MoH Pacific assault hands on movie/article

doh!!! I never did believe in that saying: "dont shoot the messenger"

*stern points mp40 at Murray_H* ;)

anyways, the article is new :)
Whatever happened to the demo of this game that was supposed to come out?
This is ridcolous (sp?). They release a walk-through before the demo?
no I think they had an advanced demo for people in the gaming industry

edit: the demo was put on hold for re-tooling
Wow I never thought I would buy another MOH game after allied assault...but this game looks really good and the gameplay looks stuning, I just wish that they would have made there next gen game based on the european theatre and not the pacific.
New MoH PA impressions article

some highlights:

"The feature list is impressive: server setup wizard, chat, stat tracking (if server has it enabled), custom filters, favorite server list, and a buddy list to name a few. "

"There are four classes in Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault: Infantry, engineers, corpsman (medics), and ammo techs. Each class has their own special feature, for example, ammo techs carry a good amount of ammo, and can drop extra boxes for either themselves or teammates. Whereas the engineers can blow up defensive roadblocks, like a log pile or barbed wire fencing structure. Each class also carries a "backpack." This backpack does not include the weapons of the player whom dropped it, but rather their abilities. For example, if you pick up a medic's backpack, then you'll take on the ability to heal teammates. "

Verge of Death: "the new "verge of death" mode, which is an awesome addition to the game. Basically, if you are shot and incapacitated, your screen goes black and white and blurs. While you're laying there you hear faint conversations and events play back in your mind (the player's) as you slowly fade from the world. However, you do have one chance at survival, which is the medic. But, if he gets killed on the way over to help you, then it's all over. "