Monolith/Blizzard = Most Consistently Good Game Developers?

The late Looking Glass Studios. Virtually every game they made became a classic.
KCEJ has been very solid with their MGS games but they also released a whole bunch of play station a gameboy games I've never heard of.

/EDIT: and MGS: Snake Eater looks fricken sweet!
Blizzard is the best example there is of *doing it right*

ID software is getting alot of flack in this thread, you know a game devloper has done something right when any time the company is mentioned a flame war is sparked.
Naft said:
Starcraft 2 had better be 2d

Flying monkey-men playing very small tubas will shoot out of my ass before this happens.

I agree with you completely. That would rock so hard my pants would fall off. But it just ain't ever gonna happen.
Nope its not and DONT YOU FORGET THAT EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!