MOH Beta

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Really enjoyed the single player. It's actually quite a good attempt at a modern day shooter that is helped along by the fact that they haven't tried to make it a game that is completely over the top like MW2. I especially liked the last "Day"s worth of missions. It is a bit short though, then again, so are most FPS's these days.
Don't tempt me. I waiting for a SP demo. How does it run on PC btw?
I'm really enjoying this game right now. i may try the multiplayer tonight and give it a run for its money but i'm not hoping for much
hmm, may get it i can get it for buttons if i trade in halo reach (which i am done with) and of course there is the added bonus of BF3 beta :)
BestBuy gives you $40 for reach don't know about GameStop
i live in the uk but gamestation will give me £28 for reach and £5 off with another trade in (plus its value) AND i get 10% off as a student discount aswell. So i'll trade in reach and something else and get this for nothing :D
man I always thought you lived in New Jersey,I'm devastated now.
Wow, this is by far the most mediocre game I have played all year. It isn't bad, but it isn't very good either. Lots of little bugs like collision problems, team mates getting in the way, NPCs being caught in the scenery, stuff like that. It is also linear to an extreme. The game is very strict in telling you where you can go and when you can go there. Want to kick in that door? Not before a friendly NPC has said something. Make a flanking maneuver? You can't because there is an invisible wall. The non-interactive cut scenes are very stupid as well. It is like time traveling back to 1998. At one point I was following a friendly NPC. He kicked in a door, the game went into cut scene mode, and after the 10 second animation had played, I could resume again. And this wasn't some super-duper action scene but simply the friendly NPC killing a talib. There are some good elements. The sound is awesome, the gunplay feels satisfying and the pacing is good, although somewhat mechanical. But other than that: mediocrity at its most mediocre.
I regret spending $28 on this horrible excuse of a game.
But other than that: mediocrity at its most mediocre.

As far as I'm concerned both the Medal of Honor and the Call of Duty series died a long time ago.

This just further emphasizes it.
The multiplayer is more enjoyable than I would have thought. Sure, it is BC2-lite but I played for about an hour and had a good time. Especially the rush mode was fun.
Finished the campaign in a little over four hours. Four hours. That used to be short for an expansion pack. Really, really underwhelmed by this. The campaign was okay, but like I posted before it is quite buggy. It also never really seems to reach a climax. I thought I still had at least two or three missions to go after the last. Thank god the multiplayer redeems it a little.
I like how in the campaign the beardy guy in the sneaking missions is always like "you take one, I'll take the other" then I shoot one, and beardy is facing the wrong direction, doesnt even raise his gun, but magically the other guy dies. Either that beardy guy is just a puppet controlled by God (who is sniping those guys from the clouds) or this game is bullshit.
Yeah, there are lots of stupid little things like that. The magically warping team mates annoyed me most. "Hurry up Rabbit!" But ... how ... what? I was far ahead of you guys all the time and now you are suddenly in front?!
game sux balls. I too, thought it was not going to finish so soon, and boom, credits are rolling and so are my eyes..

i havent played mp though

/head explodes
Wow, this is by far the most mediocre game I have played all year. It isn't bad, but it isn't very good either. Lots of little bugs like collision problems, team mates getting in the way, NPCs being caught in the scenery, stuff like that. It is also linear to an extreme. The game is very strict in telling you where you can go and when you can go there. Want to kick in that door? Not before a friendly NPC has said something. Make a flanking maneuver? You can't because there is an invisible wall. The non-interactive cut scenes are very stupid as well. It is like time traveling back to 1998. At one point I was following a friendly NPC. He kicked in a door, the game went into cut scene mode, and after the 10 second animation had played, I could resume again. And this wasn't some super-duper action scene but simply the friendly NPC killing a talib. There are some good elements. The sound is awesome, the gunplay feels satisfying and the pacing is good, although somewhat mechanical. But other than that: mediocrity at its most mediocre.

That sounds, unsurprisingly, like a MoH game, as well as a CoD game. And I mean the series' from the beginning, not like "oh it was good, but it went to shit". I mean from games number 1 of both series.
That sounds, unsurprisingly, like a MoH game, as well as a CoD game. And I mean the series' from the beginning, not like "oh it was good, but it went to shit". I mean from games number 1 of both series.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and the first Call of Duty were executed better than Medal of Honor: Modern Warfare. I can enjoy games like this for what they are: mindless entertainment in the vein of Hollywood blockbusters. I can still vividly remember the first time I landed on Omaha Beach in MoH or the first time crossing the Volga in CoD. Moments like that make a game. The spectacle distracts you from the fact that you are simply playing another run-of-the-mill shooter. The new MoH doesn't have one real exciting moment. The assault with the Chinooks that was shown in the answering machine trailer, could have been a real high point of the game. But since that was simply a movie it wasn't engaging at all. And that is just one example. There wasn't one moment that stood out, and that made the bugs and stupid design decisions even more obvious.