.
Is it just me or is the snow level insanely bright?
It's not just you. Apparently DICE took a page out of Bethesda's book when they designed the bloom for their engine.
They've been doing that since Frostbite came out. That's why I called it Battlefield: Bloom Company 2
DICE should have focused on fixing their current game instead of wasting time on this turd. Maybe if they bothered to release an actual new map or two, people wouldn't be so pissed off with them.
Played it. It's not terrible but definitely not a must buy. Guns are way too accurate over distance. For a game that seemed to dead set on realism from what the advertisements say, it feels even more arcadey than Modern Warfare. I does run nicely though and a lot better than BFBC2 and looks better too. I know BC2 has to deal with all the destructible stuff but... it just makes me sad how hard it is to even get a playable framerate. Of course, I'm not going to buy a game for framerates or bloom-plagues graphics. I think I'm going to skip shooters for a while and play what I have until something great comes out or one of these games gets dirt cheap... which will be in like two years or something.
Spent 20 minutes earlier, stuck in a hacked game where everybody on the American team would spawn on a single point in front of 3 or 4 opfor machine gunners...never got to choose a spawn, just immediately popped back up in a flash, like being revived....

Fail EA.
I hate that they're still insisting on this EA account bulllshit. It's always ****shit full of problems and they slap it on all DICE games and add a little bit of unfun to everything they publish.
I think we all need a new type of shooter. Maybe another MMO shooter like Planetside. That was a fantastic idea with a fairly weak implementation. Who knows what's out there though...

Didn't they announce last year that they are working on a sequel? They even registered this domain a while ago. If you ask me, Planetside was ahead of its time.
It's only flaws were the stability problems and the fact that not many people had a system that could handle the game when it came out. I've tried the game on numerous occasions but i just got too frustrated with the poor performance. By the time that i was able to afford a system that could handle the game, the population had already dwindled and the servers were ridden with cheaters. I don't blame the devs though. SOE is known to abandon their support for their games when they don't meet their quota. I wouldn't mind seeing Valve do a shooter on a larger scale. They certainly have the talent and enough capital to pull it off.
planetside concept is amazing but actually playing it is pretty dumb. you're very SOL unless you have some gear to compete.
For a big budget triple A shooter the reviews are pretty much damning. It gets a 6/10 from IGN and a 3/5 from Giant Bomb. Eurogamer seems to like it a lot better and gives it a whopping (for EG standards at least) 8/10. RPS doesn't score its reviews but the closing comment sums it up quite succinctly:

It feels like one of those theme park rides where you gently trundle past various dioramas. “Ooh, look kids, here’s one of the helicopters they use for fighting wars. No! Don’t touch it!”
admittedly EG's review reads like a 7

PS: gt gave it an 8.1 but it sounds like a flat 7 at best from the review. He spends the whole vid bashing the game and then turns on it in the last minute. That sort of thing is why i don't trust game reviewers >_>
admittedly EG's review reads like a 7

PS: gt gave it an 8.1 but it sounds like a flat 7 at bestfrom the review. He spends the whole vid bashing the game and then turns on it in the last minute. That sort of thing is why i don't trust game reviewers >_>

The EG review does read a lot lower than the score underneath. Checking out the GT review now. Game looks nice though, I have to admit that.
Read EG's review and watched GT's. 4-5 hour campaign? Pfft.

Looks and sounds really uninspired tbh.

Prolly be in the bargain bin after Xmas.
Read EG's review and watched GT's. 4-5 hour campaign? Pfft.

Looks and sounds really uninspired tbh.

Prolly be in the bargain bin after Xmas.

Are you kidding? EA games never go to the bargain bin in any reasonable amount of time no matter how terrible they are. It's like some conspiracy. It takes like three times as long as it would your average PC game. I figure this would be one of the faster EA games - though I mean Spore is still $30.

I figure it will be a half price Steam item in the Christmas Sale though so that's good. That's coming up pretty soon and it's gonna bankrupt me.
I figure it will be a half price Steam item in the Christmas Sale though so that's good. That's coming up pretty soon and it's gonna bankrupt me.

Thanks for the heads-up. Man, my bank account is not looking forward to that. I am though. :D
Are you kidding? EA games never go to the bargain bin in any reasonable amount of time no matter how terrible they are. It's like some conspiracy. It takes like three times as long as it would your average PC game. I figure this would be one of the faster EA games - though I mean Spore is still $30.

I figure it will be a half price Steam item in the Christmas Sale though so that's good. That's coming up pretty soon and it's gonna bankrupt me.

Are you kidding i was PISSED to see mirror's edge at half price 2 ****ing weeks after it came out! :flame:

most disappointing game ever >_>